As with anything else magical, you also need to deal with the mundane issues. If your partner is having sexual problems, you should first make sure to investigate any mundane causes. A lack of sexual interest can be a sign of depression or stress-related exhaustion.
Some medications can cause impotence or suppress sexual desire, as can certain medical conditions. And old resentments and emotional issues can sometimes boil up when you least expect them.
If a doctor, a couples therapist, or counselor can be of assistance, why not take advantage of their professional services? If that is not an option, then magic is a great solution!

Magical Solutions for Impotency
On this page, we will provide you will a few styles of solutions.
- Energy Healing
- Ancient Spells
- Hoodoo
- Witchcraft
- Demon Spell
- Herbs
We will also suggest some herbs and oils known to be helpful. The key is to be creative, and try the spells and solutions many times. Consider the principals of magic, and your own beliefs about spells working.
1. Pranic Energy Healing for Impotency
SEXUAL ENERGY is one of the most powerful energies we have at our disposal, yet too often the energy is not flowing due to past negative experiences. Too often, blockages that prevent this energy from properly circulating lead to a wide range of health issues in the abdominal area. It may also result in improper attitude towards sex which may significantly impact one’s ability to enjoy healthy relationships with the partner.
If you can’t cast the spells yourself, allow BWC to perform Pranic Energy Healing. Most men will need between 1 to 3 sessions to feel the effects.
Tip: Make sure you tell us want you need us to work on if you choose the cleansing work.
2. Ancient Spells to Heal and Remedy Impotence
Impotence Diagnosis: The Hand of Ishtar
According to ancient Mesopotamian belief, all-seeing, all-knowing spirits punish a host of infractions, some of which you may not even have realized you had committed until you received the punishment. Mesopotamian deities typically communicate their displeasure by inflicting disease. Each possesses its own specific illness. Thus you will know by the disease, whose displeasure you have evoked. Ishtar, Divine Spirit of Love, Life, and Sexual Delights, punishes via sexual dysfunction. If impotence is a result of her anger, then the only way it can be resolved is through rituals to evoke her forgiveness.
However, a problem of ambiguity exists: impotence may also be the result of malevolent bewitchment cast by another person, or of a mangled Fidelity Spell cast by your wife to stop you playing around on the side. (The notion of a purely physical cause may or may not have existed.)
The root cause of impotence affects the nature of its cure. This diagnostic spell seeks to determine whether lack of sexual ability stems from human hands or from the Hand of Ishtar. As with many healing rituals, someone else performs the spell for the patient.
- Form dough from emmer wheat and potter’s clay.
- Use it to create male and female figures.
- Place one on top of the other, however you’re inspired.
- Place them near the afflicted man’s head.
- Recite an incantation seven times, blessing Ishtar and requesting that the needed information be clearly revealed.
- Remove these figures and place them in the vicinity of a pig. If the pig approaches the figures, this confirms that Ishtar is responsible for the ailment. A cure may be made through offerings and rituals of appeasement. If however the pig does not approach the figures, if they do not attract its attention, the man has been bewitched by a person. In order to undo the spell, he must find the charm and undo it or take other magical measures.
4. Witchcraft Spells
by Judika Ilkes
Impotence Remedy (1) Dandelion
Early American colonists recommend dandelions to counteract impotence based on magical and folk-healing traditions. Interestingly dandelion leaves have since been discovered to contain extremely high quantities of Vitamin A, essential for production of male and female sex hormones.
A glass of dandelion wine serves as a restorative potion. Alternatively add dandelion leaves to salad. Before consuming, murmur your desires over the food and visualize successful accomplishment of the spell.
Impotence Remedy (2) Dragon’s Blood Spell
Place a chunk of dragon’s blood in a red bag and keep it under the mattress, to reinvigorate male sexual prowess.
Iron Spell Iron Key
- Obtain seven keys, each from a different house, each from a different town.
- Heat them until red-hot on an anvil. (A cast-iron pan will substitute.)
- Blend water from seven different sources: the original Moroccan formula requests water from seven different wells, in itself an adaptation of the ancient pan-Semitic miraculous water from seven springs. If either option is a possibility, follow the original directions. Otherwise, seven types of bottled spring water, each deriving from a different source, is a realistic modern update.
- Pour this blended water over the red-hot keys. The patient is then exposed to the steam. (Be careful not to scald yourself; the goal is to improve the situation, not worsen it.)
- Catch the water as it comes off the anvil or pan.
- When it cools off, use it to bathe the afflicted parts.
