After casting your circle, you’ll want to ‘call the quarters’, that is invoke the elementals and their energies at the four compass points of your sacred space. These are the Watchtowers, the protectors, the energies that add fuel to your magical workings and power to your rituals…Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

Items needed:
1. Four candles: green, yellow, red, & blue
2. Athame or magic wand


  • North: Earth
Set a green candle at the north gate, the gate of Earth. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Earth in the space above this candle say:


Watchtowers of the North,
I summon you now
To this sacred place.
Guard this circle
Outside of time and space.
By the powers of Earth,
To my magic give birth.”


  • East: Air
Set a yellow candle at the east gate, the gate of Air. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Air in the space above this candle say:


Watchtowers of the East,
I summon you now
To this sacred place.
Guard this circle
Outside of time and space.
By the powers of Air
Bring magic to bare.”


  • South: Fire
Set a red candle at the south gate, the gate of Fire. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Fire in the space above this candle say:


Watchtowers of the South,
I summon you now
To this sacred place.
Guard this circle
Outside of time and space.
By the powers of Fire,
My magic inspire.”


  • West: Water
Set a blue candle at the west gate, the gate of Water. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Water in the space above this candle say:


Watchtowers of the West,
I summon you now
To this sacred place.
Guard this circle
Outside of time and space.
By the powers of Water will be
Energy to set my magic free.”

When your ritual is finished, when your spell is complete, go to each of the four quarters; dismiss the elementals with a banishing pentagram, a thank you, and farewell…wish them a safe journey and ask for their blessing.