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occult tarot

Aim: the Arsonist

“Aim (also Aym or Haborym) is a Great Duke of Hell, very strong, and rules over twenty-six legions of demons. He sets cities, castles and great places on fire, makes men witty in all ways, and gives true answers concerning private matters. He is depicted as a man (handsome to some sources), but with three heads, one of a serpent, the second of a man, and the third of a cat to most authors, although some say of a calf, riding a viper, and carrying in his hand a lit firebrand with which he sets the requested things on fire.”

Source: Wikipedia


I have given Aim the High Priestess tarot card because of its association with higher wisdom and his office of revealing secrets and increasing one’s intellect. In keeping with the spirit of the Occult Tarot deck however, I have accorded Aim the 5 of Cups. As always with this thread, the objective is to draw one Oracle card daily for inspiration and guidance. The hope is also to receive a response from one of the demons we recognize at the coven.

The Cups are always associated with the element of water. The Cups are usually indicative of the subject having strong emotional issues. The suit is also associated with relationships and their dynamics – the emotional level of consciousness regards a person who is thinking with their emotions as opposed to logic. There is a desire for the subject to wrest control of their life and prevent their emotions from influencing their decisions all the time.

Cup Archetypes are regarded as being very emotional throughout the occult world. They make decisions based on their gut feelings instead of hard logic and reason. They experience strong emotions such as love, hatred, hope, and anger which they usually struggle with. In the 5 of Cups, the archetypes have to take care to make rational decisions through wresting emotional control. They must be careful to prevent their emotions from influencing their choices.

The 5 of Cups is a tarot card belonging to the Minor Arcana. When this card appears upright in a reading, it is interpreted to mean regret, pessimism, failure, or even disappointment. When it is reversed though, it means self-forgiveness, moving on, or some form of personal setbacks. I call this card the “Loss Card” because it is associated with very many negative interpretations that highlight the need for caution.

The 5 of Cups portrays a cloaked man looking at three cups that have been knocked over – this perhaps indicates his losses and regrets. Behind him are two cups that are standing upright to show his potential and new opportunities. The man however stares fixatedly at the overturned cups even ignoring his potential new chances. There is a bridge in the background spanning a great river with a castle (home) being at its end. If he can only move on from his regrets then he stands a chance of harnessing his new opportunities and getting ahead in life.


The Demon

Aim is a Great Duke of the hellish realm with control over twenty-six legions of lesser demons. He is also a fallen angel and one of the 72 demons that were ensnared by King Solomon and bound to a brass vessel. Of these 72 spirits, Aim is listed as the 23rd demon within the Ars Goetia.


Significant Symbol – Fire

Aim is described as a fire demon within the Dictionnaire Infernal. The element of fire is associated with war, destruction, irrepressible energy, impetuousness, or even recklessness. Fire is an important component of magic which perhaps indicates the usefulness which this demon can have on the conjuror looking to gain a competitive advantage.

It is difficult to trace the origins of this demon because of the dearth of information surrounding him. He is not mentioned within ancient Graeco-Roman mythologies or early Middle Eastern texts. He can be found listed in renowned grimoires such as the Dictionnaire Infernal, the Ars Goetia, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. Nevertheless, given his placement among the 72 spirits of King Solomon, he can be said to have Jewish or Abrahamic origins.

Aim is usually depicted in various ways. The first depiction is of a handsome man with three heads – a serpent, a man with two stars, and a cat. In the Ars Goetia however, he is said to have three heads with the one belonging to a calf rather than a cat. He rides atop a viper and holds a firebrand in his hand which he uses to set select targets on fire. There are no mentions of him abandoning his monstrous form in favor of a human shape.


Note – there are no mentions whether this demon is benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent towards human beings. Inexperienced conjuror should therefore give him a wide berth in favor of more experienced personnel.


The Message

Am I focusing on the wrong things? Can I overcome my emotional challenges?

I believe that Aim is capable of helping anyone to get ahead in life. His offices generally revolve around increasing one’s intellect and revealing all manner of hidden knowledge.

His other office of spreading destruction by fire can perhaps be useful in times of conflict although he would be very destructive given his potency.

When path working with this demon, I would ordinarily focus on his superlative knowledge that can help me to get ahead in demonology.

Once the aforementioned tarot readings have appeared, I usually take care to ensure that my decisions are not being overly influenced emotionally. I simply ask the demon to help me make rational decisions based on sound logic and reason – it is primarily in this way that he increases your intellect. In a week or two, I should receive a response of sorts. I will usually have to make an important decision whereupon the demon helps me to make the correct choice.

Tarot readings and symbolism are relative and open to your interpretation. Let us know what you think of Aim and the 5 of Cups in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!





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