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Bathin: The Travelers’ Safety Demon

Bathin is a Mighty and Strong Duke who rules over 30 Legions of Spirits. This Day Demon is the Eighteenth Spirit mentioned in the Ars Goetia.


Names: Bathin, Bathym, Mathim

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini

Direction: West

Dates: June 16th-21st, September 12th – September 22nd (Connolly)(Day Time

Tarot Card: 10 of Swords

Element:  Air, Earth (Under Amaymon)

Candle color: Purple

Plant: Mistletoe

Planet: Saturn/Uranus

Metal: Lead/Uranium

Incense: Sandalwood

Demonic Enn: Dyen pretore on ca Bathin


He appears in the form of a very tall and strong man with the tail of a serpent and riding on a pale-colored horse. It is said that the pale color represents death. Although, he has a scary appearance he expects the summoner to be bold and fearless while in his presence.

His appearance can also be likened to that of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Nephthys who is also known as Nebthet.

 Abilities of Demon Bathin:

  1. He reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones to the witch. Witches who are experiencing difficulty in understanding the uses of plants and herbs in magical workings can always call on him for guidance.
  2. He assists the summoner in astral projection and can take him to any place he desireth. He removes all obstacles that might be encountered during an astral journey thus making the journey smooth and fast.
  3. According to the Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly, if you intend to travel on a trip, one of the best demons to invoke is Bathin. He grants a safe journey to his subjects. Also, you should keep his sigil on you during the journey for protection.

 Similar Demons to Bathin:

Other Travelling Related Demons:

  • Merfilde
  • Aglasis
  • Sagatana

Working With Demon Bathin:

If you intend to migrate to a distant country and you have applied severally but your visa requests were rejected for different reasons, then Bathin is one demon you should consult that would help you in getting your desired visa.

Bathin makes everything about traveling easier for his subjects. Being a daytime demon, you can call on him during the day. Set up your altar and place all the necessary requirements (purple candles, lead/uranium metals, mistletoe plant, sandalwood incense etc).

With your heart focused on the task, you can summon this demon by chanting his enn. If he appears with a scary outlook, do not be afraid. Command him into the triangle and when he becomes still, you can discuss your request with him.

At the end of the ritual, don’t forget to show gratitude and respectfully dismiss the spirit. For a step by step guide on summoning and dismissing a demon, click here.

Disclaimer: This article is solely aimed at passing information so if for any reason you decide to summon any demon, then you would be responsible for the blessings and curses (if any) that might come from such encounter. When it comes to demons’ consultation, to avoid making fatal mistakes you should always seek assistance from professional practitioners.


  • http://occult- world. com/demons/bathin-duke


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