Author: Savannah

I want to share some tips with you, to help you step forward in a direction towards Luciferian thinking. These tips will increase your magical potential, raise your awareness and strengthen your mind. In fact, they may change your life!

The following tips belong to no particular religion, cult or tradition. Instead, they are formless and universal… and they work, whether you believe in magic or not. Try them! You’ll see for yourself.

12 Steps Towards Luciferian Thinking

1 – Accept that You do not Know

It’s okay not to have all the answers. You don’t have to be certain all of the time. Magic is the realm of the unknown. If it were ultimately knowable, then science would already have measured it and verified it. On the other hand, some things that once would have been considered magic are now called technology. So there is a spectrum that ranges from useless mumbo jumbo to solid fact. It’s up to you to figure out which is which and keep a sharp, critical mind.

2 – Think for Yourself

Anything — and I mean ANYTHING — that someone else has figured out, you can figure out too. The human mind’s potential is illimitable. But we are continually duped into believing that we can’t do it, that someone else should do it for us. Unless you’re ready to think for yourself, you’ll end up as a fake, or worse: someone else’s pawn.

3 – Keep an Open Mind

You have to be open to new ideas. But, I have a saying: “An open mind is half closed.” A door that is half closed is still open, and it’s same with a mind. Don’t accept as truth anything you hear. Only accept the possibility that it may be. You’ll have to rigorously seek out the truth for yourself, with a critical mind. The emphasis on truth is essential. Illusion is based on deceit, real magic on truth.

4 – Reduce Your Assumptions

An assumption is basically just a guess. We make a lot of guesses in life from whether gods exist to whether the floor will be there when we get out of bed in the morning. Guessing is a psychological reflex, and it’s unlikely that we can ever be fully free from it. The more you can make conscious your unconscious assumptions, the more you will notice strange and magical things about yourself, others and the universe.

5 – Judge Not

Judgement of others clouds your awareness. Like assumption, it’s a reflex. Try reserving judgement when you can. Try allowing yourself the patience to gather more knowledge or more insight into matters. If someone seems like an idiot, ask them genuine questions. Get experience with why others think and act the way they do. Whenever you can avoid judging, you can gain wisdom.

6 – Shed Expectations

Another habitual block to your magical potential is your expectations. Our imagination is always in use, whether consciously or unconsciously. Things are going to be as they are, whether you like it or not. The thing about expectation is that people see not what they WANT to see, but what they EXPECT to see. Projecting our image of things on the present moment or into the future is an unnecessary expenditure of energy that can be freed up for authentic magical experience.

7 – Stop Labeling Everything

What is our obsession with classifying things? As soon as we have a word or a name for a thing, we believe that we understand what that thing is. We can’t help it, it’s how our minds work. Try to notice when you are doing this. Naming can be a very powerful magical act, but only if it’s conscious. Habitual labeling will actually end up being an obstacle to true understanding.

8 – Surrender to What Is

This is about allowing the present moment to Be. We often believe that the present moment is more like the future, in that we can change it. But the present moment is more like the past, in that once it’s here, it’s here — it’s real and unalterable. If you can’t accept that, accept that you can’t accept it. Don’t take my word for it, look at what is around you and see that it IS how it IS.

As a Luciferian, the goal is to become less judgemental on ourselves. As we are responsible for our actions, we accept that we learn from our actions and make better choices next time. Ultimately, we are more accepting of ourselves, and of other people as we understand we are all on a journey of self improvement.

9 – Cultivate Courage

Courage is essential to the Northern Traditions, and the universe rewards courage with Hamingja, a form of luck or charisma. Hamingja goes by many names in many traditions, but the basis is simple: Courageous acts are rewarded by the universe. Start small and work your way up. Building courage is like building a muscle; you may not be able to start with your ultimate fears, but tackle what you can and you will get there. The more courage, the greater your magical potential.

10 – Trust the Universe

If you only have faith in one thing, have faith in this: ultimately, this universe is here for you to learn what you must learn, to face what you must face, and to allow you to find enlightenment. It’s not out to get you, it wants to play. Enthusiasm and playfulness are two of the strongest energies and mind-sets with which we can engage in the exploration of magic. Go with the flow!

11 – Meditate

Meditation can be very simple. Sit up straight, focus on your breathing, and the feeling of your life force. Connect with yourself. When you get distracted by thought, and realize it, simply say to yourself ‘thought’ and go back to your breathing. There’s information everywhere on various styles of meditation, but I recommend beginning with Zazen. This is where you sit in the lotus position (legs folded, hands resting outwards on the knees). In zazen, posture is critical because it aligns your body and enables optimal breathing. It will help you master your mind and achieve grounded clarity.

Link to How to Practice Zen;

12 – Put it into Action

You can read all the books, watch all the lectures, join all the forum groups and talk on and on about Luciferianism and magic, but in the end, nothing will happen unless you find some practical means to put it into action. Don’t just think, do. Manifest your desires by practicing and experimenting for yourself – step by step – day by day. Think of your actions as part of a journey – and enjoy the ride! Try not to find an excuse as to why you can’t open your mind to change, and give yourself an answer to your doubt right now.

A comprehensive guide to start your Luciferian practice

Practicing Luciferianism involves a blend of philosophical, spiritual, and ritualistic elements that center around the figure of Lucifer, often seen as a symbol of enlightenment, individualism, and rebellion against oppressive structures.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to starting your practice in Luciferianism:

1. Understanding Luciferianism

Philosophy and Beliefs:

  • Individualism and Enlightenment: Luciferianism often emphasizes personal empowerment, intellectual freedom, and self-discovery. Lucifer is typically viewed as a symbol of enlightenment, knowledge, and questioning of traditional norms.
  • Rebellion Against Dogma: Many Luciferians value the questioning of established religious, societal, or moral dogmas. This includes challenging authority and embracing personal responsibility.

