Zepar: A Demonic Solution for Impotency

BWC has helped men work with Zepar to overcome impotence. But don’t think he will just do as you say. Demons are not “Genies in bottles” where you are releasing them from their vessel and now they owe you wishes! Not even close! You need to form a relationship (most the time.)

We suggest that working with Zepar to assist you with your health work comes with a warning. For one client, Zepar’s message was “….you can have a sexually pleasing exchange with many women, and be wise when it comes to disease.”

Think about that for a second. Demon messages are often short in length and sound more like proverbs. Zepar is known to be “playful”, and can make you a stud, but perhaps its just for a period of time, or worse, the women give you STDs!

Before you ask Zepar to assist you with your Impotence, try building a relationship with him over 30 days.

Here are my tips, and use these as a starting point:

– You can do this any time during daytime, Zepar is actually a day Demon.

– All you have to do is make a small altar with the zepars sigil on it.

– If you have sandalwood you can burn that incense

– You can burn a green candle, however other people prefer just black or red

– And say the following 108 times

Lyan ramec catya Zepar

You don’t have to leave the altar visible to everyone, as this might be unsuitable for you. However you do need to do this for the next 30 days.

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