The Witch and the Magickal Mirror


The magic mirror has been a part of folklore and myth for centuries. It is often associated with witchcraft, sorcery, and the supernatural. Legends tell of powerful witches such as Lilith and Hecate who could use the power of the mirror to see into the future or to gain knowledge that was otherwise hidden from mortals. Today, the magic mirror is still revered as an object of power, with many people believing that it can be used to access secret knowledge or divine wisdom.

Magic mirrors have been used for centuries as a tool for divination and communication with the spirit world. They are believed to be able to reveal hidden truths, answer questions, and even cast spells.

The use of magic mirrors has been linked to witchcraft and sorcery since ancient times. In Greek mythology, it was said that Lilith and Hecate used a magic mirror to see into the future. Today, modern witches still use them in rituals and spellwork.

This article will explain how you can use a magic mirror in your own practice of witchcraft or sorcery. We’ll go over the basics of setting up your own mirror, creating spells with it, and using it for divination purposes. With this knowledge in hand, you can confidently use your own magic mirror for personal growth and spiritual exploration!

Also read: The Mirror of Lilith 

The Magic Mirror for Divination

The mirror magic is one of the darkest and most mysterious aspects of magic. The practice of looking in the magic mirror for divination purposes is called scrying or seeing. The mirror can be anything reflective or having a light source. Some common mediums are crystal balls, mirrors, water, and fire. We have spoken about other reflective surfaces, such as your computer screen when the computer is off, or your TV screen, when the TV is off, as the surfaces are reflective and black if there is nothing showing on the screen at the time.

Messages can come clearly in the form of a vision, symbol, or face, or they can present as cryptic or prophetic.

How to Begin Seeing Visions in a Magic Mirror

In order to be successful in scrying, plan for a completely distraction-free area. Scrying requires relaxation, so it’s best not to try and squeeze it in between other things. If you find yourself overly stimulated leading up to a session, take some time beforehand to meditate or do another activity that helps you to relax; maybe it’s chanting or listening to peaceful music. Anything that helps you to get in the right frame of mind.

Once you have everything in place, get comfortable and prepare to receive. Take several deep breaths and allow your body to completely relax. If you’re having trouble, focus on relaxing your tongue. You’ll feel a complete release when you do.

Focus on your mirror and do not avert your gaze from it. Let your eyes relax as you enter into a transitional state of consciousness, sometimes called the space between the worlds. Stay focused on the mirror, breathe deeply and free yourself from any inhibitions. Free your mind from the mundane. Be one with emptiness and nothingness. Remember, you are opening up to receive whatever message the universe chooses to reveal to you.

As you stare deeply into the mirror, your mind will begin to drift. Your eyesight may seem fuzzy and your other sense suddenly become dull. Don’t worry, as these are signs of entering the transcendent state you want to be in. This is the moment of your happening, the moment of your own personal revelation. Put everything to memory, even the things which seem unimportant, for they may be important in the future.

How long you have in this state varies. You’ll know that it is time to stop when staying relaxed and focused starts to get difficult. It’s a cue from the universe that the intended message has been delivered. Remember that you might not feel like any message has been delivered or what you saw didn’t add up to anything that made sense. Oftentimes, the meaning is revealed after an earthly event triggers a great and sudden understanding. Remember that not all messages are sent for immediate consumption. The good news is that the more you practice, the better you’ll get at interpretation as well.


  • Not everyone will be able to reach the state of unconsciousness necessary to open their third eye, on their first try. For some it may take several tries
  • You must have a completely clear mind. It’s not like you see in the movies, where you ask a question and get an answer.
  • The messages you see may hold clues to your future, but you won’t get a detailed narrative on how things will happen. It’s not fortune-telling.

The Magic Mirror for Spellcasting & Sorcery

The use of a magic mirror in spell work is an extensive task, so I will focus on providing one suggestion for how you can use a magic mirror in your spells and rituals. Let’s focus on using a mirror when it comes to reversing style magic. If you know, somebody has sent negativity your way, it’s great to send it back to them using a mirror.

This is a spell, both Savannah and Miss Melinda use, and as you will notice, it is heavily steeped in the hoodoo style magical tradition. It may be a little too much for some people, as we are creating a doll in the targets image before cursing that individual and placing them into the grave. Ultimately, it is up to the spiritual world to decide should that person meet their fate or just have their toxic energy reverse back onto them.

How to Reverse a Spell with a Mirror

You will need:

  1. A box (it doesn’t have to be fancy because it will be Buried)
  2. A Mirror (that has never seen your reflection – either before or during the creation of the box)
  3. A doll ( that represents your enemy)
  4. Pins & Powders (dume or goofer) IF DESIRED
  5. Reversing Candle (red on the inside and black on the outside)
  6. Reversal Oil
  7. An offering, such as silver dimes or whiskey


  • Crack the mirror with a hammer into small pieces and as you do so, state that the bad luck from the mirror breaking is directed at your enemy. Then, glue all of the pieces inside of the box.
  • Create the doll in the targets name, and you may wish to pin a photograph of the target on the dolls face. Pins can be placed in various parts of the body, or the doll baby can be tied up to prevent it from being able to act. You could also dress the doll with dume or goofer dust, or any type of toxic powder, such as a reversing powder to send any of the black magic back to the target if needed.
  • Close the lid of the box and set the candle on top.
    • Prepare a Reversing Candle (red on the inside and black on the outside) by cutting the tip off of the candle, turning it upside-down and carving a new tip in the butt of the candle.
    • Carve the target’s name in mirror writing on one side of the candle and “All your Evil Returns to you 10x” on the other side of the candle.
    • Dress it with Reversing Oil, place it in a holder and set it above the Mirror Box.
    • Place the entire thing on a mirror for good measure and then dressed it with more powder.
  • Once the Reversing Candle has burned all the way out, I take the box, the candle drippings, and any powder remnants to the graveyard to bury the enemy. (if you can’t get to a cemetery, because it is completely impossible or illegal, where you live, it’s perfectly okay to bury your remains in a private area that you use for burial grounds for your spells)
  • The Burial –
    • Dig a hole in the ground and place the mirror box coffin inside along with the bits of candle wax that were left from that spell, saying something like the following….. “I turn your body and soul over to the spirit of this grave to take you out of this world for your wicked ways, once and for all. AMEN!”
    • Stand over the grave and perform a mock burial, “We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of (targets name) from this world and into the next. They were taken by my hand for the evil sins they committed. They suffered death as a result of their own curses toward me, an innocent person, and may their soul rot in misery forever!”
    • Put the silver dime in the hole, cover it with earth and replace the soil, and finish by pouring some whiskey over the grave in payment to the spirits (either the spirits of nature or a spirit that you are working with)
  • Cleaning Up – you may wish to take an uncrossing bath to cleanse yourself & cleanse your altar with Uncrossing Herbs


  • It’s always great to have some of your targets, personal concerns and have this attached to the doll for even a stronger connection.
  • If the creation of the doll and the burial of the doll is too much for you, why not just use a reversing candle sitting on top of a mirror for the purposes of reversing whatever was coming your way from the target back to the target.
  • Hoodoo magical practitioners may wish to baptise the doll, saying a statement something like “… You are not just a doll of fabric, you are now a living representation of (the target’s name), and I hold your well-being and fate in my hands….”. In keeping with the root work tradition, you may also wish to use Crabshell powder on the doll, as it has the effect of reversing any magic back onto the target.


If you have any questions about using a mirror in your magic, or you have further interest in what I have discussed above, please leave your questions in the comment section below.

I will also place links to other articles where we have discussed additional uses for mirrors.


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