Gusion: The Master of Public Relations

Gusion is the eleventh demon mentioned in The Lesser Key of Solomon. He is referred to as the Demon of the day. He is a Duke who rules over 40 (or 45 according to some authors) legions of spirits.


Ruler: Ziminiar

Other Names: Gusoyn, Gusoin, Gusayn

Dates:  July 2nd – July 12th (Connolly) (Tikaboo)(Day Time)

Position: 20-24 degrees of Taurus

Rank: Duke

Direction: North

Planet: Venus

Zodiac:  Cancer

Legions: 40

Tarot:  3 of Cups

Strongest in: Mid-May; 10th-14th

Element: Water/Earth

Incense: Sandalwood

Colors:  yellow, green

Metal: Lead, copper

Plant: Aloe.

Demonic Enn: Secore vesa anet Gusion

Similar Demons

  • Barbatos
  • Botis
  • Amon
  • Vual

Grimoires where Gusion was mentioned:

  • The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
  • Book of Incantations
  • Grand Grimoire,
  • Discoveries of Witchcraft,
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon,

The Appearance of Gusion:

According to some ancient authors, the demon Gusion is depicted as a baboon, who appears in the form of a Cynocephalus). Also, it is important to note that there is no image of Gusion in the Dictionnaire Infernal. According to the Dictionnaire Infernal, Gusion appears as a Camel not as Cynocephalus (Dog headed) as mentioned above.

The Demon Gusion is a Jinni and eleventh of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. In Jinnestan, Gusion is a duke who appears as a cynocephalus (xenophilus).

Meanwhile, those who have summoned and spoken with Gusion believe that he looks more like a bright creature, with narrow eyes and mouth.

In most cases, he always wears a long tunic and has a calm and peaceful attitude. There is usually a bright light that appears with him, so it is difficult to distinguish the finer details of his appearance.

Abilities of Demon Gusion:

  • Duke Gusion is known to be a diplomat and a blunt speaker who is often honest in his dealings.
  • He is the master of public relations because he hates disputing situations. He is very good at reconciling friends and turning enemies into best of friends.
  • He plays the role of an intermediary between the spiritual and the physical world.
  • Just like many other demons he has the ability to see past and future events so he can always provide answers to all the questions he is been asked.

How to Summon Gusion

Gusion is one of the most summoned demons in the world because of his ability to tell the past and foresee the future.  If you wish to work successfully with him, then you should carry out this ritual during the appropriate season, time of the day, and using the appropriate items as stated above.

After selecting a proper location, sweep off every negative energy that might be resident in that location. Then set up your ritual items. According to an online source, it is better to draw your magic circle on a dirt ground(soil) rather than on a cemented indoor floor.

Just like other demons, Gusion’s sigil is very important and can be worn as a pendant during this ritual. Using a yellow candle, you can summon this demon, who often appears as a creature covered in a bright, blue light. We will not reveal any magic words used during the invocation rituals, you can contact us for further details.

When a sorcerer is possessed by this demon, he would be able to tell events of the past, future and expose hidden secrets. In addition, this spirit, if not controlled can also make the sorcerer become arrogant, pushy and jealous.

Disclaimer: This article is solely aimed at passing information so if for any reason you decide to summon any demon, then you would be responsible for the blessings and curses (if any) that might come from such encounter. When it comes to demons’ consultation, to avoid making fatal mistakes you should always seek assistance from professional practitioners.


  • http://www. angelfire. com/empire/serpentis666

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