The Atharvaveda is sometimes called the “Veda of magical formulas, and is composed in Vedic Sanskrit, and it is a collection of 730 hymns with about 6,000 mantras, divided into 20 books.

The Atharvaveda Samhita contains hymns many of which were charms, magic spells and incantations meant to be pronounced by the person who seeks some benefit, or more often by a sorcerer who would say it on his or her behalf.

The most frequent goal of these hymns charms and spells were long life of a loved one or recovery from some illness. In these cases, the affected would be given substances such as a plant (leaf, seed, root) and an amulet. Some magic spells were for soldiers going to war with the goal of defeating the enemy, others for anxious lovers seeking to remove rivals or to attract the lover who is less than interested, some for success at a sporting event, in economic activity, for bounty of cattle and crops, or removal of petty pest bothering a household.

An example of one of the spells:  Spells and prayers to gain a lover, wife

A number of verses relate to spells for gaining a husband, or a wife, or love of a woman or to prevent any rivals from winning over one’s “love interest”.

May O Agni!, a suitor after our own heart come to us, may he come to this maiden with fortune!
May she be agreeable to suitors, charming at festivals, promptly obtain happiness through a husband!

As this comfortable cave, O Indra!, furnishing a safe abode hath become pleasing to all life,
thus may this woman be a favourite of fortune, beloved, not at odds with her husband!
Do thou ascend the full, inexhaustible ship of fortune;
upon this bring, hither the suitor who shall be agreeable to thee!

Bring hither by thy shouts, O lord of wealth, the suitor, bend his mind towards her;
turn thou the attention of every agreeable suitor towards her!

— Atharvaveda 2.36

If you wish to review the spells of this system, we are going to provide links to the sacred text website, where you can begin your study. I would suggest that you try a spell for yourself before copying it into your own book of shadows.

To further your studies, I will provide links to documents and essays, as some of the links below will provide quite confusing incantations and tools to the newcomer of witchcraft.

Research Paper – A Witchcraft Practice of the Atharva-Veda –

Website –

As this is a complex and lengthy spiritual system to comprehend, we make no attempt to explain to you Hinduism all the Vedas, as we ourselves are only just scratching the surface and we do not study the waiters. We will provide you a brillant link to the sacred texts website to help you go through this FREE material at your own leisure.

Source –

Hindu Gods –

Hindu Goddesses –

Recommended books to study:

I. Charms to Cure Diseases and Possession by Demons of Disease (Bhaishagykni)

V, 22. Charm against takman (fever) and related diseases.
VI, 20. Charm against takman (fever)
I, 25. Charm against takman (fever)
VII, 116. Charm against takman (fever)
V, 4. Prayer to the kushtha-plant to destroy takman (fever)
XIX, 39. Prayer to the kushtha-plant to destroy takman (fever), and other ailments
I, 12. Prayer to lightning, conceived as the cause of fever, headache, and cough
I, 22. Charm against jaundice and related diseases
VI, 14. Charm against the disease balâsa
VI, 105. Charm against cough
I, 2. Charm against excessive discharges from the body
II, 3. Charm against excessive discharges from the body, undertaken with spring-water
VI, 44. Charm against excessive discharges from the body
I, 3. Charm against constipation and retention of urine
VI, 90. Charm against internal pain (colic), due to the missiles of Rudra
I, 10. Charm against dropsy
VII, 83. Charm against dropsy
VI, 24. Dropsy, heart-disease, and kindred maladies cured by flowing water
VI, 80. An oblation to the sun, conceived as one of the two heavenly dogs, as a cure for paralysis
II, 8. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease
II, 10. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease
III, 7. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease
I, 23. Leprosy cured by a dark plant
I, 24. Leprosy cured by a dark plant
VI, 83. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called apakit
VII, 76. A. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called apakit
VII, 74. A. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called apakit
I, 25. Charm against scrofulous sores upon neck and shoulders
VI, 57. Urine (gâlâsha) as a cure for scrofulous sores
IV, 12. Charm with the plant arundhatî (lâkshâ) for the cure of fractures
V, 5. Charm with the plant silâki (lâkshâ, arundhatî) for the cure of wounds
VI, 109. The pepper-corn as a cure for wounds
I, 17. Charm to stop the flow of blood
II, 31. Charm against worms
II. 32. Charm against worms in cattle
V, 23. Charm against worms in children
IV, 6. Charm against poison
IV, 7. Charm against poison
VI, 100. Ants as an antidote against poison
VI, 13 Charm against snake-poison
VI, 12. Charm against snake-poison
VII, 56. Charm against the poison of serpents, scorpions, and insects
VI, 16. Charm against ophthalmia
VI, 21. Charm to promote the growth of hair
VI, 136. Charm with the plant nitatni to promote the growth of hair
VI, 137. Charm to promote the growth of hair
IV, 4. Charm to promote virility
VI, 111. Charm against mania
IV, 37. Charm with the plant agasringi to drive out Rakshas, Apsaras and Gandharvas
II, 9. Possession by demons of disease, cured by an amulet of ten kinds of wood
IV, 6. Charm against demons (pisâka) conceived as the cause of disease
II, 25. Charm with the plant prisniparnî against the demon of disease, called kanva
VI, 32. Charm for driving away demons (Rakshas and Pisâkas)
II, 4. Charm with an amulet derived from the gangida tree, against diseases and demons
XIX, 34, Charm with an amulet derived from the gafigpida-tree, aoainst diseases and demons
XIX, 35. Charm with an amulet derived from the gangida-tree, against diseases and demons
VI, 85. Exorcism of disease by means of an amulet from the varana-tree
VI, 127. The kîpudru-tree as a panacea
XIX, 38. The healing properties of bdellium
VI, 91. Barley and water as universal remedies
VIII, 7. Hymn to all magic and medicinal plants, used as a universal remedy
VI, 96. Plants as a panacea
II, 32. Charm to secure perfect health
IX, 8. Charm to procure immunity from all diseases
II, 29. Charm for obtaining long life and prosperity by transmission of disease

