Author Archives: Drasmella Black

Tezcatlipoca: The Lord of Smoking Mirrors

Tezcatlipoca is the Aztec god of sorcery. He is an all-knowing spirit that sees everything [...]

Loogaroo : The Blood Sucking Spirit

The Loogaroo is a vampire-witch-like creature who made a pact with the devil to deliver [...]

Lix Tetrax: The Wind Demon

Lix Tetrax is another fallen angel that is also known as a wind demon. Solomon [...]

Iblis: The Devil in Islam

Iblis is the primary name for the devil in the Islamic religion. According to the [...]

Ephippas: The Wind Demon

In the Testament of Solomon, Ephippas is an Arabian wind demon who was captured by [...]

AZI DAHÃKA: The Three Headed Dragon

Azi Dahãka is a three-headed dragon of the Zoroastrian mythology who is considered the son [...]


Shuimu: The Water Demoness

Shuimu is a water demoness or witch of Buddhist and Taoist origin. She was mentioned [...]

ERINYES: The Executioners in Hell

Erinyes are the fury devils created in mockery of the angelic form with a beauty [...]

Rabisu: The Babylonian Demon of Thresholds

Rabisu are demons mentioned in ancient Babylonian and Akkadian lore. These demons lurk in secret [...]

Onoskelis: The Demoness of Seduction

Onoskelis is a demoness mentioned in The Testament of Solomon. She is mostly associated with [...]

Lidérc: The Hungarian Shape-shifting Demon

A Lidérc ( pl. Lidércek) is a demon of Hungarian origin which can shape-shift into [...]

Leyak: The Graveyard Hunters

A Leyak is a sorcerer mentioned in Balinese folklore who can shapeshift into a demon [...]


We all need to stay protected all around the clock because evil is constantly on [...]


A Lemur is an evil spirit that harms and frightens the living. They are of [...]

Utukku : The Good or Bad Spirit

Utukku, (also known as Udugg, Uruku ) is a spirit from Babylonian, Akkadian, Sumerian and [...]

Lamashtu: The Demoness That Kills Children

Lamashtu is a Babylonian and an Assyrian demoness known for terrorizing pregnant women and children. [...]

Magickal Amulets and Talisman Everyone Must Have

An amulet is any small piece of ornament that provides protection against evil, danger or [...]

Mandragora: Familiar Demonic Figures

According to myths, Mandragoras are familiar demons who are often in the figure of little [...]

Cernunnos: The Horned God

Cernunnos is popularly regarded as the horned Celtic god. He was born at solstice winter, [...]

Hemah: The Spirit of Wrath and Fury

Hemah is the angel of wrath, destruction and fury who rules over the death of [...]

Nisroc: The Demon Chef of Hell

Nisroc is an alleged Assyrian deity who is both a holy angel and a demon [...]


Ornias is a fallen angel who was defeated and subdued by King Solomon in the [...]


Dregvant: The Spirit of Luxury and Vices

In Persian folklore and Zoroastrianism, Dregvant is described as a wicked, unholy or unrighteous demon [...]

Eurynomos: The Corpse Consuming Demon

Eurynomos is a powerful and high ranking demon (or daimon) from the Greek mythology who [...]

The History of Ghouls 

A ghoul is a kind of ghost or insidiousness soul that originates from old Arabian [...]

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