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Barbatos: The Eight Goetia Demon

Barbatos is the eighth spirit of the Lesser Key of Solomon. His name is derived from the Latin word “barbatus”, meaning “bearded”.  According to the Ars Goetia, he is a Great count, Earl and the Duke of Hell. 

He was formerly a member of the Angelic Order of Virtues and it is said that he still retains some sort of credentials with that group. This demon is cited in many grimoires and occultic texts. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum lists him as the 6th demon, while in the Grand Grimoire, he was mentioned as a subordinate to Satanachia.

All About Barbatos (Goetia #8)

Other Names: Barbatas, the Angelick ruler [of] Witchcraft, the Wild Archer, and the Wood-demon.

Rank: (Great) Duke; Great Count; Earl

Planet: Venus

D/N: Diurnal

Directions: North; Southwest

Element: Fire; Earth

Tarot: 5 of Pentacles/Disks; 9 of Swords

Zodiac: Sagittarius 0-4; Taurus 5-9; Gemini 10-20; Pisces 0-4

Operates Under: Satanachia; Astaroth

Candle colors: Black; Green; Purple

Legions: 30

Months: April 25-29; Feb 19-23; June 1-10; Nov 23-27;

Gematria: 519

Incense: Sandalwood

Metal: Copper

Attributions: Copper; Arnica; Ground Ivy; Catnip; Goats Rue; Sandalwood.

The Abilities of Barbatos:

  • He understands the songs of birds, the barking of dogs, the bellowing of oxen, and the voice of all living beings.
  • He discovers the treasures and wealth that have been hidden by enchantments.
  • He knows all the things of the past and predicts the future.
  • He soothes hurt feelings, reconciles friends and brings wealth.
  • He gives the ability to communicate and understand different animals.
  • He grants the power to secure favor and grace from those in authority.
  • He assists in dream-walking, atavism and all manner of astral shapeshifting.
  • He gives magickal memory and the understanding and recollection of dreams.
  • He also grants musical skill and inspiration.

How to Summon Babartos and His Appearance

 You can summon this Great Duke of Hell using his traditional “Eveta Fubin Barbatos.” He appears as a horned archer or hunter in the woods with four noble kings and a great troop of thirty legions when the sun is in Sagittarius. When compared to other demons, he is very eloquent and has one of the best melodious voice.

Every invocation to Babartos must be done at the appropriate time, season and with the right materials as mentioned above. If you have any request then you might decide to call upon him.

Some scholars in paranormal phenomena argue darkly that Barbatos manifests a marked predilection for women with beautiful hips. He is promiscuous and appears as a handsome boy to seduce women during summer. His appearance is according to the fantasy of his victim.  Do you wish to cast a Barabbas spell? If yes, then check it out here.


  • The Book of Ceremonial Magic, p.187
  • https://blackwitchcoven.comthe-barabbas-spell/

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