The Goetia is a section of “The Lesser Key of Solomon,” a 17th-century grimoire attributed to King Solomon. It outlines the conjuration of 72 demons, each with specific abilities and characteristics. The conjuring method is steeped in ceremonial magic, requiring preparation, focus, and specific rituals. Here’s an overview of the general method used for conjuring demons from the Goetia:
General Conjuring Method
1. Preparation
- Mental Readiness: Practitioners must approach the ritual with a clear mind and strong intentions. Meditation can help achieve focus.
- Space: Create a sacred space, free from distractions. This might involve cleansing the area with sage or incense.
- Circle: It’s common to cast a protective circle using salt or a circle drawn with chalk to contain the energy and protect the practitioner.
2. Materials Needed
- The Sigil: Each demon has a unique sigil (a symbol representing the demon) that is often drawn or printed for use during the ritual.
- The Magical Circle: A diagram or representation of the magical circle, which may include symbols or names of God for protection.
- Candles: Black or colored candles that correspond to the demon’s attributes or the intention of the conjuration.
- Incense: A suitable incense that aligns with the spirit being called upon.
- Parchment and Quill: For writing the intention or request.
3. The Invocation
- Prayers and Invocations: Before conjuring the demon, practitioners often recite prayers or invocations to God, angels, or other spiritual beings for protection.
- Recitation of the Names: Each demon has specific names and titles that are recited during the invocation to summon the entity.
4. Conjuring the Demon
- Focus on the Sigil: Hold or visualize the sigil of the demon while concentrating on your intention. This helps to connect with the energy of the spirit.
- Calling the Demon: Clearly state the demon’s name and the purpose of the invocation. For example: “I conjure you, [Demon’s Name], to assist me with [specific request].”
- Offerings: Some traditions include offerings, which could be symbolic or material, to show respect to the spirit.
5. Receiving the Demon’s Response
- Expect a Presence: Be open to the signs, sensations, or thoughts that may arise. The response may not be overt but could manifest as intuition or sudden insights.
- Communication: If the spirit responds, engage with it respectfully, stating your needs or desires clearly.
6. Closing the Ritual
- Thank the Spirit: Regardless of the outcome, always thank the demon for its presence and any insights received.
- Dismissal: Politely dismiss the demon, ensuring that you maintain control over the space.
- Disband the Circle: Safely dismantle the protective circle and cleanse the area again.
Important Considerations
- Safety and Respect: Engaging with spirits can be unpredictable. It’s essential to approach such practices with respect and caution.
- Intention: Clearly defined intentions are crucial for effective communication with the demon.
- Documentation: Many practitioners keep a journal of their experiences, which can help in understanding the outcomes and refining future rituals.
The Goetia conjuring method emphasizes preparation, respect, and a clear understanding of the desired outcome. While this overview provides a general framework, practitioners often adapt the process to fit their personal beliefs and experiences. Always approach such rituals with mindfulness and care.

The ritual contained within these pages is the original version, not the black arts version. Many people have created their own version of the Goetia summoning ritual, for Demonaltary, Luciferianism, and the Dark Arts.
Should you wish to purchase the book for your collection: Goetia, The Lesser Key of Solomon
TIP #1:
If you intend to call any Spirit to the circle, you must research:
- the spirits nature
- Know to which of the planets it agrees
- Know what offices are distributed to him from the planet.
TIP #2:
This being known, find a place fit and proper for his evocation, according to the nature of the planet and the quality of the offices of the same spirit. For example, if his power be over the sea, rivers or floods, then choose a place on the shore.
TIP #3:
The form of the circle is not always one and the same. There are a few versions of the Magick Circle – and all are ok and can produce good results. It is according to the order of the Spirits that are to be called, their places, times, days and hours. Before making a Circle, it ought to be considered in what time of the year, what day, and what hour, that you make the Circle; what Spirits you would call, to what Star and Region they do belong, and what functions they have. When the Circle is finished, you shall proceed.
TIP #4:
the operator is to be provided with lights, perfumes, unguents and medicines compounded according to the nature of the planet and spirit, which do agree with the spirit. The operator can also be furnished with holy and consecrated things for the defense of the master and his fellows. Such are holy papers, lamens, pictures, pentacles, swords, sceptres and garments.
TIP #5:
say the conjuration with a loud voice and a convenient gesture and countenance.
For example:
I invoke and conjure thee, O spirit (name of the spirit), and, fortified with the power of the Supreme Majesty,
I strongly command thee by BARALAMENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIE, APOLORESEDES and the most potent princes GENIO, LIACHIDE, Ministers of the Tartarean Seat, chief princes of the seat of APOLOGIA in the ninth region;
I exorcise and command thee, O Spirit N., by Him Who spake and it was done, by the Most Holy and glorious Names ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHE, ZEBAOTH, ELION, ESCHERCE, JAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SADAI:
do thou forthwith appear and shew thyself unto me, here before this circle, in a fair and human shape, without any deformity or horror; do thou come forthwith, from whateverpart of the world, and make rational answers to my questions;
come presently, come visibly, come affably, manifest that which I desire, being conjured by the Name of the Eternal, Living and True God, HELIOREM;
I conjure thee also by the particular and true Name of thy God to whom thou owest thine obedience; by the name of the King who rules over thee, do thou come without tarrying; come, fulfil my desires; persist unto the end, according, to mine intentions.
TIP #5:
Let him then rest a little, looking about him to see if any spirit do appear, which if he delay, let him repeat his conjuration as before, until he has done it three times. If the Spirit be still pertinacious and will not appear, let him begin to conjure him with divine power, but in such a way that all the conjurations and commemorations do agree with the nature and offices of the spirit himself. Reiterate the same three times, from stronger to stronger, using objurgations, contumelies, curings and punishments.
TIP #6:
After all the courses are finished, again cease a little, and if any spirit shall appear, let the master turn towards him, receive him courteously, and, earnestly entreating him, let him require his name. Then proceeding further, let him ask whatsoever he will.
But if in anything the spirit shall shew himself obstinate or lying, let him be bound by convenient conjurations, and if you still doubt of any lie, make outside the circle, with the consecrated sword, the figure of a triangle or pentacle, and compel the Spirit to enter it. If you would have any promise confirmed upon oath, stretch the sword out of the circle, and swear the Spirit by laying his hand upon the sword.
TIP #7:
Then having obtained of the Spirit that which you desire, or being otherwise contented, license him to depart with courteous words, giving command unto him that he do no hurt. If he will not depart, compel him by powerful conjurations, and, if need require, expel him by exorcism and by making contrary fumigation.
TIP #8:
When the spirit departs, do not out of the circle. Focus for a few minutes thinking about your defense and conservation. All these things being orderly performed, you may depart.