II. Prayers for Long Life and Health (Âyushyâni)

III, 11. Prayer for health and long life
II, 28. Prayer for long life pronounced over a boy
III, 31. Prayer for health and long life
VII, 53. Prayer for long life
VIII, 1. Prayer for exemption from the dangers of death
VIII, 2. Prayer for exemption from the dangers of death
V. 30. Prayer for exemption from disease and death
IV, 9. Salve (âñgana) as a protector of life and limb
IV, 10. The pearl and its shell as an amulet bestowing long life and prosperity
XIX, 26. Gold as an amulet for long life

III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni)

I, 7. Against sorcerers and demons
I, 8. Against sorcerers and demons
I, 16. Charm with lead, against demons and sorcerers
VI, 2. The soma-oblation directed against Demons (rakshas)
II, 14. Charm against a variety of female demons, conceived as hostile to men, cattle, and home
III, 9. Against vishkandha and kâbava (hostile demons)
IV, 20. Charm with a certain plant (sadampushpâ) which exposes demons and enemies
IV, 17. Charm with the apâmârga-plant, against sorcery, demons, and enemies
IV, 18. Charm with the apâmârga-plant, against sorcerers and demons
IV, 19. Mystic power of the apâmârga-plant, against demons and sorcerers
VII, 65. Charm with the apâmârga-plant, against curses, and the consequences of sinful deeds
X, 1. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
V, 31. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
V, 14. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
VIII, 5. Prayer for protection addressed to a talisman made from wood of the sraktya-tree
X, 3. Praise of the virtues of an amulet derived from the varana-tree
X, 6. Praise of the virtues of amulet of khadira-wood in the shape of a ploughshare
IV, 16. Prayer to Varuna for protection against treacherous designs
II, 12. Imprecation against enemies thwarting holy work
VII, 70. Frustration of the sacrifice of an enemy
II, 7. Charm against curses and hostile plots, undertaken with a certain plant
III, 6. The asvattha-tree as a destroyer of enemies
VI, 75. Oblation for the suppression of enemies (nairbâdhyam havih)
VII 37. Curse against one that practises hostile charms
VII, 13. Charm to deprive enemies of their strength

IV. Charms Pertaining to Women (Strikaratâni)

II, 36. Charm to obtain a husband
VI, 60. Charm for obtaining a husband
VI, 82. Charm for obtaining a wife
VI, 78. Blessing for a married couple
VII, 36. Love-charm spoken by a bridal couple
VII, 37. Charm pronounced by the bride over the bridegroom
VI, 81. A bracelet as an amulet to ensure conception
III, 23. Charm for obtaining a son (pumsavanam)
VI, 11. Charm for obtaining a son (pumsavanam)
VII, 35. An incantation to make a woman sterile
VI, 17. Charm to prevent miscarriage
I, 11. Charm for easy parturition
I, 34. Charm with licorice, to secure the love of a woman
II, 30. Charm to secure the love of a woman
VI, 8. Charm to secure the love of a woman
VI, 9. Charm to secure the love of a woman
VI, 102. Charm to secure the love of a woman
III, 25. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a woman
VII, 139. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a woman
VII, 38. Charm to secure the love of a man
VI, 130. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a man
VI, 131. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a man
VI, 132. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a man
IV, 5. Charm at an assignation
VI, 77. Charm to cause the return of a truant woman
VI, 18. Charm to allay jealousy
VII, 45. Charm to allay jealousy
I, 14. A woman’s incantation against her rival
III, 18. Charm of a woman against a rival or co-wife
VI, 138. Charm for depriving a man of his virility
I, 18. Charm to remove evil bodily characteristics from a woman
VI, 110. Expiatory charm for a child born under an unlucky star
VI, 140. Expiation for the irregular appearance of the first pair of teeth

