Qliphoth: The Dark Side of Kabbalah

Origin and Meaning:

The Qliphoth (also spelled Qlippoth or Kelipot) come from Kabbalistic teachings and represent the “shells” or “husks” of the Tree of Life’s Sephiroth. They are the residual, dark, and chaotic forces that contrast with the divine emanations of the Sephiroth.

The Qliphoth are seen as the result of imbalance and are associated with evil, impurity, and destruction. They are the broken, corrupted aspects of creation, often linked to demonic forces.

The Tree of Death:

In some occult systems, the Qliphoth are organized into a structure called the “Tree of Death,” which mirrors the Tree of Life but represents the antithesis of divine order. Each Qliphothic sphere is associated with specific negative or chaotic forces, often linked to demonic entities.

Exploration and Ritual:

Some occultists explore the Qliphoth as part of a path to understanding the full spectrum of existence, including the darker, more chaotic aspects. This path, known as the “Left-Hand Path,” can involve confronting and integrating the shadow self, but it is often considered dangerous and difficult.

Understanding the Qliphoth:

  1. Inversion of the Sephiroth:
    • The Qliphoth are the dark counterparts to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Where the Sephiroth represent aspects of divine light and order, the Qliphoth represent distorted or corrupted forms of these aspects. They are seen as remnants of previous, failed worlds or as the byproducts of imbalance within the divine structure.
  2. Symbolism of the “Shells”:
    • The term “shells” or “husks” implies that the Qliphoth are empty, lifeless, or lacking in true divine essence. They are considered to be the outer husks that cover and obscure the true divine light. In this sense, they are associated with impurity, illusion, and evil.
  3. Associations with Evil and Chaos:
    • In Kabbalistic cosmology, the Qliphoth are often linked to the concept of evil, chaos, and destruction. They are seen as forces that exist in opposition to the divine order and harmony represented by the Sephiroth. These forces can manifest as negative emotions, destructive behaviors, or spiritual corruption.
  4. Demonic Associations:
    • In some traditions, the Qliphoth are associated with demonic entities or forces that embody the darker aspects of existence. These entities are thought to tempt or lead people astray, feeding on negative energy and perpetuating chaos.
  5. Dark Kabbalah or Kabbalistic Sorcery:
    • Some occult traditions explore the Qliphoth as part of “dark Kabbalah,” where practitioners deliberately engage with these forces to gain power, knowledge, or to confront and integrate their own shadow aspects. This path is considered dangerous, as it involves interacting with forces that can be destructive or destabilizing.
  6. Spiritual Risks:
    • Engaging with the Qliphoth is often seen as perilous because it involves confronting the darker aspects of the self and the universe. Without proper preparation and spiritual grounding, practitioners risk becoming consumed by the very forces they seek to understand or control.
  7. Psychological Interpretation:
    • From a psychological perspective, the Qliphoth can be seen as representing the shadow side of the human psyche—the repressed, unacknowledged, or destructive aspects of the self. In this view, working with the Qliphoth involves a form of shadow work, where one seeks to bring these hidden aspects into consciousness and integrate them.
  8. Ethical Considerations:
    • The exploration of the Qliphoth raises ethical questions about the pursuit of power and knowledge at the cost of moral integrity. Some traditions warn that the allure of the Qliphoth can lead to a path of moral corruption or spiritual degradation.
  9. Balance and Integration:
    • In some Kabbalistic teachings, the existence of the Qliphoth serves as a reminder of the importance of balance. The light and the dark, order and chaos, must be understood and balanced for true spiritual growth. Integrating the shadow aspects without becoming consumed by them is a key theme in advanced Kabbalistic practice.

Luciferians & The Qlippoth

The Qliphoth and Luciferianism both explore the darker, more challenging aspects of existence and spirituality. While the Qliphoth represent the chaotic and destructive forces in Kabbalistic cosmology, Luciferianism venerates the figure of Lucifer as a symbol of enlightenment, rebellion, and individual empowerment. When these two concepts intersect, they form a potent path for those seeking to explore and integrate the shadow aspects of their being, ultimately striving for personal power, wisdom, and transformation.

Intersection of Qliphoth and Luciferianism

  • The Left-Hand Path:
    • Both the Qliphoth and Luciferianism are often associated with the Left-Hand Path in occultism, which focuses on individualism, self-deification, and the exploration of darker, often taboo aspects of spirituality. Practitioners of the Left-Hand Path may explore the Qliphoth as a way to confront and integrate their own shadow aspects, viewing it as a necessary step toward achieving true enlightenment and personal power.
  • Lucifer as a Qliphothic Figure:
    • In some interpretations, Lucifer can be seen as a figure who traverses or rules over the Qliphothic realms, embodying the light within the darkness. This view positions Lucifer as a guide through the chaotic and challenging aspects of the Qliphoth, helping the practitioner to navigate these forces and emerge stronger and more enlightened.
  • Shadow Work and Integration:
    • Both systems emphasize the importance of shadow work—confronting and integrating the darker parts of the self. In the Qliphothic context, this means engaging with the chaotic and destructive energies within oneself, while in Luciferianism, it involves embracing one’s own potential for rebellion, independence, and personal growth.
  • Danger and Empowerment:
    • Working with the Qliphoth and engaging in Luciferian practices is often seen as dangerous because it involves dealing with powerful, chaotic forces and challenging deeply ingrained beliefs. However, for those who are prepared, these paths are believed to lead to greater personal empowerment and a deeper understanding of the universe.


