BWC has created this system of defining beginner to advanced magick to assist you in charting your occult journey.

We suggest that you build on your skill level before you attempt the black magic style rituals. A common mistake a newcomer would make, for example, would be to try and evoke a Demon or spirit, without having Knowledge of basic rituals, such as protection work, and without being able to strengthen their 6th sense so to connect to the spirit for messages. If you build on your knowledge, you will find yourself having much success in magic, and in the dark arts. You will only find frustration if you do not dedicate time and energy to learning the basics.

Intermediate Black Magick & Witchcraft

To move into the study of Intermediate magic, to us here at Black Witch Coven, means that you are now efficient at performing basic rituals for protection. You should also understand the purpose of witchcraft tools, the basics of planetary correspondences, and an understanding of oils herbs and perfumes, and why these are important in magic. You should also be able to do basic meditation rituals and be able to focus the mind for a given amount of time.

Regardless if you choose to use the above components in your ritual or not, having the knowledge to choose is important.

To give you an example, if I gave you a document written in French, and I asked you to re-write that document in the French language, I’m sure that you could copy the document quite well. But you would not understand what you are writing. You would have no passion and no connection to the words. You would be emotionless and disconnected, as it is just a task.

The same can be said for magick.

Spell Casting & Rituals

Intermediate black magic means that you can now begin to cast spells more effectively than ever before. You have the ability to review other people’s spells or rituals and adapt these to suit your own purposes. You can plan your rituals according to the best correspondences without feeling unsure of yourself and your abilities. 

There are many styles of magical spells you can cast, and we recommend that you become proficient in one magical system, before moving on to the next.

For example:

  • Basic spell casting
  • Candle Magic
  • Chaos Magic
  • Hoodoo*
  • Traditional Spell Casting
  • Satanic Witchcraft
  • Luciferian Witchcraft*
  • Moon Magic

*means you may need to learn advanced magic skills as well

Sex magic -Sex magic can be a great way to manifest energy towards a goal or outcome. So you could do this even at the beginner level, but definitely during intermediate magic. Advanced sex magic rituals should only be done once you’re confident invoking and evoking.

NOTE: If you’re just looking to cast a spell without learning magic, then just ignore this section, and give the spell a try. Follow the authors spell or ritual exactly. If nothing happens remember that you were just in apprentice mode and you need to repeat the spell frequently so you become better at manifesting your desires.

Magical Seals

We believe the Magical Seals and such talismans belongs in intermediate level magic, because it takes an appreciation of using the correspondence in a ritual to activate the talismans. Beginners can have success by following instructions to activate a seal for magical purposes, but once again you need to perform basic rituals such as a lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram should the activation ritual become problematic.
For example, the Seal of Solomon in MAGIC, is a talisman to control the demons and spirits conjured by the magician. The magicians’ GRIMOIRES, or handbooks, gave detailed instructions for drawing the Seal of Solomon inside or outside the magic circle. The TETRAGRAMMATON, or sacred name of God, was inscribed in the middle of the symbol. The magician was to follow strict instructions for creating the seal. One formula in The Magus (1801), by FRANCIS BARRETT, said , “… should be made in the day and hour of Mercury on virgin kidskin parchment or pure white paper, with the letters written in GOLD. The magician then had to consecrate it and sprinkle it with holy water.”
Learning the importance of using magical seals and other styles of talismans, can greatly benefit the witch or spellcaster, in any system of magic.

Spirit Guides

Working with our spirit guides can help us in many ways, although it is not necessary to do this to become efficient as a black witch or black magician. Our spirit guides can and will help us but only if we ask for this help. If you’re feeling stuck in a specific area, learning how to call to your spirit guide for assistance and working with the guy to remove the challenge, is immensely comforting and beneficial. 
Working with your spirit guide can be done at any time, but we suggest that you learn basic correspondences and some protection rituals, if you’re looking to do this more effectively. It’s also important to understand what to do if you come across a trickster spirit.

