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occult tarot


“Andrealphus (also Androalphus) appears as the 54th demon in Johann Weyer’s tome on demonology Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and is described as a great Marquis with the appearance of a peacock who raises great noises and teaches cunning in astronomy, and when in human form also teaches geometry in a perfect manner. He is also described as ruling over thirty legions and as having the ability to turn any man into a bird. Andrealphus also appears as the 65th demon in the Goetia where he is described with similar traits, but also including the ability to make men subtle in all things pertaining to menstruation, among other things.”

  • Source: Wikipedia

Demon Andrealphus: The Master of Astrology



Personally, I gave Andrealphus the 3 of Wands due to its correlation with the gift of foresight and his office of granting intelligence. However, to stay true to the Occult Tarot deck, I will give him the Queen of Swords tarot. As always, the objective of this thread is to draw one Oracle card to provide daily inspiration and guidance. I also hope to receive a response from one of our beloved demons.


The Swords are usually associated with the element of air. This element is thought to correlate with knowledge, power, or change. It is associated with intangible phenomena that ties with the notion of things that are unseen but yet remaining powerful. There is a desire for the subject of the tarot reading to overcome mental challenges, conflicts, or making difficult decisions. The subject usually has to balance their impulsive urges with proper conduct to realize success.


Air Archetypes are often thoughtful, rational, logical, and intelligent people. When it comes to the Queen of Swords tarot card, they have to balance the impulsive urges associated with the archetype with the need to make proper decisions. This is because Air Archetypes struggle to deal with harsh judgment, lack of compassion, anger, and other forms of abuse. It is therefore upon these archetypes to ensure their element does not overly influence their behavior.


The Queen of Swords tarot card belongs to the Minor Arcana. The card is associated with clear boundaries, unbiased judgment, and independent judgment when it occurs upright in a tarot reading. When it appears reversed however, it is interpreted to mean lack of compassion, moodiness, or even being impressionable. I call this card the “Intuition Card” because of the association which the suit of swords has with the mental faculties.

The Queen of Swords tarot depicts a royal female sitting on a throne made of stone. The throne is decorated with a cherub and butterflies to perhaps highlight the softer side of the dual nature of the human mind. She adopts a forward facing stance as if to look into the future. Her left hand is raised as if to receive while her right hand holds aloft a sword as if to highlight fortitude and a desire to wrest control. There are clouds in the background showing the changing nature of all things.


The Demon


Andrealphus is one of the fallen angels that were bound to a brass vessel by King Solomon. He is a Great Marquis of Hell ruling over thirty legions of lesser demons. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum he is placed as the 54th of the 72 demons. In the Ars Goetia however, he is listed as the 65th demon. Not much else is known regarding this demon.


Among the renowned grimoires that make mention of this demon include: the Ars Goetia, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Dictionnaire Infernal, the Demonologia, and the Luciferian Goetia.  Due to the scant nature of information about this demon, he can only be Abrahamic or Jewish in origin. He is otherwise not mentioned within ancient Graeco-Roman mythology or early Middle Eastern accounts.


Andrealphus appears as a peacock although he is able to assume a human shape at the request of the conjuror. He is described as noisy and creates commotion when he appears. When in monstrous form, he is able to teach cunning in astronomy. When he takes the shape of a human being however, he is able to teach geometry perfectly if the conjuror so desires.


Note – there are no mentions of whether this demon is malevolent, benevolent, or indifferent towards human mortals. He should therefore be left to experienced conjurors to summon lest he deceives novice mages.


The Message


Am I struggling to control my emotions? Can I improve upon my intelligence?


I believe that Andrealphus is able to make human beings intelligent through his teachings of geometry and measurements. His other office of transforming men into birds does not appeal to me as such. When path working with this demon, I focus on the benefits which his teachings can have towards me as a mage. If you successfully summon and bind this demon then you stand to benefit from his wealth of knowledge.


If the Queen of Swords tarot appears upright in a reading, I usually begin to question myself. Am I entering conflicts with the people around me due to being overly emotional or unsympathetic? Are there any forthcoming changes that can benefit me such as improved intelligence? When the card is reversed, there is genuine need for concern – here, I usually have to exercise increased caution regarding what is going on around me (watch my back).


After such tarot readings, I usually anticipate the response of the demon. Andrealphus should respond within a week or two. This should happen when arguments or conflicts are resolved between me and my affiliates. Alternatively, an opportunity to get ahead through using my wit can arise either at work or in my personal life – here, the demon should augment one’s efforts if he is summoned and treated with respect. If none of these incidents occur then I assume the worst is past or yet to come.


All the tarot readings and the symbolism contained within are open to your interpretation. Let us know what you think of Andrealphus and the Queen of Swords tarot card in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!





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