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astral traveling

What is astral projection?

In simple words, it is the act of detaching your spiritual form from your physical body. When detached, the spirit can travel to different places where the physical body cannot reach. It is a magical adventure that anyone would wish to embark on.

According to Historians, ancient Egyptian priests practiced astral projection from as far back as 3000-5000 years ago. Although some religious folks considered it a dangerous practice, it is amazing how it has survived till the present day.

Are you eager to connect with your deepest nature and master the art of astral projection? If yes, you will need a checklist to guide you on the dos and don’ts.


Choose a location:

Astral projection should be done in a quiet location free from every form of external interference. Turn off your alarms, and phones, and put the dogs out. Also, keep the doors closed.

Choose a lying position:

After choosing a location, decide if you want to perform it on a bed, couch, or recliner. You can lie on your back with your limbs uncrossed.

Pick a time:

Astral projection can be done in the daytime, noon, or night. Different times offer different levels of success. After several experiments, you can decide on what time is suitable for you.

Call for assistance:

We all have spirit guides, angels, or demons that are close to us. You can ask yours to guide you through this process. You can also seek assistance from your mentors/teachers who have mastered the art.

Get a log book:

Write every astral experience from your first attempt. Those notes would help you track your failures or progress.

Clear your mind and meditate:

This is not the time to let your thoughts wander. This is not a time to be afraid of what lies ahead. Clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. Also, you should learn how to relax, control your breathing, and meditate.

You can try the 4- 4-fold breath technique used in meditation.

Here are the four steps to follow in your meditation:

  1. Take four seconds to draw air in through your nose – inhalation.
  2. Take another good four seconds holding that air in – holding your breath.
  3. Take yet another four seconds breathing out the air, still through your nose – exhalation.
  4. Suppress further breathing for four seconds after that exhalation.

Practice lucid dreaming:

According to Wikipedia, a lucid dream occurs when the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment; however, this is not really necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

To be successful in astral projection, you must gain mastery in lucid dreaming. Learn to keep your mind conscious whenever your body is asleep.

Know the indicative sensations:

There are different sensations that you will experience when you are practicing astral projection. It is important to know what they are.

Some examples are:

Sleep paralysis

This is a feeling of being conscious but unable to open your eyes nor move. It is the stage between wakefulness and sleep.

Dual vision

In this state, although your eyes are closed, you can still see.

Hypnagogic or sleep hallucinations

These are imagined sensations that seem very real. In this state, you will see and hear unusual sounds. A hypnagogic hallucination occurs when a person is falling asleep.

The Vibrational State

It feels as though the body cells are vibrating, although not physically. The individual will feel intense tingling inside their body.

It occurs spontaneously and can be perceived as when the astral body leaves the physical body.

For an extensive range of astral travel products check out our Sister website BLACK MAGIC WITCH


You can stretch out, roll out, teleport out, or even lift yourself up from your physical body. Then get off the bed and look at your body. As a beginner, don’t stay out of your physical body for too long. You can practice how to float across the room and return to your physical body quickly. Mastering this technique requires a lot of practice.

Control your excitement:

At that point when you have finally succeeded in separating your astral body from your physical body, don’t feel too excited. Learn to control your excitement so you can stay out longer.

After leaving the body, what’s next?

There are many things that you can do after leaving the physical body. Let us see some of them.

  1. You can move through space, roam around your neighborhood to visit friends and family.
  2. You can move through time; visit the past or future.
  3. You can visit higher realms where you would find celestial beings, deceased loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, etc.
  4. You can also communicate with these entities and they will reveal secrets to you.
  5. You can visit the galaxies, planets, astral highway, or space. Distance is not a barrier. You can go anywhere.


Most spiritual workers consider astral travel to be safe however they recommend that those with acute psychological issues should NEVER attempt this practice because the adverse effects could be severe. They also suggest that numerous projections within a short interval can result in physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion. It may also lead to fatigue and depression.

