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Author Archives: Max

Padiel, second spirit in the order

Padiel is another of King Solomon’s aerial spirits belonging to the order of the thirty-one [...]

Baruchas, sixteenth spirit in the order

Baruchas is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon ranked as sixteenth within [...]

Armadiel, King of the North East

Armadiel is another of the aerial spirits of King Solomon who are recorded within the [...]


Symiel, the fourteenth spirit in the order

Symiel is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon recorded within the Ars [...]

Raysiel, first spirit under Demoriel

Raysiel is another of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon who are recorded within [...]

Cabariel, twelfth spirit in order

Cabariel is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon who are mentioned within [...]

Usiel, eleventh spirit in the order

Usiel is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon mentioned in the Ars [...]

Dorochiel, second spirit under the King of the West

Dorochiel is one of the aerial spirits of King Solomon who is ranked as the [...]

Malgaras, ninth spirit in the order

Malgaras is another of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon posited within the Ars [...]

Maseriel, eighth spirit in the order

As stated above, Maseriel is the eighth spirit in the order and fourth under the [...]

Asyriel, King of the South-West

Asyriel is another of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon. He is ranked as [...]


Gediel, King of the South and by West

Gediel is one of the thirty-one spirits of King Solomon mentioned within the Ars Theurgia. [...]

Barmiel, fifth spirit under Caspiel

Barmiel is another of the thirty-one aerial spirits that are attributable to King Solomon. He [...]

Aseliel, fourth spirit of the east

Aseliel is one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon and is ranked as [...]


Camuel, King of the South East

Camuel is a spirit who is mentioned within the Ars Theurgia of the Lesser Key [...]

Pamersiel, first spirit of the east

Pamersiel is the first spirit of the east serving under the dominion of Carnesiel. He [...]

Demoriel, King of the North

Demoriel is another of the four demonic kings of the cardinal points as posited within [...]

Carnesiel, Chief Emperor of the East

Carnesiel is another of the four kings of the cardinal points according to the second [...]

Caspiel, chief emperor of the south

Caspiel is a fallen angel and one of the thirty-one aerial spirits of King Solomon. [...]

Amenadiel, king of the west

Amenadiel is one of King Solomon’s aerial spirits of whom there were thirty-one. He is [...]


Makhlath, daughter of the Night

Makhlath, also referred to as Mahalath or Mahala, is one of the four daughters of [...]

Ephippas, Arabian wind demon

Ephippas is a demon mentioned within the pseudepigrapha Testament of Solomon despite his absence in [...]

Abezethibou, the one-winged demon

Abezethibou, also referred to as Abezithibod or Abez, is a demon described within the pseudepigrapha [...]


Andramalech, god of murder

Andramalech is another demon who is often overlooked within demonology. This is probably due to [...]


Budsturga, the androgynous spirit

Budsturga is another obscure spirit within the realm of demonology. Not much is known regarding [...]


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