Energy Work

Becoming a master of energy is essential, no matter which type of occultist you wish to become. In the book spiritual warfare, we discuss in detail HOW to connect to the energy, so you can begin to draw the energy into your body and work with the unseen. People who study Reiki or Pranic healing also become very efficient at sensing energy.
Becoming efficient at using energy means that you can do many very important spiritual acts such as: Aura/Chakra cleansing; sense/feel when a Demon or a spirit is close, feel the difference between the Demons and the spirits or any other supernatural energy; effect other people’s energy fields, use your magical tools plus much more.


“Know, dare, will, and keep silent!”

I just love how transparent we are becoming with the sharing of magick and occult rituals. Still, I feel like it is time to remind our readers some basic rules for occult practitioners: 

  • Do not share your rituals and spells (only to your occult teacher if necessary)
  • Find a private space for your rituals
  • Take control of negative relationships in your life
  • If you are in a relationship, have a conversation about the difference between “Privacy” and “Secrecy”
  • Don’t be a hermit or an Elitist

You must adopt an additional rule in order to be an effective ritualist: keep the specifics of your spiritual work absolutely private. Never discuss any of your current magical doings. Avoid the pitfall of the big dreamer who fritters away all of his energy talking about his plans while he does nothing to act on them. Be instead like the artist who never exhibits his painting while it is in the midst of the creation process. The practice of secrecy keeps the energy of your will from bleeding away into matters of a social nature-and therefore keeps it centered on the objective of the Great Work. Silence, properly understood, is one of the magician’s most powerful tools. 

Speech, on the other hand, links various powers together, siphoning one into the other. Speaking about your current ritual practices therefore mixes them with conflicting concerns that will drain them of power. You should therefore watch what you say, for a careless communication may adversely affect the results of an operation.

Taking the precaution of silence, and learn to accumulate the force of  your will. Its raw energy builds up slowly over time, like money well saved. As the Hermetic maxim states, “Know, dare, will, and keep silent!”. You may not understand the concept of silence fully (it is doubtful anyone can fathom it completely), and it may sound as though I am exaggerating, but the reason for this rule will become clearer over time.

The concerns of privacy and secrecy may move you to re-evaluate your living conditions. In the beginning, the requirements of effective magic are quite difficult. You may have to refine your social life. For instance, if you live with someone who knows of your occult inclinations, make sure he or she is someone who understands-who doesn’t dwell on your “deviancy” and who isn’t controlling or jealous of you when you make changes in your life. It must be someone who will not exert social pressures of any kind that cause you to doubt your purpose. Doing effective ritual in the beginning of your development is next to impossible if you are surrounded by crude minds that insist on keeping you from rising above their level.

The magical path is not for everyone. When you move further along the path of darkness, you will find your commitment lies to non-human entities. It is a sad experience for a teacher to see a student held back by current relationships, especially by a troubled marriage. When you’re on it, there is no time for a jealous lover. I feel almost apologetic in revealing that the defining characteristic of a capable student is that he is ready to prioritize his spiritual growth above all other needs. The baser needs are not evil. They are in fact pure and innocent in themselves. However, it is important that you become selective about the manner in which you satisfy them.

As you embark on a spiritual path, you must be strong enough to let go of security and comfort in order to discover the realm of higher motives. Through magical practice, significant changes can occur. As you try to uncover who you really are, you will naturally become severed from people, places, and jobs of your past. It can be intensely painful to let go of any kind of relationship-even a destructive one. New personal connections will come, and the faster you change, the faster the people will come and go in your life. As a first big step, see to it that you have a home free of harmful distractions, such as unwanted roommates, noise, clutter, and crime. Above all, get private space and private daily time in which you can work.

These kinds of rules might sound a bit like those of an elitist, but please do not misunderstand. It is not the goal of magical work to make you into the archetypal hermit on the mountaintop, looking down on the common people, smug in your superiority. In fact, I suggest the opposite. Live in the world. Be gregarious and partake in your opportunities and your relationships. Be adventurous. Humans are innately social animals, so keep in mind that we have a powerful influence on one another’s spiritual development, even by the most casual of interactions-for better and for worse.  IF you are going to transform your consciousness and move it toward enlightenment, you have to live a little and spend some time out in the open. Socialize, if that suits your nature. But above all, save a portion of each day to leave your conformist behaviours behind. Do magic in your own private space to discover your own personal power over your own personal evolution.


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