When we write books or perform spells on YouTube we have to add so many different components, but in reality, cursing is very easy. And in Black Magic Witch don’t have to spend a lot of time baptising the doll, because we don’t say Christian prayers.
And here is the basic overview of a curse using a doll:
- Create a doll in the targets image. It can be made out of anything, but a popular colour to use for cursing is black.
- You may wish to add personal concerns; dress the doll in the person’s clothing; slit a seam on the cloth doll and insert some of their hair or nail clippings; or you could glue a photo of the target onto the face area.
- Optionally you could write the target’s name on a piece of parchment and then secure the paper securely to the doll.
- Visualisation is everything, have you created a doll that looks like the target to you?
- The way I like to bring my dolls alive is to breathe on them and tell them …” they are now alive ….. they are targets name, and everything I do to doll will be felt by the target.”etc
- Optional – if you have cursing oils or cursing style powders this is when you would dress the doll with these items. Some people like to use the oil or the powder on the area of the body to cause the most pain
- The basic curse has you casting a spell by shouting out the chant or hex while pulling a cord tighter and tighter around the doll. I will add here that people get all caught up on finding the right chant or the right curse to say. Please don’t waste your time I’m repeating somebody else’s words, because there’s nothing more powerful then what you’re feeling about this person. It’s always better to speak from the heart and let all of that toxicity that you’re feeling directly onto the doll in your own words.
- Then you stick a pin into the doll.
- The curse is now done.
What to do with it next is a matter of personal choice and location.
- You could end its life Japanese style, and nail the doll into the bark of the tree (perhaps with a coffin nail)
- You could set the doll on fire
- And you could bury the doll
- You could bury the doll at a crossroads
- You could drown the doll by throwing it in a moving river
- Or you could put it in a coffin box, and keep it in a dark place. Bring the doll out as you desire and continue the cursing. You could do the curse for 7 days in a row before burning the doll.
- If you’re feeling extra brave and you want the target to know that they are in trouble, you put the doll in a box and tie with the black cord. Then you would leave it on your enemy’s doorstep.
Our client David suggests visualisation is the most important aspect of creating the doll and cursing the doll.
Working outside…. I will see the target in the voodoo doll – clear as day – and stab them with pins. I see a illness or weak point in them . I cause there emotional wound to fester by triggering that emotion and allowing it to consume them and if they have illness I travel in there blood stream and have it take over . Like a plant casting and anchoring roots/illness into them. When I am done with them, I catch them on fire
When you become adept in black magic you won’t have to create the doll and physically, you can do it all through visualisation in your mind.
“Voodoo Doll” Curse #2

In this modern spell to cause an enemy to go mad, Black Witch Coven suggests that you do it with the following ingredients. But if you don’t have these exact ingredients don’t sweat it because visualisation is the most important.
- Hoodoo/voodoo doll
- coffin nails
- D.U.M.E oil/cursing style oil
- White Candle
- Black Candle
- A personal concern of the target or at least their photo
- Jar/box
This type of ritual is best done during a waning moon period. We also suggest that you perform it on a Tuesday night, under the energy of Mars, or Saturday night, under the energy of Saturn could be another auspicious night for casting the spell.
- Light both candles. Use the white candle to cleanse the area of any unwanted positive energy, and suggest to the spiritual world that you are removing any protection around your target.
- Dress the candles in DUME OIL – do not use your fingers with this oil as it is toxic.
- Create a name paper, or a petition paper with the persons name, date of birth, and anything else this person has done wrong. It should be the size of a post it note
- The doll should be carefully labeled with the enemy’s name. You can draw on the doll to make it look more realistic, and more like the image of your target. You could also cut out the face of your target and put it over the face of your doll. It’s important while you’re doing this to have the right amount of hatred towards your target in your heart. Maybe you want to swear at them or chant a curse of hate. You should also think about why you are placing this curse on them thinking about how they have harmed you and why they deserve this curse.
- The oil and the nails can be used on specific positions on the body. You can add the oil directly to each of the spots thinking about what this oil means, remembering that it is created with the intention of “death unto my enemy” – for example:
- Driving a nail into its head will cause insanity.
- Driving a nail into the heart
- Burying the doll in the ground will cause the person to waste away as the doll slowly rots in the ground.
- Option: Place a coffin nail or two in some of the dume oil, or you can put the coffin nails directly in the bottle of DUME
- Leave the nail soaking for nine nights
- On the 10th night carefully remove the nail from the oil, and then pound the nail into the targets head.
- After you’re finished cursing the doll with all of your hatred, pick up the black candle and rip the wax all over the body ceiling the curse permanently into your target.
- Place a target in a box, or in a jar – You can add graveyard or extra dume oil if you like, but now it’s time to seal the container.
- Take your petition paper, and burn it in the white flame. Releasing the spell into the spiritual world, and this formally closes your ritual.
- Now, bury it somewhere off of your property, ideally in a cemetery or at a crossroads. If that is not an option throw it in the trash on a night the trash night will be removed from your property.
Expected result:
Some clients have found that before the next full moon is rising, your target will be cursed with severe headaches, faulty memory, and perhaps deep depression or worse
- a curse against abusers or people threatening you
- Make a poppet or effigy, out of cloth, paper, clay, etc.
- Put an X over the mouth.
- Add a personal concern such as DNA matter (fingernails, hair, etc), or a photograph, or signature.
- Mandrake
- Poppy Seeds
- black string
- dirt – dig it yourself from anywhere
- Take your poppet – begin to wrap a cord around their neck
- Imagine you’re choking your target out, wrapping the string around their neck.
- They cannot speak, they cannot scream at you, they are helpless.
- They are bound.
- The burial:
- Optional: Some people like to make this “real as possible”. We sometimes have this small coffin in the store but you can always use a substitute such as a shoe box.
- Now bury the poppet (preferably away from your home). As you bury it, envision your target feeling trapped and strangled.
Go home and have a cleansing shower, visualising any negativity leaving your body and going down the drain. Try not to think about this at all you just need to trust your magic will work.
So it is done