Allocer is a demon who is a Great Duke in hell with dominion over thirty-six legions of lesser demons. He is mentioned within the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Luciferian Goetia, the Daemonolatry Goetia, the Dictionnaire Infernal, and the Pesudomonarchia Daemonum as well as several other grimories.
He is the fifty-second spirit of the Ars Goetia and is thus one of the 72 Fallen Angels that were bound to a brass vessel by King Solomon and cast into the waters. He is knowledgeable in the mysteries of the sky and able to teach the knowledge of astronomy to willing learners. Allocer is a night demon.
Additionally, he is also able to impart knowledge of various liberal arts as well as providing one with good familiars. His high ranking in hell is also indicative of his potency. He is said to appear as either a soldier riding a horse or a mounted knight with remarkably leonine facial features such as whiskers.
Allocer presides over a public meeting in hell thus making good use of his loud voice. At this meeting, demons that specialize in architecture and the arts attend. During these meetings, these demons deliberate on plans for community events of their respective regions.
Like other demons (fallen angels), the origins of Allocer are attributable to previously popular pagan gods in the early Judeo-Christian culture. It is however worth noting that his exact origins are unknown as he has no links to ancient Hebrew or Aramaic mythology.
Rank: Great Duke
Animal: Bat
Metal: Bronze / Copper
Planet: Uranus / Venus
Element: Water / Fire
Plant: Sage
Color: Green
Tarot: 9 of Rods / 8 of Pentacles
Zodiac: 15 – 19 degrees of Sagittarius / Virgo
Direction: South
Incense: Sandalwood
Allocer appears as a mounted knight or soldier riding atop a large horse which has dragon’s legs. His complexion is described as ruddy and his face greatly resembles that of a lion. He has burning eyes that are somewhat intense and a very deep gravelly voice. He is also described as being very loud.

The “Demonic Enns” of Allocer
Typan efna Alloces met tasa
Veni, veni, o Comitis Allocer
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Allocer

Attributes of Allocer
- The demon is said to preside over a meeting of leaders of various regions of hell whereupon they plan community activities of hell – it is plausible that this necessitates his loud hoarse voice.
- Allocer’s public meeting is attended by demons who specialize in arts and architecture.
- He is knowledgeable in astronomy and can teach all the mysteries of the sky in addition to teaching liberal arts and sciences.
- He can also provide the conjuror with good familiars to assist their activities.
- He is also said to induce immortality within the conjuror.
Similar demons to Allocer
- Bune
- Leviathan
When to summon Allocer
This demon can be summoned to grant immortality, teach the liberal arts and sciences, teach astronomy, and reveal the mysteries of the sky. He can also be sent on secret revenge missions by the conjuror.
Items Required:
- The demon’s sigil
- Sage leaves
- Sandalwood for incense
- Items of copper or bronze
- Green colored candles
Ritual Time: This demon is thought to be strongest between August 23rd to September 1st and between December 8th to December 11th.
- As with other demons, it is necessary that the conjuror protects themselves from possible malevolence.
- It is also important to accord the demon the necessary respect to increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes.
- The conjuror should balance chakras by engaging in meditation or breathing exercises first.
- The demon’s sigil should be prominently displayed in the center of the altar.
- The conjuror must mentally picture a protection circle, open, and enter it.
- Calling upon the elemental energies by humming the enns of representative demons should provide additional protection.
- The items of metal as well as the sage leaves should be liberally sprinkled upon the altar before the conjuring can commence.
- The offerings should be made when chanting the enn of Allocer in triple repetitions until the demon manifests in the smoke and flames.
- The conjuror should respectfully address the demon in stating their wishes before respectfully dismissing all the present energies.
- Instead of blowing off the candle(s), one should snuff them out as blowing them off would infuriate the demon.
Alternative prayer for invoking Allocer for the first time
- Alternatively, the conjuror can make use of the following prayer to invoke this demon:
“And I say to thee obey, in the name of he who spake and it was, and in every one of ye, O ye names of God! Moreover in the names Adonai, El, Elohim, Elohi, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Zabaoth, Elion, Iah, Tetragrammaton, Shaddai, Lord God Most High, I stir thee up; and in our strength I say Obey! O Spirit N. Appear unto His servants in a moment; before the circle in the likeness of a man; and visit me in peace. And in the ineffable name Tetragrammaton Iehovah, I say, Obey! whose mighty sound being exalted in power the pillars are divided, the winds of the firmament groan aloud; the fire burns not; the earth moves in earthquakes; and all things of the house of heaven and earth and the dwelling-place of darkness are as earthquakes, and are in torment, and are confounded in thunder. Come forth, O Spirit N. in. a moment: let thy dwelling-place be empty, apply unto us the secrets of Truth and obey my power. Come forth, visit us in peace, appear unto my eyes; be friendly: Obey the living breath! For I stir thee up in the name of the God of Truth who liveth for ever, Helioren. Obey the living breath, therefore continually unto the end as my thoughts appear to my eyes: therefore be friendly: speaking the secrets of Truth in voice and in understanding.”
- The prayer should similarly be accompanied by the aforementioned respect and courtesy throughout the entire duration of the conjuring.
- After one’s wishes have been listened to, the candles are extinguished by snuffing them out as opposed to blowing.
Alloces Come into me please Ride me my Master