Moon Oil Recipes

Moon oil may be used to harness the feminine energies of the moon. Choose one of the 4 recipes I have listed here and make your own! Naturally, consider the moon phase when making these oils.


  • Use a base of mineral oil or olive oil.
  • Use equal portions of these herbs, unless stated
  • Allow the oils to rest for a few months for maximum strength

Moon Oil Recipe 1

  • Wormwood
  • Camphor

Moon Oil Recipe #2

  • 1 drop Jasmine
  • 1 drop Rose

To induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase fertility and for all other Lunar influences. Also, wear at the time of the full moon to attune to its vibrations.

Moon Oil Recipe #3

Mix prior to a full moon.

Charge in a clear container in the light of the full moon. Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moon’s energy. 

  • 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil
  • 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract
  • 3 drops of jasmine essential oil
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil

Moon Oil Recipe #4

  • 1/2 ounce almond oil
  • 3 drops sandalwood
  • 2 drops lemon
  • 1 drop rose

Moon Water Tonic

Tonic waters containing the energies of the moon embody very powerful healing benefits that bring about integral balance and wholeness throughout the body, mind and soul. Clear quartz crystal catalyzes the absorption of lunar energies as well as amplifies the healing benefits.

To Prepare Moon Water

1. Wait for a clear night, preferably on or right before the full moon. put your crystal in a clear glass and cover with one cup of purified water.

2. Check an almanac for the exact time of sundown on the day you have chosen. At sundown, place the glass out of doors in a moonlit place (cover the glass with clear plastic wrap).

3. Remove the glass at dawn. The water is now filled with lunar potency. Drink the moon water every morning to prepare your body, mind and spirit for the stress of the day.

~ 1997 by Marguerite Elsbeth

Moon Herbs

Adder’s Tongue
Balm, Lemon
Irish Moss
Passion Flower
Club Moss




A Moon Priestess honors her body and listens closely to what she needs. She listens to her intuition – it is her compass and voice of her Higher Self. She seeks to connect with the Divine in her own way. She feels a magnetic pull to Lady Moon and the nature all around her – she deeply wishes to connect and stay in-tuned with Mother Earth and her seasons, dancing around the wheel of life, despite living in an urban setting. She yearns for deep soul-sister connection. No comparing, just loving and celebrating together in sisterhood. She actively seeks this in the modern day world through online communities and close to her location.

By working with crystals, we can bring down the Feminine Divinity and celestial energy of the Moon into our earthly plane. It becomes tangible – something we can see and feel.

And what Moon Priestess doesn’t love pretty crystals?

How Moonstone works with us

Moonstone embodies the Divine Feminine and is related to the Sacral, Heart, Third-eye, and Crown chakras.

The Waxing and Full moon phases are her realm.

She helps to open ourselves to our own wisdom and intuition.

She also encourages us to delve deep with ourselves as we search for our truth, helping us to connect to our Goddess-within. She helps men to connect more with their feminine side for balance and wholeness. She brings calmness, openness, patience, and love to the wearer.

Physically, she helps to regulate our moon-time- lessening cramps, PMS, balancing the flow. Carry her in your pocket during your cycle and see how she eases discomfort.

Try this when you need to ease cramps or open up your sacral chakra:

Anoint 1 or 2 moonstones with Clary Sage essential oil (for cramp pain), and then with your moonstone, massage your ovaries/ or sacral region in a spiral motion.

The spiral represents creation and the birthing cycle of life.

This can also stimulate your creativity and intuition.

Questions to think about:

  1. Do you honour your Goddess Within?
  2. How do you wish to honor the Moon and your Priestess?
  3. How will you work with moonstone?


Selenite is a great stone for the Moon. The glow of Selenite reflects light like the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. This stone reflects the light within us all. She is the yin energy and connects us to our feminine essence. She connects us to the Divine within us and opens us to spiritual enlightenment.

Selenite gives us mental clarity and can be a good study aid. This stone also attunes and aligns all the chakras. If you have a Selenite wand, wave the wand over your chakras in a sweeping motion for a good auric cleanse. I especially like to do this on my moon-time or around the New and Full Moon phases.

Moon Lore: Selenite is named after the Greek Full Moon Goddess Selene. Selene would rise every evening as the Moon to look down upon her lover, Endymion. He was a prince who was granted eternal youth and immortality by Zeus on the condition he would remain in eternal slumber. It is also said Selene requested this so no one could ever have him but her.

Place this white selenite oval on your altar or use it within your ritual magic to help direct, contain, or cleanse energy.


White Selenite Oval Stone

Questions for reflection this week?

  1. How will you work with Selenite?
  2. If you worked with Selenite under the moon, how did you feel energetically?
  3. What other observations did you make while working with Selenite?

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