Foras: The Demon That Makes You Invisible


You may also like to read: A Message from Foras

Foras is a Mighty President of Hell who rules over 29 legions of spirits. He is the Thirty first Spirit mentioned in the Ars Goetia.


Other Names: Forcas

Direction: West

Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Virgo

Date: August 23rd-27th

Other Dates: January 21st – January 29th (Tikaboo)

Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles

Planet: Mercury

Element: Earth (Under Ziminiar)

Candle color: Orange

Plant: Century Plant

Metal: Mercury

Incense: Storax

Demonic Enn: Kaymen vefa Foras


The Demon Foras appears in the form of a Strong Man.


  • He teaches the Art of Logic and Ethics.
  • He can make a man become invisible.
  • He giveth long life to those who ask for it.
  • He teaches the summoner to be eloquent.
  • He can help the summoner to discover hidden treasures and recover missing items. He also helps him in acquiring wealth.
  • He imparts the witch with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
  • Foras reveals the secret power in precious stones and herbs to his subjects.
  • His gifts are conditional and shouldn’t be used unethically.
  • According to the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford, this demon is important for self-introspective initiation which involves magical practice.
  • He inspires maintaining a healthy outlook and the general upkeep of the body.
  • S. Connolly suggests that you seek Foras whenever you have problems especially those that are business related. He would always come to your aid.
  • Also, if you are experiencing emotional disturbance, Foras is one spirit that would restore your stability and also give you a clear head.

Summoning of Demon Foras:

President Foras is an idealist. He is a daytime demon that is most active in late August. You can perform a summoning ritual to him using orange candles, his sigil, dirt, mercury and other items that are attributed to him. If you are new to summoning demons then click here for a guide.

Going further, let’s read about a Foras summoning experience as shared by Venus Satanas.

       The Summoning of Demon Foras Opened A Door for Me

“My first summoning was intense – I called upon the spirit of Foras to help me to learn direct magic. I didn’t know how to summon a demon but I was willing to give it a try.

What happened after I summoned Foras was nothing short of a miracle.

I spent the entire week studying this demon, finding out as much as I could about him. I waited until the night of a full moon then I carved a candle with his sigil.

I reached out to Foras in a personal ritual. Then I closed the circle and waited for results. Little did I know that I had opened a door to something fantastic.

A week later, I met someone very special at work. Something drew me to him, he was magnetic. He had the ability to walk into a room and command that room without even appearing to do so. There was just something about this person that I had to discover. When I finally had a chance to talk to him alone, I saw why he had such power and presence. He was a magic user, like me. Our first conversation was about the crystal that I was wearing.

This same man is the man that I eventually married. His name was Bill, and while he was alive, he taught me so much about living the magical life. He taught me how to use the subconscious mind. He was an expert at direct magic – the ability to use magic without tools and rituals. In fact, he didn’t like to admit it because of his humble nature, but I always considered him to be a wizard.

Foras had brought into my life someone that I would love and cherish who would eventually pass on his magic wisdom to me, as an apprentice. This divine fate seemed fantastic and unreal. It was a door that opened to a world filled with magic every day, something that I could share with someone else who had also walked the path for over 30 years. His wisdom that he passed on to me will remain with me forever.

Summoning brought all of that into my life, and so much more. That is because I approached summoning not as a solution to a problem, but as a way to increase my knowledge. I wanted to learn how to use direct magic – and a person was ‘sent’ to me that taught me how to use it! Every time I have worked with summoning my goal has been to increase my knowledge. Because, to me, knowledge and wisdom is a key that is worth more to me than anything else in the world.”



Vepar: The Mermaid Spirit

Carraeu, the Duke of Apostasy


Similar Demons to Foras:

Other demons that retrieve items:

  • Kimaris
  • Hicpacth
  • Vassago
  • Humots
  • Agares

 Other demons related to the outcome of Invisibility

  • Sagatana
  • Morail
  • Asmoday
  • Balam
  • Glasya-Labolas

 Other demons that discover hidden treasures: 

Other demons related to the Knowledge of Logic

Other demons with the appearance of a Man

Would you like to read about Foras in some ancient text? If yes, then you can check out the following grimoires

  • Book of Oberon,
  • The Book of the Office of Spirits,
  • The Book of Spirits
  • The Dictionnaire Infernal
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon,
  • The Discoverie of Witchcraft
  • The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum


  • http://www. angelfire. com/empire/ serpentis666/DEMONV.html

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