how to meditate

The Magical use of crystals and gemstones

Stones are magical batteries which contain and concentrate the Earth’s energies. Many are thought to also be affected by, or at least symbolic of, the planets and luminaries of our solar system.

Scott Cunningham – Encyclopedia of Gemstones….

It is not necessary for a person to possess special abilities to work with crystals and gems, all you need is the intention and the desire to perform a particular type of magic to enhance your life, the work is done with the energy of the crystal or gem, and you are the conduit. Seen as a connecting force between earth and ether, crystals are used for crystal ball readings, scrying, spell casting and invoking. But why is this so?

From Catrari’s Imagini degli Dei degli Antichi.

EACH of the four primary elements as taught by the early philosophers has its analogue in the quaternary terrestrial constitution of man. The rocks and earth correspond to the bones and flesh; the water to the various fluids; the air to the gases; and the fire to the bodily heat.

Since the bones are the framework that sustains the corporeal structure, they may be regarded as a fitting emblem of the spirit– that divine foundation which supports the composite fabric of mind, soul, and body.

To the initiate, the skeleton of death holding in bony fingers the reaper’s scythe denotes Saturn.(1) In the language of the Mysteries, the spirits of men are the powdered bones of Saturn. 

According to the teachings of the ancients, the rays of the celestial bodies, striking the crystallizing influences of the lower world, become the various elements. Partaking of the astral virtues of their source, these elements neutralize certain unbalanced forms of celestial activity and, when properly combined, contribute much to the well-being of man.

Today we have many great books stating the magical properties of gems, stones and metals, but the modern world may yet find it interesting to consider the findings of the early philosophers who determined these relationships by extensive experimentation.

Out of such research arose the practice of identifying the metals with the bones of the various deities. For example, the Egyptians, according to Manetho, considered iron to be the bone of Mars and the lodestone the bone of Horus. By analogy, lead would be the physical skeleton of Saturn, copper of Venus, quicksilver of Mercury, gold of the sun, silver of the moon, and antimony of the earth. We will discuss this further in the section of the website in the various tabs.

If you believe modern witchcraft is taking too much of an interest in crystals and stones over other magical tools, spells, or rituals, let us share with you how famous occultist Eliphas Levi dressed for his week (1).

Eliphas Levi declares that on Sunday (the day of the sun) he should carry in his right hand a golden wand, set with a ruby or chrysolite; on Monday (the day of the moon) he should wear a collar of three strands consisting of pearls, crystals, and selenites; on Tuesday (the day of Mars) he should carry a wand of magnetized steel and a ring of the same metal set with an amethyst, on Wednesday (the day of Mercury) he should wear a necklace of pearls or glass beads containing mercury, and a ring set with an agate; on Thursday (the day of Jupiter) he should carry a wand of glass or resin and wear a ring set with an emerald or a sapphire; on Friday (the day of Venus) he should carry a wand of polished copper and wear a ring set with a turquoise and a crown or diadem decorated with lapis lazuli and beryl; and on Saturday (the day of Saturn) he should carry a wand ornamented with onyx stone and wear a ring set with onyx and a chain about the neck formed of lead.

Henry Cornelius Agrippa also spoke of the magical influence of gemstones in magical rings, stating that Apollonius of Tyana extended his life to over 20 years with the aid of seven magical rings presented to him by an East Indian prince. Each of these seven rings was set with a gem partaking of the nature of one of the seven ruling planets of the week, and by daily changing the rings Apollonius protected himself against sickness and death by the intervention of the planetary influences.

The philosopher also instructed his disciples in the virtues of these talismanic jewels, considering such information to be indispensable to the theurgist. Agrippa describes the preparation of magical rings as follows:

“When any Star [planet] ascends fortunately, with the fortunate aspect or conjunction of the Moon, we must take a stone and herb that is under that Star, and make a ring of the metal that is suitable to this Star, and in it fasten the stone, putting the herb or root under it-not omitting the inscriptions of images, names, and characters, as also the proper suffumigations.”

The ring has long been regarded as the symbol of attainment, perfection, and immortality-the last because the circlet of precious metal had neither beginning nor end. In the Mysteries, rings chased to resemble a serpent with its tail in its mouth were worn by the initiates as material evidence of the position reached by them in the order.

The number five was peculiarly associated with the art of healing, and the pentagram, or five-pointed star, was the symbol of health. The figure represents a magical ring set with a talismanic gem bearing the pentalpha, or star formed by five different positions of the Greek Alpha. 

“The disciples of Pythagoras, who were indeed its real inventors, placed within each of its interior angles one of the letters of the Greek word ΥΓΕΙΑ, or the Latin one SALUS, both of which signify health; and thus it was made the talisman of health. They placed it at the beginning of their epistles as a greeting to invoke a secure health to their correspondent. But its use was not confined to the disciples of Pythagoras. As a talisman, it was employed all over the East as a charm to resist evil spirits.”

A quick tip on how you can begin working with stones and crystals as a modern Witch or Occultist

Energy and Intention

Each crystal has a pre-programmed energy for you to work with, and if you state your intention before working with a particular crystal, it will then resonate with energy and amplify the energy.

While holding the crystal in both hands, breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth and into the crystal, do this for approximately 3 minutes. By doing this you are connecting your intention with the inherent qualities of the crystal and activating the life energy within the crystal.


When meditating with a crystal, work with the same one each time, it will attune to you and the way you work, by doing this you will be able to reach a deep meditative state very quickly.

A crystal is used to amplify thought, will, and intention, and once a connection is made everything is enhanced.

Crystal healing is dependent on a quiet mind and meditation is an integral part. To achieve the best results it is important to still and clear your mind before you begin, an empty mind is essential for healing.


  1. Manly P Hall, The secret teachings of all ages.
  2. Scott Cunningham – Encyclopedia of Gemstones

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