Divination is a universal phenomenon found in all religions and cultures. There are different forms of divination and necromancy is one of them. What is necromancy? It is an act of consulting dead spirits to find lost information, research into the afterlife, or to reconnect with those who have passed away. Since ancient times, necromancy has been regarded as an evil and prohibited practice.  It was prohibited because some of the magicians were excavating graves and stealing dead bodies which they used for magical works.

An example of a necromantic ritual performed by ancient magicians is the reanimation of a corpse. To do this, first, the corpse is propped upright on its feet to symbolize its return to life. To restore breathing to the corpse, herbs and charms are placed on its chest and head. The necromancer might also anoint the corpse with his blood before uttering incantations to command the spirit of the individual to return to the corpse. If the spirit fails to respond, the practitioner might either bribe or threaten him to respond. When the evoked spirit manifests with an irritated countenance, the conjurer is expected to offer him a sacrifice and after the consultation, he dismisses him by saying:

May peace be with thee! I have not wished to trouble thee; torment me not.

I shall labor to improve myself as to anything that vexes thee.

I pray, and will still pray, with thee and for thee.

Return to thy great slumber, while expecting that day when we shall wake together.

Silence and adieu!”



Protective tools:

Magicians who fail to protect themselves before performing any necromantic ritual would be in danger. Magical circle, talisman, amulet, special powdered concoction, and seals are examples of protective tools used. A triangle is often drawn and in it will the spirit be forced to manifest. The magician uses special incantation and other tools to summon the souls of the dead.

Skull and bones

This is one of the most common tools used by necromancers. Resin skulls, animal skulls, or even human skulls are used. The skull helps to create a connection with the specie that it represents. Bones and skulls connect us to the other side. Human bones connect us to our ancestors.

Representation of deities:

Every culture has deities that are associated with death. These deities can be called for assistance when performing necromantic rituals. For example, in Babylonia mythology, we have Ereshkigal, the Lady of the Underworld and Anubis is the god of death in the Egyptian lore.  Necromancers working with different deities usually place on their altars objects to represent the god and goddesses.

Ouija board:

Also known as a spirit board. It is used to communicate with the spirits. This device was first introduced by Elijah Bond in 1890 and since then it has been widely used by witches, wizards, sorcerers, and paranormal investigators.

The bronze dagger

Due to its softer energy, it is used to welcome spirits. It is also used to cast the magick circle of protection.

Yew wand

This is a powerful wood of death used for summoning and controlling the spirit of the dead.

Spirit powder

This is a powerful spiritual essence that links the magician with the target spirit. When used together with other hoodoo powders, it can be used to lay a curse on a target.

Scrying tools

Scrying is the practice of looking into a suitable medium to see visions. Ghosts can manifest in scrying mediums like black mirrors, crystal ball, water, etc.

Herbs and roots

While summoning spirits several herbs help them manifest. For example, when Mullein is burnt, it enhances the spirit’s manifestation and opens the eyes of the necromancer to see the Otherworld. Yew can be used to banish malevolent spirits of the dead.

Herbs are also used to heighten the psychic senses of the magician. For example, Mugwort aids divination and communication with spirits.


It is a divinatory tool through which the spirits send messages to the conjurer. The message is passed through the direction the pendulum swings to.  When you have gotten a pendulum, you can ask simple questions that require a “yes or no” response then study its movements.


Incense is often burnt because the aroma helps to carry the magician’s request to the realm of the spirit. Also, the aroma awakens the spirits and cajole them to do the bidding of the magician.


Altars serve as the focal point during necromantic rituals. If the spirit that is being invoked is that of a dead relative, you can make an ancestral altar using items that represent the individual. Such altars can contain pictures or personal belongings of the dead relatives, flowers, offerings, and other rituals tools.

Graveyard dirt

This is another vital ingredient used when consulting the spirits of the dead. You can place it on your ancestral altar. Meanwhile, there are some precautions you must take before collecting graveyard dirt. First, you must ask for permission from the spirit and also leave some offerings at the site.



For those who intend to practice necromancy, the first thing to do is to highlight your intentions. Do you want to know about the afterlife? Do you seek for power and control? Do you want to speak with a dead relative? Do you want to practice baneful sorcery? A clear intention would determine the rituals and tools to work with.

How would you feel if someone barged into your apartment? I guess you would be angry. The same applies to spirits. Naturally, dead spirits don’t like to be disturbed. You must always seek permission before working with them and during the ritual, you must treat them with respect. Finally, after every ritual, ensure to close all the spiritual doorways that were opened otherwise you might receive an unwanted visitor that would wreck your life and consume your soul.


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  • https://   www.  oocities.  org/  vtmgiovanni/rituals.html
  • http://www.

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