Fighting Depression
Days for Healing: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
I want to focus on the magic in herbs. We have depression spells listed in the BOS anyone can perform easily. These spells are based on helping you CONNECT again – with yourself, with nature, with deity, and so on. If you’re up for it – please try these spells.
When you have depression or a low mood, the idea of preparing for a spell is just too much for most. Plus realistically, you may not be able to raise enough energy yourself to cast an effective spell.
Herb magic for depression is easy because the powers (i.e., vibrations) lie in the herbs themselves. No outside forces need be called into play, for the power is resident within the organic matter itself.
My Professional Recommendation – as a Witch
If you don’t like tea, well, what can I say – suck it up! Make this tea and drink daily.
Buy these herbs listed below, mix together, and keep in an airtight container. I will recommend small 1oz or 2 oz bags of these herbs for now, but if you like the tea and it helps you, then buy the 1 pound bags of herbs as it is cheaper.
Savannah’s 8 Herb Mood Enhancing Tea
While I recommend you mix all 8 herbs together, I know they can be expensive if you are on a budget right now, try these three
Preparing the Herbs for Magic
If you wanted to be mundane, there is no harm in just steeping these herbs, and drinking the tea. However, I will give you the short cut method to enchanting the herbs first, before you pour the water!
To enchant the herbs
Optional – you can light two candles for depression/healing (i say a color that makes YOU feel happy), and place a bowl in the centre (for the herbs.)
- Pour the dried herbs into the bowl.
- Sit or stand calmly and gaze into the herb. Sense its vibrations awaiting within the leaves and flowers and stems; see them emerging from the plant or lying in wait. Idea: look up the properties of each herb so you know why you are using them and what they can magically do for you.
- Run your fingers through the herbs, strongly visualizing your need. Feel your fingertips charging the herb with energy.
- Chant something like “St John’s Wort, I call to you tonight, to release me of my depressed mood, and make me a happier person…”. Make this chant your own. Chant this endlessly under your breath. As you run your fingers through the herb feel them infusing the plant with your need.
- When the herb is tingling with power (or when you sense that the enchantment is complete) remove your hand. The plant has been enchanted.
BWC Spell Casting Services:
You must read this post
Herbal magic for depression and low mood
To quote Scott Cunningham, “Of course enchantment isn’t absolutely necessary, but it is a method of obtaining better results. The wise herbalist will never omit enchantments.”

Tea Preparation
It is said, you should not boil your herbs in a metal pot or use a metal based tea pot. I use a glass tea pot, and I make enough tea to slip on it all day! I love tea.
You may wish to place a teaspoon of the herbs in a tea ball strainer, and let it steep for at least 5 minutes.
- Bring water to a boil.
- Add 1 teaspoon of looseleaf tea for everyone 1 cup of water. You may need to use less herb if your first time drinking herbal tea.
- Let steep for 10 to 20 minutes
- Drink every single day till your mood enhancers.
You may not like the taste of herbal tea at first, but do give yourself a chance to change your palate from desiring sweet drinks, and tea with milk and sugar. In the photo of my tea pot (to the right), you can see the color is quite dark. I like a strong tea – but this is not for everyone.
[box type=”warning”] It goes without saying that if you’re pregnant, there’s many things that you shouldn’t be doing and taking herbal medicine such as this could be dangerous for your unborn child.[/box]
Other BMW Depression Buster Magical Ideas
- Bergamot Essential Oil 2 Dram
Plants/Herbs for Emotional Healing:
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Cinnamon
- Cinquefoil
- Coriander
- Myrrh
- Yarrow,
- Rosemarry
Highly Recommended Herbs for Depression
Source: Magical Herbalism By Scott Cunningham
- Folk Names: Celydoyne, Chelidoninum,Devil’s Milk, Garden Celandine, GreaterCelandine, Kenning Wort, Swallow Herb,SwallowWort, Tetterwort
- Gender: Masculine
- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- Powers: Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters
- Magical Uses:
- Celandine aids in escaping unwarranted imprisonment and entrapments of every kind. Wear next to the skin and replace every three days for this purpose.
- Celandine also imparts good spirits and joy if worn. It also cures depression.
- Wear to court to win the favor of the judge or jury, or as a protective herb.
- Gender: Masculine
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Fire
- Powers: Money, Love, Success, Happiness
- Magical Uses:
- Anoint one of the roots with mint oil and tie up in a green sachet. Carry to attract money.
- John the Conqueror is also carried to stop depression, bring love and success, protect from all hexes and curses, and to break and destroy spells and hexes.
- To make a simple anointing oil suitable for all purposes, take three High John the Conqueror roots, make small cuts into them with a sharp knife, and place these in a bottle of vegetable, olive, or mineral oil. Let the roots soak in the oil for several weeks. Leave the roots
- Gender: Feminine
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Water
- Powers: Love, Protection, Happiness
- Magical Uses:
- Use in sachets to ease the pain of childbirth. The plant grown in the bedroom guards against nightmares.