V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni)

IV, 8. Prayer at the consecration of a king
III, 3. Charm for the restoration of an exiled king
III, 4. Prayer at the election of a king
III, 5. Praise of an amulet derived from the parna-tree, designed to strengthen royal power
IV, 22. Charm to secure the superiority of a king
I, 9. Prayer for earthly and heavenly success
VI, 38. Prayer for lustre and power
VI, 39. Prayer for glory (yasas)
VIII, 8. Battle-charm
I, 19. Battle-charm against arrow-wounds
III, 1. Battle-charm for confusing the enemy
III, 2. Battle-charm for confusing the enemy
VI, 97. Battle-charm of a king upon the eve of battle
VI, 99. Battle-charm of a king on the eve of battle
XI, 9. Prayer to Arbudi and Nyarbudi for help in battle
XI, 10. Prayer to Trishamdhi for help in battle
V, 20. Hymn to the battle-drum
V, 21 Hymn to the battle-drum, the terror of the enemy

VI. Charms to Secure Harmony, Influence in the Assembly, and the Like (Sâmmanasyâni, etc.)

III, 30. Charm to secure harmony
VI, 73. Charm to allay discord
VI, 74. Charm to allay discord
VII, 52. Charm against strife and bloodshed
VI, 64. Charm to allay discord
VI, 42. Charm to appease anger
VI, 43. Charm to appease anger
II, 27. Charm against opponents in debate, undertaken with the pâtâ-plant
VII, 12. Charm to procure influence in the assembly
VI, 94. Charm to bring about submission to one’s will

VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters

III, 12. Prayer at the building of a house
VI, 142. Blessing during the sowing of seed
VI, 79. Charm for procuring increase of grain
VI, 50. Exorcism of vermin infesting grain in the field
VII, 11. Charm to protect grain from lightning
II, 26. Charm for the prosperity of cattle
III, 14. Charm for the prosperity of cattle
VI, 59. Prayer to the plant arundhatî for protection to cattle
VI, 70. Charm to secure the attachment of a cow to her calf
III, 28. Formula in expiation of the birth of twin-calves
VI, 92. Charm to endow a horse with swiftness
III, 13. Charm for conducting a river into a new channel
VI, 106. Charm to ward off danger from fire
IV, 3. Shepherd’s charm against wild beasts and robbers
III, 15. A merchant’s prayer
IV, 38. A. Prayer for success in gambling
VII, 50. Prayer for success at dice
VI, 56. Exorcism of serpents from the premises
X, 4. Charm against serpents, invoking the horse of Pedu that slays serpents
XI, 2. Prayer to Bhava and Sarva for protection from dangers
IV, 28. Prayer to Bhava and Sarva for protection from calamities
VII, 9. Charm for finding lost property
VI, 128. Propitiation of the weather-prophet
XI, 6. Prayer for deliverance from calamity, addressed to the entire pantheon

VIII. Charms In Expiation of Sin and Defilement

VI, 45. Prayer against mental delinquency
VI, 26. Charm to avert evil
VI, 114. Expiatory formula for imperfections in the sacrifice
VI, 115. Expiatory formulas for sins
VI, 112. Expiation for the precedence of a younger brother over an older
VI, 113. Expiation for certain heinous crimes
VI, 120. Prayer for heaven after remission of sins
VI, 27. Charm against pigeons regarded as ominous birds
VI, 29. Charm against ominous pigeons and owls
VII, 64. Expiation when one is defiled by a black bird of omen
VI, 46. Exorcism of evil dreams
VII, 115. Charm for the removal of evil characteristics, and the acquisition of auspicious ones

IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans

V, 18. Imprecation against the oppressors of Brahmans
V, 19. Imprecation against the oppressors of Brahmans
V, 7. Prayer to appease Arâti, the demon of grudge and avarice
XII, 4. The necessity of giving away sterile cows to the Brahmans
XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
IX, 3. Removal of a house that has been presented to a priest as sacrificial reward
VI, 71. Brahmanical prayer at the receipt of gift
XX, 127. A kuntâpa-hymn

X. Cosmogonic and Theosophic Hymns

XII, 1. Hymn to goddess Earth
XIII, 1. Prayer for sovereign power addressed to the god Rohita and his female Rohinî
XI, 5. Glorification of the sun, or the primeval principle, as a Brahman disciple
XI, 4. Prâna, life or breath, personified as the supreme spirit
IX, 2. Prayer to Kâma (love), personified as a primordial power
XIX, 53. Prayer to Kâla (time), personified as a primordial power
XIX, 54. Prayer to Kâla (time), personified as a primordial power
XI, 7. Apotheosis of the ukkhishta, the leavings of the sacrifice
IX, 1. Hymn to the honey-lash of the Asvins