Can I get possessed by a demon during an astral trip? That is a very common question asked by beginners. Kindly note that while on this plane, occasionally you will meet other entities. Most of them are harmless but some would want to suck your life force. These are entities with lower vibration and they can be found on the lower planes. You must avoid visiting the lower plane during your tour. Never to worry, once you are on the astral plane, you will find spirit guides that can help you avoid any danger.

The Silver Cord

This has been described as a smooth, bright, and long cord that remains attached to the physical body when you are astral projecting. It is very valuable and extremely strong. It can stretch through a long distance without getting tangled. They say that once the cord is broken, the individual would die and not return to his physical body.

Does that sound scary? The truth is that throughout history, there is no account of death caused by a damaged or severed silver cord. Nevertheless, you must always protect your physical body, astral body, and your silver cord. Call upon your guides and use white light for protection.

Returning to the Physical Body

Are you wondering how to return to your physical body after an astral experience? Don’t worry about that because when it is time to return, your spirit will know what to do. However, the following are some suggested tips.

  1. Make a decision to return.
  2. Think about your physical body.
  3. Visualize yourself entering your body.
  4. Focus on each part of your body and start moving them slowly.
  5. Don’t be in a hurry, you’ll wake up in a few seconds.

Is there an EASIER approach to astral travel?

After reading the above information, you may have decided that this is too arduous of a task to try for yourself. As always, in modern magic, we have an alternative that involves oil.

Astral travel oil is often used in spiritual and metaphysical practices to enhance experiences of astral projection or out-of-body experiences. Its benefits and usage can vary depending on personal beliefs and practices, but some potential benefits and ways to use it include:

1. *Enhanced Spiritual Connection:* Some believe that using astral travel oil can help facilitate a deeper connection with the spiritual realm, allowing for more profound astral experiences.

2. *Protection:* It’s thought to provide protection for your astral self during travels, helping to shield you from negative energies or entities.

3. *Focus and Intention:* Applying the oil can serve as a ritualistic practice to focus your intention and prepare your mind for astral projection.

To use astral travel oil:

1. *Choose or Make Your Oil:* You can either purchase pre-made astral travel oil from metaphysical stores or create your own using essential oils and herbs associated with spiritual and astral realms. Common ingredients include lavender, mugwort, and frankincense.

2. *Cleanse and Prepare:* Before using the oil, it’s a good practice to cleanse your space and yourself through meditation, smudging, or other purification methods.

3. *Anointing:* Apply a small amount of the astral travel oil to your third eye (forehead), temples, and pulse points. Some people also anoint their feet to help ground themselves during astral projection.

4. *Meditation and Visualization:* While anointing yourself, focus your thoughts on your intention to have an astral experience. Visualize yourself leaving your physical body and entering the astral plane.

5. *Astral Projection Practice:* After anointing, engage in your chosen astral projection technique, whether it’s meditation, lucid dreaming, or another method.

Remember that the effectiveness of astral travel oil is highly subjective and based on personal beliefs. It’s essential to approach such practices with an open mind and a respectful attitude toward spiritual and metaphysical concepts. Additionally, if you have any allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in the oil, exercise caution or consider alternatives


The reason why most people have not attempted going on an astral trip is because of the misconceptions about the experience. I believe this article has cleared some of them. If eventually, you decide to try this, I would suggest that you do it in the presence of an experienced guide.

For those who have had an astral tour, we would love to hear about your experiences. Kindly share them with us in the comment section.

For an extensive range of astral travel products check out our Sister website BLACK MAGIC WITCH


  • The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection by D. Scott Rogo, prentice Hall Press
  • https:// truthandvibration .com/blogs/paradigm-shift/astral-projection-techniques
  • https:// www .quora.  com/Astral-projection-How-can-I-achieve-vibrational-state-properly-How-does-it-feel-like
  • Astral Projection Mastery by L. Jordan
  • https:// www.   com/spirituality/astral-projection-meaning-techniques-experiences-stories/
  • https:// www.   org/astral-projection-dangers/f76


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