Barbatros is the eighth demon listed within the Lesser Key of Solomon and the sixth demon within the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. He is one of the 72 demons that were bound to a brass vessel and cast into the water by King Solomon. The Grand Grimorie also cites him as a subordinate of Satanachia. Barbatros is a high ranking demon serving as both an earl and duke of hell with dominion over thirty legions of lesser demons. He is also assisted in commanding his legions by four demon kings.
This demon is able to tell the future, speak to animals, reconcile enemies or pursuant rulers, and lead men to hidden treasure. His name is derived from the Latin word “barbatus” which means bearded. The Goetia by McGregor Mathers cites the following regarding him, “He understandeth the singing of birds, the barking of dogs, the lowings of bullocks, and the voice of all living creatures. He detecteth treasures hidden by magicians and inchanters, and is of the order of vertues, which in part beare rule: he knoweth all things past, and to come, and reconcileth freends and powers; and governeth thirtie legions of divels by his authoritie“.
Barbatros was originally belonging to the Order of Virtues prior to his banishing. He was exiled from this order as one of the Fallen Angels that rebelled against heaven. Like other demons, he was a popular pagan god who was demonized and his name subsequently Latinized.
Rank: Count / Duke / Earl
Zodiac: Gemini
Metal: Copper
Tarot: 9 of Swords / 5 of Pentacles
Planet: Venus
Number: 519
Element: Fire / Earth
Color: Green / Black / Purple
Incense: Sandalwood / Catnip / Arnica / Goat’s rue
Plant: Ground Ivy
Animal: Toad / Serpent / Felines
Direction: South / Southwest / North
Barbatros appears accompanied by the four kings blowing horns before him. He manifests as a bearded and horned archer or hunter in the forest. He is always holding a musket in most depictions. There are also accounts of him manifesting with a bow and arrows whilst looking markedly young.
The “Demonic Enns” of Barbatros
Eveta fubin Barbatros
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Barbatros
Veni, veni, O Comitis Barbatros
Attributes of Barbatros
- This demon can also teach the power of song and can assist anyone to get in tune. He also provides musical inspiration if one so desires.
- Barbatros is often referred to as the “forest demon” due to his association with the woods.
- He is thought to have one of the most angelic voices of any demon while his elocution is also impeccable.
- Barbatros is also used in dream magic as well as astral projection – he can grant one the astral double horns.
The Sigil of Barbatros

Similar demons to Barbatros
- Allocer
- Valefar
- Agares
- Gusion
- Amdusias
- Eligos
- Zepar
- Aim
- Saleos
- Bathin
- Bune
- Berith
When to summon Barbatros
This demon can be summoned for divination purposes, dream magic, astral projection, musical ability and inspiration, and revelation of hidden treasures. He can also be invoked so as to reconcile feuding parties.
Items Required:
- Incense such as sandalwood, arnica, ground ivy, or goat’s rue.
- Barbatros’ sigil.
- Four green candles.
- The conjuror may also protect themselves by mentally envisioning a protective circle and entering it.
Ritual Time: This demon is strongest between the dates of April 25th to April 29th, November 23rd to November 27th, February 19th to 23rd, and June 1st to June 10th.
- As with every demon, it is necessary for the conjuror to protect themselves even if there is no overt malevolence from the demon.
- It is also necessary to treat the demon respectfully to avoid undesirable outcomes.
- It is necessary to engage in breathing exercises or meditation so as to relax before commencing the invocation ritual.
- The demon’s sigil should be displayed prominently at the center of a quiet place where the ritual is to take place.
- Candles should be placed at the 4 corners representing the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west.
- Invoking the relevant elemental energies of water, fire, earth, and air by chanting the representative demon’s enns – Leviathan for water, Sorath for fire, and Lucifer for air.
- Since this demon is associated with the element of earth, his enn should be chanted last. It should be repeated three times.
- The demon manifests within the flames of the offering of incense to listen to the requests of the conjuror.
- He should be respectfully dismissed by thanking him as well as the elemental energies prior to extinguishing the candles.