Considerations for Spellcasting

In this section, I will share with you a few considerations if you are choosing to cast your spells during the Moon phases.

Firstly, we can cast spells in accordance to a specific moon phase. So below you will see what are the most auspicious times of the month to cast specific spells.

Secondly, there is another consideration to think about if you’re spellcasting during a full moon, and that is the planetary influence during the full moon.

Spellcasting According to Moon Phase

There are four phases of the Moon…  New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and the Waning Moon. Each of these phases has a 7 day period for doing your Magical workings. If you add these phases up, you come up with the 28 day lunar month. The time period for each phase is… 3 days before to 3 days after. This gives you plenty of time to plan and do you Spell casting.

Not everyone can plan on doing Magic on one certain day, so this opens the window of opportunity for those of you who have a busy schedule.

Look at the different phases of the moon listed below, and do your spell working according to the moon phase.


Full moon – typically seen as a time of great power. That’s why many practitioners do their most important rituals at this time. Some say the full moon is the best time for works of black magic.

It is worth noting that police and other emergency services regularly report more extreme behavior around full moon. This has long been recognized – hence the term “lunacy.”

·       Moon is full in the Sky

·       Full energy

·       This moon gives you high impact, and is perfect for attraction spells of any type.

·       Great time to explore finding your true path and Purpose in life

·       Witches celebrate their relationship with the Divine formally once every 28 days during full moon.


Waning moon – best for works of lessening, such as reducing poverty, losing unwanted and annoying people. It’s also good for works of destruction, hexing and cursing.

·       The moon is growing smaller in the sky

·       Energy is reducing

·       Good time to perform spells with a purpose and intention of getting rid of something that no longer serves you or to reduce an obstacle

·       Great time to give up a bad habit eg any addiction, any limiting or negative belief


Dark moon  – best for “black magick”

·       No moon visible in the sky

·       Traditionally a time of introversion and rest

·       Good time for Spells that ask for peace and creative flow

·       A time for for healing your shadow side

·       Experienced Witches can use for powerful healing


Waxing moon –  best for works of increase, such as gaining money, love or good health.

·       Moon is growing larger in the sky

·       Energy is growing

·       Good time to perform spells with a purpose and intention of growth and moving towards something you desire

·       Wonderful time to ask for more money, more positive relationships, and better health

·       Wonderful for prosperity spells

·       Perfect for asking for better health, a pay rise, a new job, more recognition

Full Moon Spell Casting According to Planetary Transition

As specific planets are present during full moon rituals you can utilise this energy to enhance specific magic during this time. At Black Witch Coven, we definitely consider planetary transitions during this full moon event, and for some clients we will perform additional rituals to help them with their specific goals should correspond with the transition.

If you are a pagan, here are some additional gods you can work with during this time to help you with your magic. And for everyone else who enjoys practising magic, I will leave you a quick tip for what else you can do during this time to help you!

The Full Moon in Leo may be one of the most magical nights. As Leo is extremely attractive and magical, is also governed by the Sun. Let me remind you that Apollo – god of the Sun is twin brother of Artemis – goddess of the Moon.

  • Hence, all charms are empowered. Magic is really powerful. You can even smell it!
  • Use a Red Candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Virgo is the time of all kinds of healing. Virgo is actually Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld.

  • She can grant all healing and save anyone from Death, as she rules this Realm too. Full Moon in Virgo is really powerful to bestow vitality and banish illness.
  • Use a Green Candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Libra is ruled by Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Peace. This is an excellent opportunity to manifest all your heart’s desires as all are ruled by goddess Aphrodite!

  • This is the time to conjure love in your life. What do you need it for? Are you single? Maybe spark the light of love in your marriage? Or probably you desire more beauty?
  • Use a Pink Candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is ruled by Hades, the god of the Underworld. Husband of Persephone they both rule the most wealthy Realm. Death is also rebirth.

  • Use this Full Moon to contact spirits, or conjure wealth and power.
  • Use a White candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by Zeus, the king of Gods. He lives in the top of sacred mount Olympus and his symbol is the eagle. The bird the flies the highest and can see everything, hence the truth.

  • Use this Full Moon to achieve your goals, set new ones, or learn the truth.
  • Use a dark blue candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is rules by Chronos (Saturn) and Poseidon (Neptune). These are really powerful gods. This is extra Powerful night – and pretty intense too!

Write down your dreams the next days because omens will come forth!

  • Use this Full Moon to conjure power in your life, patience and stability.
  • Use a brown candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight. (for example if you desire prosperity carve a dollar symbol etc)

The Full Moon in Aquarius is ruled by Chronos (Saturn) and Zeus (Jupiter). This s a very peculiar full moon.

  • Use this Full Moon to change what needs to be changed in your life.
  • Use a light blue candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight

The Full Moon in Pisces is ruled by Poseidon (Neptune). The energy is misty and you need a clear mind to overcome illusions.

  • Use this power to conjure magical forces in you, and intuition.
  • Use a dark blue candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Aries is ruled by Ares (Mars) god of war and victory! The energy of the Moon is intense.

  • Use this Power to shine light in your life. Also for vitality, virility and victory!
  • Use a red candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Taurus is ruled by Aphrodite and Demeter, goddess of Earth. Taurus is the primal sign of Mother Earth.

  • Use this Power for prosperity, abundance and explore earthly senses.
  • Use a green candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

The Full Moon in Gemini is ruled by Hermes (Mercury). He is the messenger of the Gods and also a psychopomp (soul carrier, the one who carries the souls to the underworld). The only god who instantly travels to all realms.

  • Use this power to conjure wisdom in you and solve all problems you may face.
  • Use a yellow candle for wisdom or purple candle to solve your problems. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.