If you would like us to perform a type of hex for you, we encourage you to check out these types of spells on our website here Revenge Spells

If somebody has really upset you and you truly want revenge, we recommend you order the following service:

Savannah;s: VIP Curse

Damnation in Perpetuity Curse

VIP Hexing Spells 3 Month Program

If you’re hexing and you’re on a budget, let’s start here: D.U.M.E. Setting of Lights 

Hexing Ritual with Glasya-Labolas

When focusing on hexing rituals with Glasya-Labolas, it’s crucial to approach the practice with care and clear intentions. Here’s how you might structure a ritual while invoking his assistance in this context:

1. Set Your Intention

  • Define the Target: Clearly identify the person or situation you wish to hex. Be specific about the desired outcome of the hex.

2. Create Your Ritual Space

  • Prepare an Altar: Set up an altar with dark-colored candles (black or red), incense (like dragon’s blood or myrrh), and any symbols associated with Glasya-Labolas.
  • Items Needed: You may also want to have items like:
    • A piece of paper and a pen to write your intention.
    • Personal items of the target (if available).
    • Salt or protective herbs to ward off any negative energy.

3. Invocation of Glasya-Labolas

  • Lighting Candles: Light your candles while focusing on the energy you wish to create.
  • Chant the Enn: Repeat the enn:

    “Asha Glasya-Labolas, Asha Glasya-Labolas, Asha Glasya-Labolas.”

  • Express Your Intention: State clearly what you wish to achieve. For example:

    “Glasya-Labolas, I call upon you to aid me in hexing [target’s name], bringing them [specific negative outcome].”

4. Perform the Hex

  • Writing the Intention: Write down your intention on the paper. You may also write the target’s name several times.
  • Focus Your Energy: Visualize the outcome you desire while concentrating on the paper. You can fold it and place it beneath a candle or burn it as part of the ritual.
  • Use Symbolic Actions: You may choose to use salt or herbs around the candle as a means of focusing the energy.

5. Offerings to Glasya-Labolas

  • Present Offerings: Consider leaving an offering that resonates with Glasya-Labolas, such as a small plate of food or a drink, symbolizing your respect for his assistance.

6. Closing the Ritual

  • Thank Glasya-Labolas: After completing your ritual, thank him for his assistance. This can help maintain a respectful relationship.
  • Extinguish Candles Safely: Allow the energies to settle before extinguishing your candles.

By following these steps and maintaining a focused mindset, you can work with Glasya-Labolas in hexing rituals. Remember to approach this work with respect and clarity.

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