Strong as an Oak Spell
Oaks are traditionally associated with primal male power. This spell may be used to remedy impotence or just enhance sexual capacity.
- Look for an older, strong, powerful-looking oak.
- Talk to the tree: whisper your situation to it, describing your needs and desires. Request assistance.
- Look down: if the tree is sympathetic, you’ll find twigs or acorns on the ground.
- Actually seeing the twig or acorn fall—or even being hit on the head by one—is a profound assurance of assistance.
- Leave a gift and libation for the tree; gather up your acorn or twig and carry it with you.
3. Hoodoo Spells for Impotence
As the Marvellettes sang, “My baby must be a magician because he’s sure got the magic touch!” These spells may benefit someone suffering from erectile dysfunction, it doesn’t hurt to try; however their real goal is to transform regular sex into nights (and days!) of unflagging ecstasy.
Male Super Sexual Ability Spells tend to take the form of potions or virility charms. In many cases the magic symbolism inherent in these spells evokes female sexual symbolism (as in the Ishtar spell above), in order to enhance male sexual ability (almonds, honey, clams, and more).
Herbs and oils could be used on candles, mojos, or dolls. Here are a few ideas:
All Night Long Oil
Add essential oil of jasmine, ideally jasmine sambac, to sweet almond oil. Use this oil to dress candles or the body, to magically fulfill the promise inherent in its name.
Date Super Sex Spell
Make a date with some dates: carry cleansed, dried date pits in a conjure bag, for enhanced sexual ability.
Johnny-Jump-Up Sex Power Spell
Carry dried Johnny-Jump-Up blossoms in a conjure bag to enhance male sexual potency.
Sexual Prowess Potion Chickpeas
To enhance male sexual prowess:
Soak chickpeas (garbanzo beans) in water. They will swell.
When they are completely soft and swollen, strain out the chickpeas and drink the water. This allegedly makes a man so virile he can deflower 72 virgin cows in one night.
Sexual Prowess Powder Breakfast of Champions
Before breakfast on three consecutive mornings, eat shelled almonds pounded with cinnamon and then mixed into honey. Three mornings is allegedly enough to provide a long-lasting effect.
Sexual Prowess Spell
Keep male fern and High John the Conqueror roots stored among your clothing. When you wear the clothing, you will allegedly radiate sexual magnetism.
Virility Charm Horns
Double horns evoke primal female power, reflecting the appearance of women’s internal sexual organs; a single horn manifests male primal power and sexual vigor for obvious reasons. Although men aren’t inherently vulnerable to the Evil Eye, their sexual power and reproductive capacity are among the Evil Eye’s primary targets. Charms representing horns, traditionally worn around the neck, potently protect male genitalia and virility.
Ya Ya Powder
Grind, powder, and blend the following: cinnamon, peppermint, red sandalwood, and vetiver. Dust the sheets or dust yourself to inspire your partner.
Book: Element Encyclopaedia 5000 Spells by Judika Illes (Mar 11 2004) –
5. Zepar Impotence Spell – Click Here
6. Herbs Cure CAUSE Impotence
Magical Uses:
- Small phallic images are carved from fig wood and carried by women who wish to conceive. They are also used by men to overcome infertility or impotency. Fresh figs are eaten for the same results. Write a question on a fig leaf. If the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, or it is a good omen. If it dries quickly, just the opposite.
Magical Uses:
- The banana is used to increase fertility, and also to cure impotency. Perhaps because of these magical powers, if a bride is married under a banana tree she cannot help being lucky.The leaves, flowers and fruits of the banana are used in money and prosperity spells, due to the tree’s fruitfulness
Magical Uses:
- Beans help cure impotency if they are carried or eaten. This is due to the fact that they resemble testicles.
- A bean love spell: a woman should place seven beans of any kind in a circle on the ground. Next, she must have the man of her choice step into the circle or walk over it. If this can be done, he will be attracted to her. (But this might also be manipulatory.)
Magical Uses: A man who suffers from impotency has but to eat some capers and he will be cured. The caper is also used in love and lust formulae.
Black Cohosh Root Powder 1oz (cimicifuga Racemosa)
1 Lb Black Cohosh Root Powder (cimicifuga Racemosa)
Magical Uses: Use black cohosh in love sachets and add an infusion to the bath to help in cases of impotency.
Dragon;s Blood Solid Perfume
Mountain Sage Dragons Blood Sage Smudge Stick 3-pack
Dragon;s Blood-patchouli Nature Nature Stick 10 Pack
Magical Uses:
- This resin from a palm tree is burned to entice errant lovers to return. This is usually done by women seated near an open window, looking outside, at night.
