Amenadiel is one of King Solomon’s aerial spirits of whom there were thirty-one. He is mostly associated with the ability to reveal hidden secrets. Amenadiel is widely regarded as the king or emperor of the west within demonology despite not appearing within most mainstream grimories. He is accorded dominion over the western cardinal point and associated with both day and night despite being a nocturnal entity. The other associated kings of the cardinal points are Demoriel in the north, Caspiel in the south, and Carnesiel in the east.
His most notable mention occurs within the Ars Theurgia which belongs to the Lesser Key of Solomon. Here, he is mentioned alongside his subordinates and their respective sigils are provided. The Ars Theurgia mostly derives from the works of Johannes Trithemius in the form of the Steganographia which was written circa 1499. In addition to the four kings of the cardinal points, sixteen dukes are tied to inter-cardinal points and additional points. Eleven wandering princes are also included for a total of thirty-one aerial spirits attributed to King Solomon.
Amenadiel rules over the west with a host of lesser demons through his abilities to provide decisive magic. More specifically, the demon has 300 great dukes, 500 lesser dukes, and countless legions of lesser demons at his behest. Each of his dukes also has an additional 3,880 demon servants serving under his command. The identities of some of his chief dukes are Vadros, Camiel, Luziel, Musiriel, Rapsiel, Lamael, Zoeniel, Curifas, Almesiel, Codriel, Balsur, and Nadroc. Each of these demonic entities can serve the conjuror with their unique abilities.
Despite Amenadiel being available for summoning during both day and night, the demons that serve under him can only be summoned at specific times. For example, Vadras may be invoked within the first two hours of the day whilst Nadroc can only be summoned within the last two hours of the day. Of the most inferior of his legions, it is estimated that there are 40,000,030,000,100,000 lesser spirits. The sheer numbers of lesser demons serving under his command highlights his potency and the need for only experienced conjurors to attempt to invoke him.
As previously stated, Amenadiel is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon. It is noteworthy that he does not belong among the seventy-two Goetic demons ensnared by King Solomon. These demons were first mentioned within recorded history in the aforementioned Ars Theurgia circa 1499 by Johannes Trithemius. The Ars Theurgia forms the second book of the Lemegeton within the Lesser Key of Solomon.
The demon is not otherwise mentioned within ancient Graeco-Roman mythology with his ties to King Solomon highlighting a possible past as a pagan entity within the Middle Eastern civilizations of antiquity. The initial identity can thus be attributed to a fallen angel. It is plausible that the advent of Judeo-Christian based religious movements led to his castigation as a resident of hell and subsequent demonization.
Rank: King of the West
Direction: West
Element: Air
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Incense: Sandalwood
Planet: Moon
There are not several accounts which conclusively describe the appearance of Amenadiel although the enduring consensus is that he manifests as a snake-like being / energy within the scrying mirror.

The “Demonic Enns” of Amenadiel
Veni, veni, o comitis Amenadiel
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Amenadiel
The sigil of Amenadiel

Similar demons to Amenadiel
- Demoriel
- Caspiel
- Carnesiel
Attributes of Amenadiel
- The first mentions of this demon recorded history occur within the second book of the Lemegeton within the Ars Theurgia by Johannes Trithemius written in the year 1499.
- Amenadiel is regarded as both a nocturnal and diurnal demon. It is for this reason that he can be summoned at any time although his lesser servitors are time-specific.
- Within the Ars Goetia, the king of the west is stated as Corson which is at odds with the declaration of Amenadiel as the King of the West within the Ars Theurgia.
- Amenadiel is capable of revealing hidden secrets to the conjuror by way of announcements. He can be invoked to serve this function whereas his servitors can provide alternate services.
- The demon also has a host of divine magical abilities which can similarly be used to help the conjuror as they so wish. For example, the ability to reveal secrets can also be used to disclose hidden treasures while the lesser demons can also be beneficial to the conjuror.
When to summon Amenadiel
Through his magical abilities, Amenadiel can be summoned in order to reveal hidden things to the summoner. His subordinates can also be called forth for a variety of services as wished by the conjuror. Vadros, Camiel, Luziel, Musiriel, Rapsiel, Lamael, Zoeniel, Curifas, Almesiel, Codriel, Balsur, and Nadroc can be summoned at intervals of two hours each from the beginning of the day.
Items Required:
- Black candles
- Sandalwood incense
- The sigil of the demon
- Scrying mirror
Ritual Time: Amenadiel is regarded as both diurnal and nocturnal making it suitable to invoke him at any time the conjuror pleases. It is however noteworthy that most accounts describe him as a night demon.
- This demon is very potent as evidenced by the high numbers of servitors that accompany his manifestations. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals.
- The conjuror should also take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it.
- The conjuror should prepare by engaging in meditation or other forms of breathing exercise to balance energies.
- The sigil of Amenadiel should be laid conspicuously in the center of the altar prior to the beginning of the ritual.
- The offering of sandalwood incense should be done simultaneously with the lighting of the candle(s).
- The enns of Amenadiel should be chanted while the incense is burning as well.
- The following prayer should be recited “Wee Conjure the [Amenadiel] O thou mighty & potent Prince Amenadiel who is the Emperour & cheife King ruling in the dominion of the West.”
- After respectfully stating one’s wishes and praising the demon, Amenadiel can be dismissed.
Amenadiel Come into me please Ride me my Master