By Miss Melinda

Protection Prayer

”I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations. Through the divine holy spirit I also rebuke, bind up and destroy all the spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strength, stripped of their evil powers and influence. I bind and terminate the influence and power of all spirits from the netherworld, evil spirits between, over and around those praying and those prayed for, and all evil and familiar spirits are completely bound, and forbidden to manifest. Amen.”

Devil’s Shoestrings Safety Spells

The root, devil’s shoestrings, is used to provide magical protection. The following two spells are most effective if cast in conjunction with each other.

Devil’s Shoestrings Bracelet Spell

Nine roots of equal length are required; they can’t be cut to size. Knot them into a bracelet, blessing, affirming, and petitioning with each knot.

Devil’s Shoestrings Protection Powder

Grind up devil’s shoestrings and blend them with arrowroot powder. Sprinkle the powder in your clothing drawers, around your bed, and over your thresholds for round-the-clock protection.

Sulfur Spells

Sulfur protects against malevolent magic and repels evil entities. In North African magic, it is sometimes considered equal to salt as a protector against evil. Sulfur is a primary ingredient in exorcisms and banishing spells, where it is typically burned. This is traditional but not necessarily advisable: inhaling sulfur fumes is potentially very irritating. However there are other methods of use, particularly beneficial for protective magic.

Sulfur Spell Eye of the Amulet

  1. Make a paste by adding a bit of gum acacia or similar to sulfur powder.
  2. Stick a little bit of this yellow paste into the center of any amulet to transform it into a vehicle of protection. This is particularly effective for hand amulets or geometric-shaped amulets, such as triangles or diamonds. Although they are already potent, the sulfur effectively becomes the “eye” of the amulet, further activating and empowering it.
  3. Point the eye in the direction from which danger is feared.

Sword of Protection Spell

This symbolic sword is carried to fend off hurtful words and harmful actions.

  1. Cut a piece of paper from a clean paper bag.
  2. Draw a sword on it.
  3. Place it within a leather pouch or metal amulet bag, together with a pinch of cayenne or habanero pepper and a pinch of sulfur.

Doorstep Protection Spells

The doorstep marks the literal threshold. It is a particularly vulnerable spot. Many hexes involve what is called “dusting the doorstep.” The spell is activated by leaving its remnants or other magic materials at the target’s front door.

Many rituals are designed to transform this threshold into a zone of safety. Typically spells are repeated weekly with many involving “cleansing.” Because in some cases, although not all, it appears only that you’re being very clean and house-proud, this is also a very subtle, discreet style of magic.

(Should your doorstep ever be dusted, check Hex Antidote Spells for tips on removing items safely and repelling the spell, but follow up with protective measures, too.)

Doorstep Spell Floorwash

Urine is believed to have fierce magical commanding powers, hence its use in protective floorwashes. If you’re genuinely fearful or otherwise passionately emotional, assume that your desires are inherently transmitted; otherwise concentrate on your desire while scrubbing the steps.

  1. A bucket filled with some sort of floorwash is required for this spell.
  2. Choose any magical floorwash formula or merely fill a bucket with salted water.
  3. Add some of your urine to this bucket of wash water and then scrub the step.

Doorstep Spell Red Brick Dust

Red brick dust protects against malevolent magic and repels evil of all kinds.

  1. Smash an old red brick with a hammer until sufficient dust is obtained.
  2. Add red brick dust to a bucket of floorwash and scrub the front steps and threshold area.
  3. Sprinkle powdered red brick dust over the threshold daily before sunrise.

Doorstep Spell Rice

  1. Fill an open jar with raw white rice.
  2. Place the jar by the entrance door for protection.
  3. Rice doesn’t repel evil; it absorbs it. Replace with fresh raw rice weekly.
  4. Do not bring the old rice back into your home. Do not cook it. Dispose of it outside the home, whether by burning, throwing away, or scattering on Earth.

Fiery Wall of Protection Spells

Fiery Wall of Protection is among the most famous classic condition formulas. Its name invokes the power of Archangel Michael’s protective flaming sword. The formula may be consecrated to the archangel.

Fiery Wall’s basic ingredients include such powerful protective agents as salt, frankincense, and myrrh. Its red color, the color of protection, derives from dragon’s blood powder. See the Formulary for specific instructions: the dried powder may be used as incense or magic powder. When the powder is added to oil, Fiery Wall of Protection Oil is created.

Fiery Wall of Protection Spell (1) Candle

Carve a red or white candle with your name, identifying information, hopes, and desires. Dress it with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and burn. Consecrate the candle to the Archangel Michael if desired.

Fiery Wall of Protection Spell (2) Incense

Protect against a threatened curse by burning Fiery Wall of Protection Powder as incense. To intensify the protection, add powdered agrimony and/or vervain.

Fiery Wall of Protection Spell (3) Quick Fix

Soak a cotton ball in Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and carry it in your pocket or tucked into your bra.

Gris-Gris Protection

The term “gris-gris” derives from West Africa. Now frequently used as just another synonym for conjure, charm, or mojo bags, gris-gris originally indicated what the Portuguese called “fetishes:” handmade magical objects. The original West African gris-gris often took the form of dolls; modern New Orleans gris-gris are often a cross between a mojo bag and Vodou paquets-Congo, although doll-shaped gris-gris still exist.

For those who care about magical semantics, subtle, subliminal distinctions exist, however. Mojo, also derived from an African word, usually implies magically acquiring success, whether in love, gambling, money, employment, or legal matters. Gris-gris implies protection; the gris-gris bag thus tends to cover the spectrum between benign protective spells and hexes.

  1. The traditional New Orleans Voodoo bag contains an odd number of magically charged items, from as few as a single prized talisman to as many as thirteen.
  2. Gris-gris serves a specific purpose; consider your goal and choose items accordingly. Items may include botanicals, stones, bones, and intimate items including hair, nail clippings, or a scrap of fabric soaked with sweat.
  3. Charge items on an altar with all four elements represented. Petition and dedication to lwa or other spirits may be incorporated.
  4. If your goal is personal protection, carry your gris-gris; if protection derives from adjusting someone else’s behavior, typically the gris-gris is left on the doorstep of the other party’s property.

Protection Bags

Simple Protection Bag

Entwine mugwort and Saint John’s Wort and place within a red bag. Hang over every door and window for powerful magical, spiritual protection.

Personal Protection Bag

This protection spell may be cast for yourself or for another.

  1. Put together a bag of your own or another person’s intimate items (hair, nail clippings, bits of fabric cut from a garment soaked with sweat, etc.).
  2. Place them within a charm bag.
  3. Attach it to the wall in a very discreet area by hammering in an iron nail. Simultaneously invoke blessings.

Protection Baths

Object Protection Bath

For empowering and protecting specific objects or ritual tools:

  1. Place marjoram, peppermint, rosemary, and sage within a bowl.
  2. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over them.
  3. Sprinkle the infusion as needed or add the strained, cooled liquid to a spray bottle and apply as needed.

Protection Bath: Basil

This spell repels malevolent magic targeted toward you, repairs a damaged aura, and helps erect a personal protective shield.

  1. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over fresh basil leaves. Once it cools, strain the leaves out and discard.
  2. Bring the bowl of basil-infused water to the bath or shower. Stand naked in the tub or shower. Dip a clean white cloth (a handkerchief or hand towel) into the infusion and, wiping downwards and out, cleanse your body.
  3. Repeat daily for nine days. After the final bath, throw any remaining water (and make sure there is some!) out the front door with an aggressive motion.
  4. If this isn’t possible toss liquid into a pot filled with Earth. Remove it from your home and dispose of it immediately, preferably at a crossroads.

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