Creating servitors

As a person becomes more experienced with servitor creation, they may want to shorten the process. However, if you are new to this skill you must follow a process.

Steps in creating a servitor

1- Planning  – the purpose and intent

2 -Visualise or project this intent externally but statically.

3 – Anthropomorphise this intent

4 – Build up the servitor

Step 1 – Decide intent and purpose – planning stage

The main component of a servitor is intent; it has to have a purpose or reason for being. This is the central core of the servitor, and forms the foundation for the magical work. Now, thinking of the purpose of the servitor you can decide on

1 – How intelligent it should be This is dictated by the complexity of the task you intend for the servitor. The more intelligent and conscious it is, the more easily it will interact with you, solve problems, find creative solutions and learn. There is a danger of losing or diluting the focus of the servitor if too much emphasis is placed on intelligence and humanness. Another thing to remember is that a more intelligent servitor can potentially be more dangerous if it goes bad.

2 – How long it should last If the servitor should just address a single task, or a specific time or just be around indefinitely.

3 – What it will feed on The servitor will ideally absorb energy or intent or attention that is aligned with its purpose. A healing servitor, for example, would do damage to itself by feeding on anger and violence. I find, generally, that servitors do not need much to sustain, even while working hard. It is more that they need to be redefined and solidified when ignored for some time. The advantage of egregores id in that they are recognised and acknowledged by many people, and are in no danger of being ignored. Servitors are happy to feed though, on corresponding intent and energy as it seems to add to and grow them.

4 – If it is capable of feeding itself If a servitor has an abundant feeding source, it can grow very quickly and become hard to control. If the servitor is more interested in feeding than doing your will, it may leave and wander around by itself. So this is something that needs to be carefully regulated, because you may not want to feed the servitor by yourself daily or weekly or whatever, and be tempted to allow it to feed itself.

5 – How to handle if the servitor goes awry It is not uncommon for servitors to go wrong in some way; they could not do what you intended, or do what you intended in an unexpected way, or do what you intended far too much. Sometimes, they can get angry or stop listening or be more interested in feeding. Generally this is all avoidable by taking a little time to think it out before creating the servitor. Still, it is a good idea to always have a way to immediately undo the servitor should the need arise. This can be done by destroying the physical object that the servitor is connected to, reabsorbing the servitor back into yourself, or having some sort or kill switch that was built into the servitor.

6 – If others will be using the servitor If other people will be using your servitor, it increases the risk of someone being a jerk and attempting to kill the servitor or turn it against you or something. Some people do this kind of thing. Also, depending on the nature of the servitor, it may be slightly altered by all the people it comes into contact with, as it may pick up traces of their intent, emotions or energy. Often this is not a problem and people are nice, and everything is good. Sometimes it is worth checking up on your servitor, maybe cleaning it, or having some way of allowing it to maintain itself Servitors that have little contact with people and focus on external things are able to avoid this kind of contamination much better, for example a healing servitor that works with people, vs a servitor that finds parking spaces.

7 – If protection is needed from external influences Similar to the previous point, but regarding ambient or other external influences. If, for example someone else’s servitor is sent to interact with yours, or perhaps your servitor is dealing with particularly dark, heavy or unpleasant things, it may be affected. Sometimes, when the intent of the servitor is well formed enough – the characteristics, appearance, personality and correspondences just kind of happen automatically and fit together. This can also happen with practice and when the current that you are working with is explored.

8 – Correspondences. Find things that align with the intent of your servitor, be they colours, plants, scent, astrological influences, numbers, animals, words, music, anything. Some of these will be incorporated into your servitor to strengthen and solidify it.

This is also where you will decide on the name of your servitor, which is very important and some thought should be put into it. Also here is where you will decide what your servitor looks like, how it interacts with people, habits, likes, dislikes, particular speech patterns, habits and what kind of personality it has.

Step 2 -Visualise or project this intent externally but statically.

The intent that you have decided on now needs to be projected externally but statically.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • One could use a sigil that represents this intent and the servitor
  • Building a representation of the intent and servitor in a doll, artwork, sculpture or something similar
  • A trance state, self hypnosis, deep meditation, altered state of consciousness or ritual can be used to amplify the intent and visualisation of the servitor.

The goal here is to have this intent being a ball of energy or will, sigil, or some representation outside of you, as a separate thing. That this is static at the moment is important, as should you let the intent go, it will be a sigil or similar magical working.

The intent needs to be still for the moment, so we can work with it further.

You may want to take some time with this step and make sure that your intent is accurately represented. You want enough intent for the moment to hold together long enough to turn it into a servitor, more will be added later to strengthen it.

Step 3 – Anthropomorphise this intent

This is where the servitor happens. Now, you will begin applying the correspondences you have prepared to the intent. Much of this will be done with visualisation, as you shape the intent into the servitor that you are looking for.

Step 4 – Build up the servitor

Building up the servitor can take time, as you would be adding to the intent, shaping into a servitor and beginning communication with the servitor.

A good idea, I find, it to set aside a particular time each day where you will sit with the servitor and feed it, speak to it and build it up. Eventually you will notice that it starts speaking back or moving or responding in some way. As you draw near the chosen time, you may feel the particular energy of your servitor as it begins to expect you.

Don’t be in a hurry with this part, and certainly do not be discouraged if it takes longer than you expect to get a result.

Chaos magick

servitor magick

Servitor creation

Chaos Magic Videos: Peter J Carroll

Chaos Magic Videos: Phil Hine

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