The spells below are easy to follow, and are here for those of you who are new into magic and do not wish to summon spirits or give offerings. Some people say any love spells are “black magic” but of course, we disagree. 

Magic will make your decision for you. Meaning, if it is meant to be, then so be it!

Try any of these spells on a Friday during a waxing or full moon, and repeat as often as possible until you feel confident.


Original Arrow Spell Of Love

Step 1: Carve a heart in a red candle, and “dress it” with love drawing oils.

Step 2: Burn the candle on your altar…make sure the room is only lit by the candlelight.

Step 3: Place an eight of wands card upright near the candle so that it is easily visible.

Step 4: Place a rose quartz beside the card and candle.

Step 5: Once the candle burns down, place the card underneath your pillow so that it can provide romantic insight and inspiration while you dream.

Step 6: During the day, wear the rose quartz in a charm bag, pocket, or tucked into your bra (if you are female) to attract and maintain the love you desire.

Even if you are already “in love”, it is important to keep the flame of love burning


That’s what this spell will do for you… and if you are still in search of YOUR perfect love, this will speed up the process.

Make sure your lover has only eyes for you 

*white carnations

*a vase

*a photo of your partner


Do this ritual on the full moon

Put the vase with the white carnations and the picture on your altar. Keep the glasses in your hand while thinking of your lover.


‘O Siraj, glimmer with light

to reveal the vision of love

and make sure that for him

I’m enough.’

Put the glasses on and visualise a light coming from the glasses to your lover.


Make Someone Dream of You

*pen and paper

*square of fabric, batting



Determine precisely what it is you want that someone to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on a piece of paper in a simple form.

Make a dream pillow using a small square of fabric and a little batting. Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end.

Put the dream pillow on your altar. Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space.

Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow and say the following:

‘Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,

I stand before your sacred shrine.

This person won’t listen or hear

My words tickle at deafened ear.

Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,

Send a dream, awaken the mind.

Through his/her vision he/she lives

The nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely gives.

Holy Mother, Goddess Divine

Send them your enchanted design

Clear out the cobwebs, tear down walls

Carry my message through spirit calls.’


Romance Spell

This spell is for putting the romance back into your relationship.

*2 Half-Coconut Shells

*4 Peach Stones

*2 Whole Nutmegs

*Wild Cherry Bark

*2 Tablespoons Of Powdered Ginseng Root

*2 Tablespoons Of Lemon Thyme

*6 Drops Of Musk Rose Oil

On the night of a new moon, halve all the ingredients and place them into the coconut shells. Using your fingertips, mix the ingredients together in each shell, energize them with romantic energies and repeat:

‘I awaken the love and romance between (your partners name) and me,

So mote it be’

Once you have released the energy, place the coconut shells in your bedroom, ideally near your bed.

The Witch Bottle Love Spell

Items Needed

·         A glass Jar

·         Spring Water

·         Drop of your own blood

·         Strand of your own hair

·         Vanilla Extract

·         Rose Quartz Stone

·         Other items mentioned are optional

Witch Bottles are popular in magick, and, though most often employed for protection, they can be effective talismans for drawing love into your life.

In a clean glass jar, place some or all of the following while visualizing love being drawn to your dwelling: spring water, a drop of your own blood, a strand of your own hair, vanilla extract, and a rose quartz stone.

You may also use any from coriander, cinnamon, hyacinth, licorice, yerba mate, rue, myrtle, jasmine, lavender, lemon, jasmine, mastic, rose, peppermint, thyme, or plum.

Drawings or other love talismans representing your goal of romance can also be included.

On a Friday or during a Full Moon, bury the sealed bottle near an entryway to your home.

It will work for a year and a day.