Neo-Luciferian Church

The Neo-Luciferian Church is a preparation of the individual in his or her aspiration towards The Inner Sanctuary, that inner order which has no name among men. Magically we reckon with five stages, which are:

Pistis Sophia (”Trust/Faith in Wisdom”)
The Inner Sancturary
The Esoteric Temple
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N.L.C. – Inner part (Episcopate)
N.L.C. – Outer part (Members)

The term The Esoteric Temple denotes what is commonly called the Astral Plane. The Inner Sanctuary denotes the Inner Order and the Pistis Sophia is the term we use for the highest attainment. None of these exist on the physical plane, but all of them constitute a reality to the magician.

In the Neo-Luciferian Church we adhere to the following simple statements:

1. Lucifer is the deity of illumination, education and insight.
2. Lucifer is the deity of pride.
3. Lucifer is the deity of freedom.
4. Lucifer is the deity of prosperity.
5. Lucifer is a primeval force.

These keywords are not to be understood as dogma, but they illustrate our concept of the luciferian energy. The enjoyment of these points are what unites us. Point 1 and 5 have a specific magical meaning; That the luciferian path is also about mystical illumination and not just a philosophical intellectual system, and that Magick works from the plane of instinct and intuition which inhabits the magician. Though it is primarily through the instinctive and intuitive plane magick forces are mobilized, this does not reduce magick to a purely psychological exercise, as many magicians know. Contact to other beings (spirits, gods, angels or whatever one chooses to call them) are a common experience with many practising magicians – including the luciferians.



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