Freezer spells serve as a tool for gaining control over negative influences, protecting oneself, and halting undesirable situations. They embody the concept of containment, allowing practitioners to create a buffer between themselves and unwanted energies. As with any magical practice, clarity of intention and ethical considerations are essential.
How Freezer Spells Work
Freezer spells typically involve the use of ice or water as a primary element. Here are common components and steps involved:
- Materials Needed:
- A Freezer: Essential for the spell’s purpose.
- A Container: A jar or bag that can hold the item or paper you wish to freeze.
- Paper: Often, practitioners write names, situations, or intentions on paper.
- Water: Sometimes added to cover the item or paper.
- Optional Ingredients: Herbs or oils that correspond to the spell’s intent (e.g., protection herbs).
- The Process:
- Write Your Intention: Clearly define what you want to freeze. This could be a negative emotion, a person’s influence, or a situation.
- Prepare the Container: Place the written intention in the container. If using water, cover the paper with it.
- Seal and Freeze: Seal the container and place it in the freezer. As it freezes, visualize the situation or influence being halted or contained.
- Timing: Some practitioners leave the spell in the freezer for a specific duration, often until they feel the issue has been resolved or no longer affects them.
- Releasing the Spell: When the intention has been achieved or when the practitioner feels ready, they can remove the container from the freezer, often choosing to dispose of it in a respectful manner.
To Freeze a Person Out of Your Life While Causing Great Sorrow
- You will need the heart of an animal, from the butcher market, a glass jar that the heart will fit into, a red chili pepper pod, three needles, and some red wine vinegar. The species of animal is less important than you might think, as long as it fits in the jar. I have done this spell in miniature in a chicken heart with a tiny paper and a tiny fresh hot red pepper and it worked well. I have also seen it done with a pig’s heart.
- Begin by writing the person’s name on a small piece of paper. You may use a photo of her/him if you wish and write the name, plus the birthdate if you have it, on the picture.
- Roll her/his name into a tube and insert it into the red hot chili pod.
- Place her/his rolled name in the chili pepper pod inside the animal heart and pierce the heart with three needles through it all and place it in the glass jar, then top it up with red wine vinegar.
- Make a print-out of the Three of Swords tarot card shown here and tape the picture of the card around the
outside of the jar, facing inward, to echo what you did to him/her in the jar.
- Finally, wrap the jar in aluminum foil, shiny side inward, to trap his/her in it, and freeze it.
As with all freezer spells, be careful not to overfill the jar with liquids, because the water in the vinegar will expand as it freezes and it may crack the glass or pop the lid.
Experienced freezer workers fill the jar to the shoulder and leave the lid on loose, then return, check the contents — adding a bit more vinegar or scraping some away — then screw the lid down tightly, and wrap the jar in the tin foil.
BWC has many references to freezer spells on this website.
Ice Cube Tray FREEZER Spell to Shut Up a Trouble Makers Mouth
How Container Magic Spells Work
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