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Andromalius: A Demon of justice and revenge.

Andromalius: A Demon of justice and revenge.

“Andromalius – A mighty Great Earl of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons at his service.  He can bring back both a thief and the stolen goods, punishes all thieves and other wicked people, and discovers hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing.  Andromalius is depicted as a man holding a big serpent in his hand.” 

– Source: Wikipedia

Firstly, in my personal deck of daemonic cards, Andromalius is the 10 of Cups. However, to keep in the spirit of respect to the occult tarot deck, I will review this card as is being the 7 of Swords. As I have previously stated in this series introductory post, my goal is to draw an Oracle card for daily guidance, wisdom, reflection, and hopefully, to receive a message from one of our beloved Demons.

The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure. The Seven of Swords represents deception and betrayal.

The Sword Archetypes desire the truth and aren’t afraid to call a “Spade a Spade”! But in the Seven of Swords, the Archetype needs to be crafty to win the game! The Sword Archetypes experience conflict, pain, anger and aggression, and wrestle with unresolved issues in their mind. When they’re ready to act, they’ll cut right through the situation and the result is usually shocking!

The Seven of Swords in a reading represents a need to be cautious as you or another person may be tempted to do something that is not right. I call Seven of Swords the “Thief Card” because someone is going to take something or betray the confidence of someone to get ahead. When I see this card come out in a spread, I always feel the need to watch what is going on around me (watch my six).

The Demon

Andromalius stands firmly and proudly, holding two caduceus. It is clear that he has a specific purpose. He is an observer who watches and spies on the enemy and he reports directly to Satan, Andras or Azazel. Reporting to these specific three Demons is a clear indicator of his purpose. Andromalius rules over 36 legions of wrathful demons. There is about to be heavy punishment on a deserving target.


Significant Symbol – Caduceus wands

It is no secret that our Demons have many names. In Ancient Greece, Asclepius was a hero and a God of medicine, healing, and doctors. His symbol is a staff is called the Caduceus wand. Asclepius became so powerful, that he was able to heal all humans, including those that were dying, and he could even bring them back to life after death.

Andromalius is depicted holding TWO Caduceus wands, symbolizing his senior position and superior ability.

The Greeks regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor Asclepius, as snake venom was thought to be remedial and their skin-shedding was viewed as a symbol of rebirth and renewal.

Note – Some accounts suggest that the oldest known imagery of the caduceus has its roots in a Mesopotamian origin with the Sumerian god Ningishzida; whose symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 BC to 3000 BC.

The Message

Who is trying to deceive me right now? It’s time for me to focus on this question and take action.

I feel Andromalius comes as a reminder to punish those who are in my way. He is also here to block incoming malevolent magic or negativity from my enemies, perhaps to unleash his demonic legions onto these targets. He also has the ability to make your enemies fear you.

If the enemy is in my own personal circle, coven, or extended associates, Andromalius can be unleashed to expose disloyalty, or an individual who continuously takes or steals. During a pathworking with Andromalius, I will simply request “….. the person within my group who is disloyal be exposed”. I expect within 2 to 3 weeks this individual will be known to myself or punished. If nothing happens within that time, I know that the group is to be trusted and that there was no disloyalty towards me.

Andromalius is also here to offer his protection, and to do so, he requests the wearing of his lamen.

To protect and to punish, is his power, and the message is to summon and unleash his legions at my request.


While the drawing of an Oracle card is open to my own interpretation, I would love to hear your opinion on Andromalius and the message of this card.



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