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How To Perform A Luciferian Marriage Rite

witch Wedding

“A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.” –

                                                                                                    Pearl Buck

Marriage is an equal partnership between two individuals who have decided to be dedicated to honoring and growing together. According to the Luciferian ideology, marriage is a symbolic union between the Daimonic masculine or Samael and the Daimonic feminine or Lilith. It expresses the celebration of life.

The Significance of Moon Phases When Performing Wedding Rituals

One of the most important signs that is considered when picking a date for Luciferian Wedding, is the phase of the moon. A waxing moon is a good time to perform a wedding rite.

When the Moon is in Taurus, the couple is more likely to have a permanent union but this becomes difficult if they eventually decide to separate later on.

For Moon in Cancer, the couples are more likely to reunite after a split. When the Moon is in Libra sign, then it is ideal for any wedding or partnership. The Moon in Pisces gives empathy but is not stable. For the Moon in Aquarius, the couple might likely become lasting friends.

The Moon in Leo is very favorable for romance and adds optimism to any union. The Moon in Sagittarius is more like the Moon in Leo but does not contribute to stability. It is not advisable to perform these rites when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Venus and Mars are the two love planets that should ideally be well placed and on a favorable degree. The wedding rites should not be performed when any planet is conjunct Caput Algol (25 of Taurus), at 9 degrees of any sign, especially Sagittarius and Gemini as these incite violence. Another thing that should be checked when selecting a wedding time is fixed stars.



The Rite should include a Priest or a well-vested student of the Luciferian Path. Participants should find their own associations within the rite. The following offices are intended for the rite of marriage:

Priest: Conducting Ceremony

Matron of the Elder (Lilith)

Asmodai – Companion or Best Man 

Brides Maids (Lilitu)

Leviathan – Ring bearer

Angels of Chaos (Ushers)

The Priest or reading Luciferian in charge of the ceremony should wear the image of the Infernal Union; the rite is not required to be in black or any other color. It should be made according to the desire and wants of the bride and groom.


Understand the Luciferian Path welcomes a trans-cultural approach to symbolism.



The announcement of faith

ba nãm i âharman

(in the name of Ahriman)

We gather here to celebrate the union of two.

Life is a path of exploration; of conquering what you fear, helping those close to you and always doing what you instinctively feel is right.

Life is about change, in the spiritual sense of a Luciferian it aims for the heights, while always exploring the darkness within.

Life is about compromise and trust placed on those who earned it.

Life is about exhalting the powers within and making the world a better place.

When two are joined together there is a union of opposites. The Luciferian spirit itself is radiant in the union of Samael and Lilith, our symbol of Infernal Union is a reminder that the Spirit of Lucifer is brightest in the union of opposites.


Leviathan, rise up from the abyss and encircle the two lovers in union. For in union there is strength, where there is strength power is possible.

How many hath joined the flesh together to beget Gods and Goddesses upon this earth?

To the one who fell from the highest reaches of the empyrean realms, whose essence was brighter than the sun.

To the Archon who brought the fire from heaven to the clay of humanity, herein is the spark of life!

I call unto the two Grigori to bless this union:

Anma-el and Asbeel gather here and bless this rite.

The union of marriage is a sacred act of dedication to the partners chosen. Let none defile the sacred marriage of two dedicated to the illumination of each other.

By the blades of Azazel may the swords of blackened flame clash together and guard thee always.

May Hecate hearken to the circle of the wise and illuminate both the Bride and Groom.


In the name of Lucifer, the illuminated,

Whose name is Samael

Will you take this man as your mate, who will honor you and uplift you as Babalon, whose is sacred and powerful in the light of the Fallen and Risen one,

Will you have and hold this man in sickness and health, to always seek to avoid the path of ignorance?

[the bride will affirm and She places the ring on his finger and recites her own oath]

In the name of Lilith, the mother of spirits

Whose is both terrible and nurturing

Will you take this Daughter of mine, to have and to honor as an equal, to raise her up as Babalon, to hold and illuminate as the fallen and risen one, will you have him to hold in sickness and health, to always avoid the path of ignorance?

[the groom will affirm and He places the ring on her finger and recites his own oath]

Heralds of the path of darkness illuminated by fire, by the path of the fallen and risen

I now pronounce you wife and husband (or wife and wife, depending on choice)

You may Samael and Lilith bless this union in Leviathans coils.

You may embrace. May the blessings of the fallen angels be upon you.

May Maiden, Mother and Crone embrace you,

So it is done!






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