  • Qliphoth, the representations of evil forces in the mystical teachings of Judaism, such as in the Kabbalah
  • Sephirot/sephiroth/Sefirot, the sephirot, also known as the tree of life, meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which (The Infinite) reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms. The sefirot are described as “channels of divine creative life force or consciousness through which the unknowable divine essence is revealed to mankind.”
  • The “Kelipah” and “Sitra Achra” are two common kabbalistic expressions for “evil”.
  • God’s Purpose – The sephirot is where all creation comes from and flows from. “God creates good and evil. No matter what side manifests things on the earth it works towards the furthering of God eternal plan. So even though we are seeing great darkness, deception, confusion, lies and seemingly nonstop death there is something bigger going out in the background that is working out an eternal plan for Gods purpose.”  – Kabbalah!

Understanding the Kabbalah

In the context of Western occultism, Kabbalah is used for magic because it provides a rich, structured framework for understanding the nature of the universe, the human soul, and the divine. This framework offers occultists a system of symbols, correspondences, and practices that can be used to align oneself with spiritual forces, invoke divine energies, and effect change in the material world. Here’s a deeper look at why occultists use Kabbalah in their magical practices:

**1. The Structure of the Tree of Life

  • Tree of Life: The central diagram in Kabbalistic thought is the Tree of Life, which consists of ten interconnected spheres (Sephiroth) and 22 paths that link them. Each Sephirah represents a different aspect of God, the universe, and the human psyche. Occultists use the Tree of Life as a map for spiritual ascent, personal development, and magical operations.
  • Pathworking: Each path on the Tree corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, an astrological sign, a tarot card, or other symbols. Occultists engage in “pathworking” to explore these connections, gain spiritual insights, and harness the associated energies.

**2. Divine Names and Angelic Beings

  • Names of God: Kabbalistic magic often involves invoking or meditating on specific names of God, which are believed to have immense power. These names are seen as keys to unlocking divine forces.
  • Angelic Hierarchies: The Kabbalah includes detailed descriptions of angelic beings associated with the Sephiroth and divine names. Occultists may invoke these angels to assist in magical workings, protection, or spiritual guidance.

**3. Sacred Geometry and Numerology

  • Gematria: Kabbalists use a form of numerology called Gematria, where Hebrew letters correspond to numbers, and words or phrases with the same numerical value are believed to be connected. This allows occultists to find hidden meanings in texts, create powerful magical formulas, or craft sigils.
  • Sacred Geometry: The geometric patterns and structures found in Kabbalah, such as the Tree of Life itself, are used to create talismans, conduct rituals, and meditate on universal principles.

**4. The Four Worlds and the Process of Creation

  • Four Worlds: Kabbalah teaches that the universe is structured into four levels or “worlds” (Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, Assiah), each representing a stage in the process of creation. Occultists use these worlds to understand the descent of divine energy from the abstract to the material and to work with different levels of reality in their magic.
  • Manifestation: By understanding how divine energy flows through these worlds, occultists can direct this energy in their rituals to bring about desired changes in the physical world.

**5. Balance and Harmony

  • Polarity and Balance: The Sephiroth on the Tree of Life represent different forces, such as mercy and severity, that must be balanced for harmony to be achieved. Kabbalistic magic often involves working to balance these forces within oneself or in the world, aligning with the principle of maintaining equilibrium.
  • Alchemy and Transformation: The concept of balance in Kabbalah is closely related to alchemical processes, where base elements (symbolizing base qualities) are refined into something purer. Occultists use these principles to transform themselves and their surroundings spiritually and materially.

**6. The Hermetic Kabbalah

  • Integration with Western Esotericism: In the Renaissance, Kabbalah was integrated into the broader Western esoteric tradition, blending with Hermeticism, astrology, alchemy, and later, the Tarot. This “Hermetic Kabbalah” is what many occultists use today, combining Jewish mystical principles with other magical systems.
  • Magical Systems: Many modern magical systems, such as those of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and Dion Fortune, are heavily influenced by Kabbalah. These systems use the Tree of Life as a framework for understanding and manipulating spiritual forces.

**7. The Pursuit of Divine Union

  • Mystical Union: At its core, Kabbalah is about seeking union with the divine. For occultists, this pursuit often involves using magical practices to align themselves more closely with the divine will, to achieve higher states of consciousness, or to become a vessel for divine power.
  • Theurgy: Kabbalistic magic is often theurgical, meaning it seeks to invoke and work with divine powers to transform the practitioner and the world in accordance with divine principles.


Occultists use Kabbalah in magic because it offers a deeply symbolic and structured approach to understanding and influencing the spiritual and material worlds. Whether through the use of the Tree of Life, divine names, angelic invocations, or the principles of sacred geometry, Kabbalistic practices provide powerful tools for those seeking to explore the mysteries of existence and effect change through magical means.

1 thoughts on “The Qlippoth

  1. Michael Kilgore says:

    I have been drawn towards the concept of the Qliphoth and theistic Luciferianism; my goals are to gain knowledge and to experience the void; the darker path is so much more interesting than the light!

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