How to Summon the Qlipothic demons in 5 easy steps

How to Summon the Qlipothic demons in 5 easy steps using Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle


Looking to form bonds with these powerful demons such that they become your patrons?

You could try to use Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle – this particular circle is needed because the sheer potency of these demons makes ordinary magic circles somewhat redundant.

Also under the Become A Living God (BALG) banner, E.A Koetting offers a universal circle, said to assist the practitioner of the dark arts evoke any spirit/God/Demon.

This is the approach which is used by countless magicians today to harness the powers of the Qlipothic demons. It has become ever easier for the student of the occult to harness the powers of the Dark Gods by venturing into the mysteries of the Qlipoth courtesy of this novel magic circle.

What are Qlipothic demons?

According to Israel Regardie, the “qlipothic tree” consists of 10 spheres in opposition to the sephirot on the Tree of Life. These are also referred to as the “evil twins”. They are also the “Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead”.


Step 1: Understand the dangers of the Qlipoth Advent Ritual to reveal the relevance of Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle today

The Qlipothic Advent Ritual is the most important ritual for opening the seven different gates of the Qlipoth to allow any demon to pass through into the world of the living. However, it is a risky process that normally requires three magicians to work in unison. Failure to execute this ritual perfectly can lead to fatal outcomes for the three mages or utter devastation as the demons may attack their mental faculties. It is for this reason that Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle has simplified the process.

Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle is something of a physical anchor that increases the energy of all evocations. Besides its use in evoking powerful demonic entities, the circle can be used in a variety of Qlipothic magic. For example, you can use the focused energies of the Qlipoth to travel to darker places in Draconian magic. Among the places you may desire to visit as a student of the dark arts is the Cave of Lilith, the Dark Tree, and the Throne of Lucifer although there are many others. 


Step 2: Identify which of the Qlipothic demons you are looking to commune with

Imagine that you want to commune with a demon so powerful that an ordinary magic circle cannot contain. You will want to ensure that this demon is within your level of experience so that you can safely summon him to serve your interests. Furthermore, you should take care to determine whether the demon you are looking to commune with is benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent towards human mortals. It is in understanding their nature that you can make them your patron(s).

Among the most powerful Qlipothic demons that you can summon from the dark realm are the Kings of the Qlipoth. These kings are Thamiel, Ara Astaroth, Sathariel, Gamchicoth, Golachab, Thagirion, Harab Serapel, Samael, Gamaliel, and Nehemoth. These demons can all go by different names depending on the grimoire of choice used by the summoner. They are the highest ranked within the Qlipoth although this realm is composed of several more demons.  


Step 3: Prepare your temple for Qlipothic magic rituals

Black and red are the colors which are commonly used within Draconian magic. They are also the chosen colors of Lucifer together with blue – Lucifer is the most powerful of the fallen angels and also the ruler of Thaumiel who sits at the top of the Dark Tree. Therefore, your temple should be richly decorated with these colors if you intend to curry favor with any of the Qlipothic demons. Likewise, your robes should also be of a similar color.

Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle is also drawn using black and red colors. It should be laid out with the sigil of Thaumiel facing either the east or south directions – these are also the cardinal points associated with Lucifer. Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle has the ten sigils of the Kings of the Qlipoth as well as that of the hidden Sephirot Daath. When properly aligned as mentioned above, you are halfway towards communing with your desired Qlipoth.

Qliphothic Magic Circle
Qliphothic Magic Circle

Step 4: Begin your conjurations

You have to work from the bottom of the Dark Tree so that you can reach the top. At the top, one has achieved self-initiation and can summon even the Kings of the Qlipoth. At the height of the tree, one has reached Thaumiel and received the promise of the serpent Lucifer. Self-deification and enlightenment can be attained if you are able to work your way to the top. It is in this way that any conjuror is able to reach a god-like status.

At the lowest level of the Qlipoth (the seventh part of the realm), the demon who can be accessed is Lucifer. The running theme in the Qlipoth is that the demons at the lowest levels are more powerful compared to the ones at the top. Furthermore, the majority of accounts report that Lucifer has been imprisoned at the lowest level of the underworld as consistent with the Dark Tree. If you are able to commune with Lucifer then the next gate may be opened to you.


Step 5: Communing with Lucifer at the bottom of the Dark Tree

Lucifer is not malevolent towards human mortals as his only enemy is the divine. He was actually casted out of heaven because he wished for humanity to achieve god-like status. This made him rebel against the divine who sought to keep humanity in a confined mortal state minus the knowledge of the ancients. For this reason, Lucifer will gladly work with any conjuror that is able to show him the respect and adoration that he so desires. 

The demonic enn to be used when summoning Lucifer is “Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer”. This enn is to be chanted when the eleven candles have been lit on the different sigils of the Kings of the Qlipoth and the hidden Sephiroth Daath. You should note that Lucifer can manifest in various forms although the majority of these are not unnerving. Perhaps a preparatory exercise for meeting him would be to meditate first.


Final Thoughts

Forming pacts with these demons using Asenath Mason’s Qlipothic Magic circle is easy. However, fail to understand the nature of the Qlipoth and you are bound to not succeed. It is as simple as that.

If you have used this specific circle, or any other circle for connecting with the daemonic, I would love to hear your feedback.

Link to Products

BWC does not sell these products and therefore we give you links exclusively to the BALG website.
The Universal Circle | E.A. Koetting | Magick Circles

  • The Universal Circle by E.A. Koetting
  • Qliphothic Magic Circle by Asenath Mason


2 thoughts on “How to Summon the Qlipothic demons in 5 easy steps

  1. Hanna Harrison says:

    I am Saving to get that, but in the meantime I made my own. I had a black full sized sheet, I bought red fabric paint for about $10. I used an 8or 10 ft level to make a giant compass and clamped a sharpie on one end and a screwdriver on the other. To make a perfect circle. Then I just used the level to draw straight lines and painted a pentagram. I had such good emotions put into it. I used it one time. After my ritual I swear this owl was sitting on an oak branch, and it fell to the ground in a spiral weird kind of falling graceful way. It scared the absolute shit out of me lol. I didn’t see it. Then, the next morning in the garden right under the oak, there were these three giant spots in the grass that looked like a deer had been bed down, or three deer. It was pretty awesome. The spots stayed like that the whole time I lived there..Never saw any deers though.

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