- Sniffing the fresh flowers of the hyacinth relieves grief and depression, and also cures fascination.
- The dried flowers are used in love mixtures.
- Folk Names: Couch Grass, Dog Grass, Quick Grass, Witches Grass
- Gender: Masculine
- Planet: Jupiter
- Powers: Happiness, Lust, Love, Exorcism
- Magical Uses:
- Witch grass carried or sprinkled under the bed attracts new lovers.
- Witch grass is also used in all manner of unhexing and uncrossing rituals; the infusion is sprinkled around the premises to disperse entities, and when worn it dispels depression.
Stones & Gems
Gems & Stones for Healing:
- Calcite, Garnet, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Topaz (blue)
Best stones for depression
- Amber,
- Citrine
- Aventurine
- Tigers eye
- Emerald
- Malachite
- Morganite
- Smokey Quartz
- Shungite heart
- Fluorite worry stone
Fighting Depression
Candles used for health and healing work are typically white or blue. Other colors can be used that correspond to the chakra needing assistance. It is said depression work is done through the 3rd chakra (Solar)
- Solar Plexus Chakra Pillar Candle
- Overcome Depression Ritual Candle
- White 7-day Jar Candle
- Blue 7-day Jar Candle
Candle work or setting of lights is recommend for spiritual health work – Click Here
You may wish to begin spell casting yourself, and we have super affordable and easy to follow
- Health Spell Kit
- Health & Recovery Spell Kit
- Healing Bath
When fighting depression, consider keeping these stones to help you combat depression and fight against other people’s negativity. Keep the stones with you in a mojo bag, or place by your bedside, or wear them as a pendant or bracelet. Allow 1 to 2 weeks for the stones to “tune-in” to your vibration.
- Tiger’s Eye – Tiger’s eye gives us strength & it helps us balance in the extremes. You know, if you’re really having a hard bout of depression tiger’s eye is excellent.
- Lepidolite contains lithium, so it works to stabilize mood swings and bipolar disorders. It also helps the wearer to make good decisions with clarity and confidence. Emotionally, it’s a very calming stone that aids sleep and balances excessive energy.
- Smokey Quartz is a great crystal to work with if you’re feeling frazzled and overworked by stress and depression.
Talisman are also important right now. Consider obtaining one asap, according to the tradition you follow. I will give you these ideas for Heal/Healing Talisman:
- The second pentacle of Mars – intended to help maintain good health and ward off disease.
- The Seal of Solomon Health and Prosperity has been created to aid you in invoke energies for good health
- Healing Power Amulet
Depression Spells
A Spell to Be More Positive
Call to a deity for healing such as Verrine, Isis, Belial, Ishtar, Freya, Baal, Shiva, Thoth
You will need:
- white candle
- Bergamot oil
Timing: Perform at new moon
- Light an incense if you like to set the atmosphere
- Dress the candle with the oil
- Place the candle on your altar.
- Cast the circle (if you do so) and call the deity of your choice
- Visualize the moon and say:
“Tonight the moon, Tomorrow the sun
Let this power built till my will is done
Candle burn down to send my will
This spell will be cast for good not ill”
- Let the candle burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon.
Paganism is about appreciation of nature. When you have depression, it is important to connect with nature and feel “connected” with things other than oneself.
- Go outside during the daytime and find yourself a large tree. Oak is the best choice, but any large tree will do.
- Place the palm of your projective hand (right if right handed, left if left handed) upon the trunk of the tree and say something like this to the tree:
“Blessed tree, my brother (or sister) of wood, I am in great need of your healing. I feel hollow inside, as my depression grips at my very heart. I ask that you aid me, assist me in healing myself of this. Please assist me to feel strong and solid inside, assist me in being happy again.”
- Now lean your back against the trunk of the tree.
- As you start to relax, feel yourself melt into the trunk, becoming one with the tree. Feel that you have a branch, full of leafy foliage
- Feel the Sun shine down upon you. Fill yourself with the energy of the sun, and allow this to pass through you into the tree as well.
- You are now part of the tree; you are the tree. Feel the overwhelming Wisdom locked into your wood, your leaves. Feel all that it is to be a tree.
- Now, slowly, feel yourself separate from the tree, becoming human again. Lean forward, and stand.
- Face the tree, and thank it. If you feel like it, give it a hug!
- You and the tree are now one; you are the tree, and the tree is now you.
- Love the tree, and care for it. The better the tree is cared for, the happier you will be in the long run!
Become one with the tree as often as you need to by performing the above ritual and try to spend time with your tree whenever you can. Talk to it, tell it your troubles and share your joys!
If you ever need to move far from the tree, explain this to it, and give it back the woody feeling inside, and it will give you back the human feeling it has.
When you move, find a new tree. Also, if you can, explain to whoever moves into the place you were in, if at all possible, and ask them to take special care of this tree because it has meaning to you.
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im not happy.i need my money