Bifrons : The Demon That Rules The Souls Of The Dead

Bifrons is an Earl of Hell who rules over sixty (sixty- six or six according to some authors) legions of demons. His name is originated from the Roman god, Janus. He is the forty-sixth spirit of the Lesser Key of Solomon.


Other Names:  Bifrovs, Bifröus

Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Scorpio

Direction: North

Planet: Mars, Jupiter/Neptune

Metal: Copper/Silver/Iron/ Tin/Neptunium

Element: Earth (Under Corson), Water

Color:  Red

Plant: Basil

Tarot Card: 6 of Cups

Color: Light purple, Red

Incense: Dragon’s Blood

Demonic Enn: Avage secore Bifrons remie tasa


Bifrons often appears as a monster but when commanded by the summoner he changes into the form of a man.


  • Just like Demon Crocell, Bifrons teaches Geometry, Mathematics, Astrology and other Arts and Sciences.
  • He reveals the overall properties of herbs, stones and woods.
  • Bifrons is a very effective demon called upon during necromantic rituals because he has the ability to move the dead bodies magically. He can also coerce those dead spirits to assist in the magick.
  • He can raise up dead souls to answer the questions and inquiries of the summoner.
  • Have you ever heard stories of dead bodies that disappeared from a position and were found somewhere else? Demon Bifrons is known for moving dead bodies from one position to the other.
  • He is said to light candles upon the graves of the dead.
  • He governs the realm of shades and upon request by the conjurer, he might bring him closer to the various shades of the dead where communication with dead spirits is made easier.
  • During a funeral ceremony, Bifrons is the demon called upon to usher the deads on their journey.

Similar Demons to Bifrons

  • Marax
  • Amy
  • Asmoday
  • Andrealphus
  • Crocell

Other demons with the Knowledge of Astronomy

  • Furcas
  • Allocer
  • Marax
  • Asmoday
  • Stolas

Other demons with the Knowledge of Herbs and Stones

  • Buer
  • Stolas
  • Bathin
  • Marax
  • Tamon

Other demons with the Knowledge of Geometry

  • Asmoday
  • Crocell
  • Andrealphus

Other demons with the Knowledge of Liberal Sciences

  • Paimon
  • Phenex
  • Marax
  • Astaroth
  • Crocell

Working With Bifrons

He was mentioned in The Book of Incantations, The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, The Discoverie of Witchcraft, and in The Lesser Key of Solomon.

He is one of the demons that shouldn’t be played with because he can be very violent in attitude. This night demon is very useful in providing answers on dead souls. Rituals to summon Bifrons should be performed during the appropriate planetary condition and using his attributed items as mentioned above.

When everything has been set up then you can call on him using his demonic enn : Avage secore Bifrons remie tasa. For a step by step guide on how to summon demons, click here.


  • http:// occult- world. com/demons/bifrons


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