This is a once-a-year event led by Savannah, and has a small audience of Coven members. There are normally a limited number of spaces reserved for our beloved clients.

New Years Eve Ritual 2024/2025 with Savannah


Past Events

My gratitude for your work has been overwhelming, thank you.
The 2021 New Year release and reset with aura cleansing and 3 DUME candles were a resounding success. The One person I petitioned to be released from, who was in my home, was removed on January 1, 2021 and left this world, by natural causes, 17 days later. With a grotesque amount of suffering.
Unfortunately, the person who the DUME candles were intended for, broke into/vandalized and barricaded themselves inside my home. He was removed by police and after multiple civil and criminal court cases, I was awarded a restraining order against him and a LIFETIME Permanent Injunction as well. Including any communication and to stay at least 400 yards from me or my home.
He lost EVERYTHING. Literally. Full stop. His livelihood, all of his possessions, all of his money, his car, his health. His inheritance was rescinded and he lost his freedom now that he is a convicted felon.
All of this happened within two months of January 1. 
I recently completed 5month intensive PTSD/trauma, CPT-Cognitive Processing Therapy treatment to process the horror those two inflicted upon me. I am enjoying the healing and cleansing process with complete peace in my life now that they are gone.
Thank you for making this Thanksgiving the best and most grateful of my life. A


Just want to give a big shoutout to the entire team. You have performed a lot of work for me since June of last year.

I recently purchased the New Year reset ritual. This has been amazing. Two weeks after the ritual was performed I saw a big shift in my finances. It felt like massive blocks have been removed. Money is starting to come in easily. Ideas for new business opportunities are presenting themselves and I just jumped into two of them and researching on the third one. This will help create multiple streams of income for me. I have so much energy feeling like I’m constantly running on energy drinks. I feel really well and have been very optimistic about my future. Just before this ritual was performed I was feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and scared about my future and providing for my daughter. The energy completely shifted for the better. Now I feel like I have unlimited opportunities ahead of me. I don’t even know how to really describe it.

Thank you so so much!!



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