- A stick of dragon’s blood placed under the pillow or mattress will cure impotency.
- The dried resin is a powerful protectant when carried, sprinkled around the house, or shouldered as incense. It will also drive evil and negativity away when burned.
- A pinch of dragon’s blood added to other incenses increases their potency and power
Ginseng Powder 1oz. “siberian” (eleutherococcus)
1 Lb Ginseng Powder “siberian” (eleutherococcus)
Magical Uses:
- The root is carried to attract love, as well as to guard one’s health, to draw money, and to ensure sexual potency Ginseng will also bring beauty to all who carry it.
- Burn ginseng to ward off evil spirits and to break hexes and curses. A tea of ginseng is used as a powerful lustinducing drink, whether alone or mixed with other like herbs.
- Hold a ginseng root in your hands, visualize your wish into the root, and throw it into running water. Or, carve your wish onto a root and toss into the water.
TOP TIP: Ginseng can be a substitute for the mandrake
Used to arouse a reluctant lover or cure impotence. Typically sprinkled under the sheets. When added to other love drawing herbs it is said to accelerate desired results.
Juniper Berries Whole 2oz (juniperus Communis)
Magical Uses:
- Used throughout Europe as a protective herb, Juniper also guards against theft. It was probably one of the earliest incenses used by Mediterranean Witches.
- Juniper hung at the door protects against evil forces and persons, and it is burned in exorcism rites.
- A sprig of the plant protects its wearer against accidents and attacks by wild animals. It also guards against ghosts and sickness.
- Juniper is added to love mixtures, and the berries are carried to increase male potency.
Magical Uses:
- Mastic is burned in magical operations wherein a manifestation of a spirit is desired.
- It is also used as an incense to aid the psychic powers and has long been dissolved and used in lust potions by
- Magicians and Witches in the Middle East. Added to any incense, mastic lends potency and power.
White Oak Bark Cut 1oz (quercus Alba)
Ritual Uses: Since the oak was a source of food for early settlers in Britain as well as Europe, it came to be revered and worshipped far back into prehistory. The Druids (traditionally) would not meet for rituals unless an oak was present, and the very words “oak” and “Druid,” some say, are related. Religious idols were fashioned from oak wood, and Witches often danced beneath the tree.
Magical Uses:
- A tree as longlived and strong as the oak naturally offers magical protection. Two twigs of oak, bound with red thread so that they form an equalarmed cross, makes a potent safeguard against evil. It should be hung in the house.
- Acorns placed in windows guard against the entrance of lightning, and a piece of oak wood, carried, protects its bearer from all harm.
- If you can catch a falling oak leaf you shall have no colds all winter. When a sick person is in the house make a fire of oak wood and warm the house with it to “draw
- off” the illness. (Do this only if you have a fireplace, of course!). Carry an acorn . against illnesses and pains, for immortality or longevity, and to preserve youthfulness.
- Planting an acorn in the dark of the Moon ensures that you shall receive money in the near future. Carrying an acorn increases fertility and strengthens sexual potency.
Magical Uses:
- When eaten, olives ensure fertility as well as sexual potency in men, and are also lustinducing. Athenian brides wore crowns of olive leaves to ensure their fertility.
Magical Uses: The date palm is a celebrated fertility tree, owing to the tremendous amount of fruits produced by it. Thusly, dates or pieces of palm leaves are worn or carried for this purpose; dates are eaten to increase fertility, and the pits are carried by men who wish to regain sexual potency.
Where the palm grows, it protects the area from inclement weather, and a leaf of the palm kept near the entrance of the home keeps evil and uncanny creatures from entering.
Did You Know
Carrots are used to promote lust and cure impotence! So feed that man carrots!t
Oils to Cure Impotency (or help)
Black Cohosh: Love, courage, protection and potency. Use in love sachets or in the bath to prevent impotence
Brambleberry Oil: induces love, fertility, stamina & vigor.
Crossing oil: is a traditional way of cursing, jinxing and devastating an enemy for whatever reason you choose. Use to cause your enemy total misfortune and bad luck. Curse your enemy’s health, wealth, love or any aspect of their life. Use Crossing Oil on black candles to ruin someone’s health or devastate their luck. Burn black genital candles dressed with Crossing Oil to destroy a person’s sexual nature, causing them impotence of frigidity. It’s powerful and extremely negative, so you’ll want to clean up after you’re done.