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Armadiel, King of the North East

Armadiel is another of the aerial spirits of King Solomon who are recorded within the Ars Theurgia of the Lesser Key of King Solomon. He is the fifteenth spirit within the order and ranked as third under the King of the North hence his dominion over the North Eastern direction. He is also a fallen angel having lost his place in heaven after war broke out. The first mentions of this demon within recorded history occur in the Steganographia by Johannes Trithemius which was published in 1499 – much of the Second Book of Lemegeton is based on this publication.

Like the other demons within this order, Armadiel has numerous numbers of lesser demons serving at his command. The total number of great dukes under his command is unspecified although the Ars Theurgia reports for 15 whose seals are also provided for the purposes of practices. These demons have 1260 servants apiece doing their bidding. The identities of the 15 servitors posited within the Ars Theurgia are Nassar, Parabiel, Lariel, Calvarnia, Orariel, Alferiel, Oryn, Samiel, Asmaiel, Jasziel, Pandiel, Carasiba, Asbibiel, Mafayr, and Oemiel.

The complexity in hierarchy associated with this demon is a pointer of his potency – this means that he should always be accorded the utmost respect to minimize the likelihood of punitive malevolence while increasing the chances for a desirable outcome. The complex system of servants and servitors which this demon has is only bettered by the fact that each of his servants are of good nature and willing to obey the conjuror. The demon should only be called forth in airy spaces as aerial spirits are then able to fly around freely during the course of the ritual.

Of the 15 foregoing servitors, they can each be summoned through fifteen incremental intervals beginning from sunrise to sunset. Armadiel himself is both diurnal and nocturnal. Like the other aerial spirits, the ritual for summoning this demon is fairly straightforward and it involves the use of either a glass receptacle or a crystal stone. His servitors are described as being of good nature and obedient towards the conjuror making Armadiel and attractive prospect for newer conjurors or those with modest experience. This is true for both day and nighttime conjurations.


The first mention of this demon within recorded history can be traced back to the 1499 publication of the Steganographia by Johannes Trithemius from which the Ars Theurgia is mostly derived. There are otherwise no other credible accounts of Armadiel within mainstream grimories.

He cannot be traced back to either ancient Graeco-Roman or early Middle Eastern mythological accounts. Like the other aerial spirits of King Solomon, it is possible that he was a popular pagan god of old. He was only cast as a demon with the spread of Christianity whereupon his original identity was lost to history.


Rank: King of the North East / Fifteenth spirit in the Order

Element: Air

Gender: Male

Direction: North East


There are no conclusive descriptions of this demon within the Ars Theurgia. It only describes his servitors as being of good nature and obedient towards the conjuror.

The summoner should expect to experience a demonic presence / energy instead of physically perceiving Armadiel.

What are Aerial Spirits?

The Aerial Spirits of Solomon are jinn associated with the four elements who were commanded by the legendary King Solomon. The aerial spirits are both good and evil. They can show anything in the world that is hidden and can fetch, carry, and do anything contained in the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire. They can discover the secrets of anyone, including kings.

The aerial spirits are governed by 31 princes who are aligned to points on a compass. They can be summoned by directing one’s self to their compass position. The princes have dukes and myriad ministering spirits or demons under their command. The princes cannot be summoned by magic unless the magician wears their special seals as a lamen, or pendant, upon the chest. The conjurations of the aerial spirits are given in a grimoire, the Lemegeton, also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon.

The thirty-one aerial spirits

The “Demonic Enns” of Armadiel

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Armadiel

Veni, veni, o comitis Armadiel

The sigil of Armadiel

Similar demons to Armadiel

  • Padiel
  • Cabariel
  • Raysiel
  • Symiel
  • Asyriel
  • Camuel
  • Aseliel
  • Barmiel
  • Gediel

Attributes of Armadiel

  • Armadiel is the fifteenth spirit within the order of the aerial spirits of King Solomon and ranked as third under the King of the North hence his dominion over the North Eastern direction.
  • He has an unspecified number of servitors although the Ars Theurgia only reports for fifteen. These demons are summoned in fifteen intervals beginning from sunset to sunrise and are all good natured and willing to obey the medium.
  • The first mention of this demon within recorded history can be traced back to Johannes Trithemius’ publication of the Steganographia in 1499.

When to summon Armadiel

This demon has divine magical abilities as a fallen angel. These can be used to a great advantage by summoners. The benevolent nature of his servants means that he can be called forth by people across all levels of experience with minimal risk if the ritual is done correctly. He can be called forth to provide counsel on matters pertaining to demonology or those that fall within his office.

Items Required:

  • Four inch diameter crystal stone / Glass receptacle
  • Girdle tied around the waist of the conjuror and the seal of the demon worn on the medium’s chest
  • Table of Solomon designed in the model shown below

Ritual Time: This demon can be summoned at all hours of the day seeing as he is both diurnal and nocturnal. His servitors must however be called forth at the appropriate hour stating with sunrise subsequent fifteen equal intervals of time before sunset.


  • This demon should be shown the necessary respect in order to increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes while minimizing the chance of malevolence. This is despite the description of his servitors as being of good nature.
  • The medium should remember to protect themselves from otherworldly forces by visualizing a protection circle and entering it before the start of the ritual.


  • The summoner should prepare by balancing their energies. This can be done through engaging in meditation before the ritual.
  • The invocation should be done in an airy place so that the element or air is pronounced during the ritual.
  • The medium should tie the demons seal as a girdle around the waist and wear it on the chest.
  • The following conjuration prayer should then be chanted: “I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Armadiel.”
  • Once the demonic presence is felt, the conjuror should respectfully state their queries prior to the dismissal.


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