aka (Cerberus)



Naberius is a marquis who commands 19 LEGIONs of DEMONs.

  • He appears as a crowing cock and flutters about the magic circle.
  • In a hoarse voice, he imparts skill in arts and sciences, especially rhetoric.
  • He also restores lost dignities and honors.
  • He is a brave Marquise, appearing in the shape of crowned rooster.
  • He speaks hoarsely, gives talent of art and knowledge of science.
  • He gives rhetorical abilities too.


“Naberius – The most valiant Marquis of Hell, and has nineteen legions of demons under his command.  He makes men cunning in all arts (and sciences, according to most authors), but especially in rhetoric, speaking with a hoarse voice.  He also restores lost dignities and honors, although to Johann Weyer he procures the loss of them.  He is depicted as a crow or a black crane.  Concerning his name, it is unclear if there is an association with the Latin Cerberus. Other spellings: Cerberus, Cerbere, Naberus.”  

– Source: Wikipedia


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Name: Naberius  
Rank: Marquis
Zodiac: Scorpio
Dates: 11/13 – 11/22
Tarot: 7 of Cups
Planet: Moon
Metal: Silver
Element: Air
Color: Purple
Plant: Ash
Incense: Jasmine
Direction: East


Cerberus- otherwise known as Naberius. For divination purposes, Cerberus can teach me the art of living in grace and dignity, and being happy with what I have.

As an occultist, we know that we can always try for whatever we desire, however I do agree that one does have to live within the moment to be able to appreciate what one has.

Tarot Deck: – The Daemon Tarot

To learn more about the Demons, you can refer to these books:

  • The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned by Llewellyn Publications http://amzn.to/2d6mdY5
  • The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by Checkmark Books http://amzn.to/2cPIifS
  • 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth by Weiser Books http://amzn.to/2d6mxWX
  • Grimorium Verum  http://amzn.to/2drsKAL
  • Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon: The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic http://amzn.to/2dp0MTL
  • Skinner, Stephen – The Complete Magicians Tables -The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic) http://amzn.to/2dp0qfH
  • The 6th & 7th Book of Moses http://amzn.to/2dhVIVf
  • 776 1/2: Tables for Practical Ceremonial by College of Thelema http://amzn.to/2dhurO1
  •   Practical Angel Magic of Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Tables: Tabularum Bonorum Angelorum Invocationes (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic) http://amzn.to/2dp1jon
  • The book of ceremonial magic: The secret tradition of Goëtia, including the rites and mysteries of Goëtic theory, sorcery and infernal necromancy, http://amzn.to/2dp0lst