We offer the following candle services:

July 17, 2024

Purchased: Dume Candle Series

I have good  review about this  work. My target was expose about her talk lies  and gossip about many people, two of our close friends finish the friendship with her and the third person told me she is feeling depression and lonely. PLUS She is having problems with her muscle in her mouth .it’s looks drop down 
 Thank you Black coven group 

Oct 31, 2023

Hi Sav; welllll my brother (name not shown) just had a car accident on the 23rd as I requested from when you did the 3 DUMES.. wow I’m impressed!! The car went total and he is physically effected lol!!  thank you!! WELL DONE!! 


May 4, 2022

Good Morning Savannah,

You have done a dume candle. The Lady who was bullying me actually resigned two days ago. Haha… I’m so excited. Thank you so much. Not only that the other staff who was supporting her to bully me actually double the disable customer and put her life in danger so she got fired as well. Thank you so much Savannah for helping my friend. I love you  
Brisbane, Australia


March 15, 2022

Reconciliation Love Candle for on an ex who refused to communicate

Well as always you guys are amazing. I believe it’s working. He’s asked me out for lunch twice now and keeps telling me he loves me. Thank you so so much


Dec 4, 2021 – Pay Me Candle

Thank you for doing this candle work for me. She paid me last week, I was going to give you this good news in the appointment. Im so happy and excited. She paid me all of the money. Not only that she bought me a really nice expensive gift on my birthday and we went for shopping , she said I can buy anything I like and she will pay for that haha… Wow… I can’t believe that. I was thinking that spell is working amazingly. Thank you so much. Love you 

Dec 1, 2021 – Road Opener Candle

Yes I definitely feel the success of this candle thank you.

Nov 27, 2021

The 2021 New Year release and reset with aura cleansing and 3 DUME candles were a resounding success. The One person I petitioned to be released from, who was in my home, was removed on January 1, 2021 and left this world, by natural causes, 17 days later. With a grotesque amount of suffering.
Unfortunately, the person who the DUME candles were intended for, broke into/vandalized and barricaded themselves inside my home. He was removed by police and after multiple civil and criminal court cases, I was awarded a restraining order against him and a LIFETIME Permanent Injunction as well. Including any communication and to stay at least 400 yards from me or my home.
He lost EVERYTHING. Literally. Full stop. His livelihood, all of his possessions, all of his money, his car, his health. His inheritance was rescinded and he lost his freedom now that he is a convicted felon.
All of this happened within two months of January 1. 
My gratitude for your work has been overwhelming, thank you.

C.C – Los Angeles, CA – Nov 25, 2020

 I’d like you report you some good news of last candle about my family’s property sale. They have successfully sold the property. Thank you!

Emmanuel O., March 8, 2019

I want to share with you a success story that involves you:

You set a money drawing candle for me on February 7, it was for an online store I launched. Now, a week after the candle finished its burning I applied for a very well paid job, I got hired that same day!!!! This happened after two months without a job. I read on your website that one of your customers wrote that Lucifer most of the time doesn’t give you what you ask for, but what you really need, and I am pretty sure that this is my case, Lucifer (I saw you draw his sigil on my money drawing spell) gave me what I needed, not what I asked for. I was waiting to sign the contract before telling you about how fast the candle burning worked, and I just signed the contract a few minutes ago. I want to thank you for helping me, and I will be ordering a candle to praise and thank Lucifer for being so generous to me.

About the love candle work, you also set a love candle for me on February 7, and after it finished burning you told me this was a difficult case because it showed blocking and resistance, but that you see that my desire can be met with ongoing candle burning. This candle is the second one and I already ordered a third one last week (I am following your advice about having the candle work ongoing), and I also ordered an extreme obsession spell that was (or will) be performed by Vald. I promise I will wait quiet for the spell report without being a pain in the ass, I will manage my anxiety.

Thank you very very much. You have helped me so much with the money drawing candle and I am very confident that with your help my love desire will be met. It is not going to be easy due to the blocking and resistance my loved one is showing, and you were very honest with me about that.

Once again thank you very very much.

You are a really generous soul.


S.M – Australia

March 8, 2019

Thank you Savannah- and the interim financial hearing swayed my way yesterday – the judge’s exact words to my ex- husbands lawyer were “what you’re client has done is absolutely appalling” and (name removed) (mistress) is officially added to the proceedings. My narcissistic sociopath ex was not happy yesterday 

Thank you. 

Sofia – USA

Dec 5th, 2018

Please burn this candle for Satan. I have I have had excellent results ever since ordering the demon money spell . I am very grateful 😉 Goddess Sofia

Savannah did protection candles for me & that family member.
One day driving on a 2 lane road a car was headed in opposite direction & car behind them sped up and came beside them, head on towards me at 60mph. It was all SLOW MOTION. This road is narrow and not wide enough for 3 cars. The car came rushing and so close beside me that I honestly can not explain how we were not crashed & killed. I was shaking & weak most of day because it was so scary.
I looked at family member in back seat that Savannah had protected & said “You are VERY protected!!” & gave all the gratitude I had for her to doing a protection spells!!

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