Differences from Other Traditions:

  • Not Necessarily Satanism: While Luciferianism shares some similarities with Satanism, it is not inherently about worshiping a devil figure or engaging in malevolent practices. It’s more about embracing the symbolism of Lucifer as a bringer of light and knowledge.
  • Varied Interpretations: Different practitioners and groups might have varying interpretations of Luciferianism, from theistic (believing in a literal Lucifer) to atheistic (seeing Lucifer as a metaphor for human qualities).

2. Educational Foundation

Read and Research:

  • Core Texts: Familiarize yourself with essential texts on Luciferianism. Some key works include:
    • “The Book of Belial” by Michael W. Ford
    • “Luciferian Witchcraft” by Michael W. Ford
    • “The Satanic Bible” by Anton LaVey (for a broader context of modern occult practices)
  • Historical and Mythological Background: Study the historical, cultural, and mythological aspects of Lucifer and related figures. Understanding the symbolic and mythological roots can deepen your practice.

Philosophical and Theological Concepts:

  • Study Philosophy: Explore philosophical concepts related to individualism, existentialism, and critical thinking. Many Luciferians value philosophical inquiry and self-exploration.

3. Personal Reflection and Goal Setting


  • Reflect on Your Intentions: Clarify why you are drawn to Luciferianism and what you hope to achieve. This might include personal empowerment, intellectual growth, or spiritual enlightenment.
  • Define Personal Values: Outline your core values and beliefs. How do they align with or diverge from Luciferian principles?

Setting Goals:

  • Short-Term Goals: Set practical, immediate goals related to your spiritual and philosophical development. This might include regular reading, meditation, or joining a community.
  • Long-Term Goals: Consider your long-term aspirations within your practice. This could involve advanced studies, ritual work, or personal transformation.

4. Practical Steps and Rituals

Creating a Sacred Space:

  • Altar Setup: Design your personal altar or ritual space. This might include symbols related to Lucifer, such as the sigil of Lucifer, representations of light, or elements that resonate with you personally.
  • Ritual Tools: Gather any tools you might use in your practices, such as candles, incense, or ritualistic objects.

Developing Ritual Practices:

  • Daily Practices: Incorporate daily or regular practices that align with your goals. This might include meditation, affirmation, or contemplation on Luciferian principles.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Perform rituals that resonate with your intentions. These could be solitary or involve group work, depending on your preferences and affiliations.

Symbols and Invocations:

  • Sigils and Symbols: Use symbols such as the sigil of Lucifer to focus your intent and energy. The sigil can be used in rituals or personal meditation.
  • Invocations: Develop invocations or prayers that align with your goals and beliefs. These should reflect your personal understanding and relationship with Luciferian principles.

5. Building Community and Networking

I consult with hundreds of people every year on exactly this topic of finding a community within the black magic community or even harder fighting a community within the Luciferian community. It’s going to be a challenge for a long time to come. Sadly we have to do a custom ourselves to a somewhat lonely journey when it comes to our spiritual practices.

My recommendation is just too, except for now that you will be keeping your thoughts to yourself, but do expand your network into the greater community. There are pagan groups, Wiccan groups, and other spiritual organisations who offer various types of rituals and seasonal events.

The worst thing you can do is walk into any of these groups and try and explain your dark path ideas. You won’t be accepted and you’re not going to get any brownie points from Satan or Lucifer for trying to stick out. The whole idea of us being on the dark path is to not focus on impressing other people. If your goal is to meet others and have a nice time, the part of a community, go and be part of the community, don’t try and start your own breakaway group, thinking others will like you or understand.

Find Like-Minded Individuals:

  • Online Communities: Engage with online forums, social media groups, and discussion boards related to Luciferianism.
  • Local Groups: Seek out local occult or esoteric groups that might share similar interests. This can provide support and additional perspectives.

Attend Events and Gatherings:

  • Workshops and Seminars: Participate in workshops, seminars, or lectures related to Luciferianism or related fields.
  • Ritual Gatherings: If comfortable, attend group rituals or events to learn from experienced practitioners and expand your understanding.

6. Ethical Considerations and Personal Responsibility

Ethics and Conduct:

  • Self-Responsibility: Emphasize personal responsibility in your actions and decisions. Luciferianism often encourages ethical conduct based on self-determined principles rather than external authority.
  • Respect for Others: While embracing individualism, respect the rights and beliefs of others. Avoid actions that could cause harm or infringe upon the autonomy of others.

Personal Growth and Reflection:

  • Ongoing Self-Examination: Regularly assess your progress and growth. Reflect on how your practices and beliefs are evolving.
  • Adapt and Refine: Be open to refining your practices and beliefs as you gain more experience and insight.

7. Resources and Further Learning

Books and Literature:

  • Additional Reading: Continue to explore books and literature on Luciferianism, occultism, and related philosophical systems.

Courses and Study:

  • Educational Opportunities: Consider taking courses or engaging in structured study programs to deepen your understanding and practice.

In summary, starting to practice Luciferianism involves understanding its philosophical and symbolic foundations, personal reflection, practical ritual work, and engagement with communities and resources. It’s a path of self-discovery and empowerment that encourages critical thinking and personal responsibility. As with any spiritual practice, it’s important to approach it with respect, ethical consideration, and an openness to personal growth.

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