There are many parallels between Hindu deity worship, and the way we worship our gods on the left-hand path. The goal is to work with the deity, to expand our minds with knowledge, and therefore becoming wiser during the process. It is then we can make the best decisions for our life and for our choices. It is through the acquisition of this wisdom that we learn to become closer to our universal creator, become more godlike during this human experience.

Through the veneration of the God, we hope to receive favours and enlightenment.

Hindu worship is primarily an individual act rather than a communal one, as it involves making personal offerings to the deity. The majority of Hindu homes have a shrine where offerings are made and prayers are said. This is often more elaborate than the altars pagans, Wiccans and occultists set up for the veneration of our gods.

Hindu Veneration

  • A shrine can be anything: a room, a small altar or simply pictures or statues of the deity.
  • Family members often worship together.
  • Rituals should strictly speaking be performed three times a day.
  • Some Hindus, but not all, worship wearing the sacred thread (over the left shoulder and hanging to the right hip). This is cotton for the Brahmin (priest), hemp for the Kshatriya (ruler) and wool for the vaishya (merchants).

Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods and goddesses, and repeat mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered. Some gods and goddesses require a blood offering, in order to satisfy that God and to stop them from reaping further destruction.

Every deity has a specific preference of desired offerings, just as our ancient Demons have their specific preferred offerings. You should always document your research in your Book of Shadows.

How to make Deity worship effective for you

by Savannah

I’m going to give you an example of how to begin working with a God or a Goddess, and have an effective relationship. I will use the example of my relationship with the Saraswati. I will add on a personal level, that this Goddess feels to me to have the exact same energy as my Demon goddess Astaroth. For years I have shared my belief that the same pantheon of gods appear around the world in every culture, just with different faces and names. With this in mind, and looking at Astaroth through the avatar of the Saraswati, you will begin to understand how the Goddess works within each nation to give wisdom and knowledge to devotees.

I feel this way because I have worked with Astaroth for over two decades now, as I have with many of the Hindu Goddess. I research extensively, I take my own notes, I experiment with various offerings, and I spend time in worship. It is my suggestion that one becomes the most effective in receiving spiritual blessings, when they spend time researching, and then putting into practice what they research. I have found this concept does not sit well with individuals looking to come into the left-hand path to receive “benefits” from the dark gods. Sometimes benefits can be derived by the performance of a single spell. This is true. But to move forward on a path of enlightenment means you need to form a relationship with spirit, and work consistently on yourself and the relationship.

This concept can be difficult to understand especially if you are moving out of a mainstream religion where are you are spoonfed what to do and what to say, and you were told by the simple act of donation and attendance, you can receive the spiritual blessings. One is told to have blind faith, and for many they find their spiritual practices unfulfilling as a result. Of course Hinduism has the Vedas to refer to for guidance. However, there are thousands of philosophies working under the umbrella of Hinduism, so followers have freedom of expression when working with their God or Goddess, and they do so on a daily basis in their home temple area (discussed above).

What God/Goddess should I praise?

If you are coming into the path completely fresh, without any idea of who you should follow, then I suggest that you begin by researching the skills and attributes you need to acquire from that God or Goddess. From a very young age I knew I was on a spiritual path and was thirsty for knowledge. Admittedly it probably was on an unconscious level that I was summoning for the Goddess. I wasn’t desiring to receive a material gift, more that I was thirsty for the knowledge to grow in all aspects of my life. So I researched, kept an open mind, and remained patient.

Saraswati actually symbolizes knowledge that is based on a very simple and highly effective spiritual law, which may be referred to as the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a scientific law, based on ‘Sacred Science’. The working and effects of this law are predictable at all times and in all circumstances. Once one understands how this law works, how its effects are generated, one will unconditionally trust in it, and as a result, there will be no more doubt and fear in one’s life. In such a situation one is able to control one’s life in a highly effective and independent way.

Saraswati’s Knowledge is based on the simple fact that one’s personal, physical reality is nothing more than a mirror of one’s beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. Each and every experience in the physical is just an effect of these, generated by the Law of Attraction. This means that if one replaces one’s beliefs and ideas for others one automatically changes the effects – one will gradually have other, new experiences that conform these newly held beliefs and ideas.

One of the basic teachings of Hinduism, ‘pikiran suci, hati murni‘ (= clear, positive thoughts and feelings), has directly to do with Saraswati and the Law of Attraction. It teaches that negative feelings are caused by pure ego-clouded, negative thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.  It is feelings and emotions that propel beliefs, ideas and thoughts into reality. The velocity with with this happens depends among others on the intensity and frequency one nurtures these specific feelings and emotions.

Pulling the switch often appears to be difficult a difficult task as one is used to regard the reality one experiences not as the effect of false beliefs and ideas but rather as an unconditional fact of one’s personal life. And herein lies the challenge. Either one remains a ‘”victim of fate” or one becomes a “master of one’s life”.


Unique offerings for Goddess Saraswathi

Saraswati is the Goddess of learning. She is an embodiment of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. She is the divine consort of Brahma, the God of creation and is counted as one among the three supreme Goddesses, the other 2 being Lakshmi and Parvati.

Saraswati is regarded as the Goddess for all kinds of arts and sciences. She is also believed to be the giver of speech to the human race and hence is known as Vak Devi, the Goddess of speech and sound. These type of skills are important for anybody who has a public presence, and wants to be seen in the best possible light. Take note YouTubers!

She is looked upon as the mother of the ancient holy texts Vedas.

She can bestow one with success and peace of mind, and also bless devotees with expertise in academics and arts. This provider of knowledge and wisdom is worshipped with fervor by students, artists, and persons in creative pursuits and all others who strive to learn to rise to higher levels in life.

In her many different aspects, she can also be a very powerful healer, and also create the wisdom and knowledge within you to be able to create great wealth. Maybe you didn’t see this as a skill she possesses? This is because with any type of thinking religion, you must take the time to meditate on the meaning – as it will not be spoon fed to you in simplistic and easy digestible terminology or concepts.

Saraswati stands as a symbol of purity and white remains as her favorite color. She is depicted as a beautiful deity, who is dressed in pure white garments and is seated on a white lotus or swan, which symbolizes truth and knowledge. She holds in her four hands the Vedic texts, which remain the source of all knowledge; a rosary, the Spatik mala, which denotes the meditative power; and a vessel of sacred water, which can purify and rejuvenate. She is also normally seen playing on the musical instrument Veena, from the vibrating strings of which are believed to flow all the creative instincts of the world.

In different parts of the world, she is presented with different clothing or in different positions, and in each of these cultures, she is highly powerful. You should always research beyond one depiction of any God, and do not judge others on their devotion or beliefs as they are not wrong – and nor are you!

The Goddess of learning should be worshipped on all days by all knowledge-seekers. However, there are some particular days which are considered efficient for this pooja.

  • Panchami thithi, the 5th lunar day is believed to be especially auspicious for performing this pooja, as that can earn for the people the abundant grace of the Goddess.
  • Thursdays, Fridays and the periods of Guru Hora also remain as the recommended days and times for this worship.

Other observances:

  • Dressing the Images of the Goddess in white or yellow is considered auspicious and traditionally
  • Yellow foodstuffs, sweets and flowers are offered to the Deity.
  • People decorate their houses with intricate patterns of rangoli with images of fish considered as auspicious.
  • Incense sticks and ghee lamps are lit along with chanting of hymns to propitiate the Deity.


Saraswathi Pooja Mantras 

I hope the sharing of this additional information on how I found specific deity, helpful to you on your path of spiritual enlightenment!

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