NOTE – Left-hand path practitioners may feel uncomfortable calling down to the angels and there is a left-hand path version where we are calling down to the dark gods for the same type of effect.
Purpose: Banishing any “chaotic” and “impure” forms of the elements or negative entities.
The LBRP is used to remove negative energy from your environment. This becomes important when doing any magical operation, and even for keeping your house clear of built up negative energies.

Use: Draw the figure below using your fingers in the air in front of you. Start at the lower left-hand corner of the pentagram and continue around till you return to the starting point. This figure is a Banishing Earth energy Pentagram. To enhance the process imagine the pentagram as blue as it hangs in the air where you drew it.
Extended Use: To completely clear an area it is necessary to draw this figure in each of the four directions (east, south, west, north).
- Go to the east, draw the figure, say: “Yud-Heh-Vavh-Heh (Sounds like YA HA VA HA)
- Go to the south, draw the figure, say: “Ah-Doh-Nye. (sounds like AH DOH NIGH)
- Go to the west, draw the figure, say: “Eh-Heh-Yeh ( Sounds like EE- yay yah)
- Go to the north, draw the figure, say: “Ah-Glah (sounds like ahh GG – laa)
- Done
LBRP Ritual
The ritual is highly dynamic, using gestures, visualization, and the pronunciation of certain words of power, combining prayer and evocation as well as clearing and preparing a space for further magical or meditative work. The ritual is perceived as banishing any “chaotic” and “impure” forms of the elements from the magician’s circle tracing the Pentagrams in the air and by the power of certain Divine names followed by an invocation of the spiritual forces ruling the elements to fortify and guard the circle.
The principal components of the Qabalistic Cross and the LBRP are drawn from the works of French occultist Eliphas Levi. The text originated as a traditional Jewish prayer said before sleeping, as documented by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch in The Hirsch Siddur [Feldheim Publishing, 1969], which reads as follows: “In the Name of God, the God of Yisrael: may Michael be at my right hand, Gabriel at my left, Uriel before me, Raphael behind me, and above my head, the presence of God.”
Follow this ritual below to clear yourself regularly.
Ritual Space
You should have an area or space where you will be doing this ritual, which is private, and the ritual will not be interrupted.
The Qabalistic Cross
Touching thy forehead say Ateh (“unto thee”)
Touching thy breast say Malkuth (“the Kingdom”)
Touching thy right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (“and the Power”)
Touching thy left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (“and the Glory”)
Clasping thy hand upon thy breast, say le-Olahm, Amen (“to the Ages, Amen”)
Formulating the Pentagrams
To the East, trace the Earth pentagram with your wand or athame. Vibrate the name Yehovah
To the South, trace the Earth pentagram and vibrate the name Adonai.
To the West, trace the Earth pentagram and vibrate the name Eheieh.
To the North, trace the Earth pentagram and vibrate the name AGLA.
Evocation of the Archangels
Extend your arms out in the form of a cross (As in the Sign of Osiris Slain).
Facing East say: Before me, Raphael
Say: Behind me Gabriel
Say: On my right hand Michael.
Say: On my left hand Auriel.
Say: For about me flames the Pentagram.
Say: And in the Column stands the six-rayed Star.
Repeat then the Qabalistic Cross.