We all know and would agree that we have good days and bad days, this could then be translated into positive and negative emotions, depending upon how we feel and the reasons behind the feelings.
The medical profession also agrees that depending on how a patient feels affects their state of mind in a positive or negative manner and this will affect how well the healing that takes place for them.
Those feeling very positive and keen to get better will more than likely do just that whereas those that feel down and depressed will probably heal at a much slower rate, therefore the mind can be an influencing factor relating to the speed of healing that takes place.
From this, we can see that the way we feel and think will greatly influence ourselves and others around us, who want to work with and sit opposite a negative person that moans all day about the cards they have been dealt, whereas we all have come across those that can walk into a room and light the room up with their positive smiley chirpy personality.
This is an example of how negative energy can affect your outlook.
We always recommend cleansing to our clients on a frequent basis to clear off energy vampires, both positive and negative cord attachments to other people, (which can drain our energy), to assist in repairing breakage in our aura field and more!
Chakra and Aura Cleanse Package
We all have an innate ability to feel using our senses and our psychic ability, some have trained this ability like a muscle and are very good at sensing things and picking things up from their surroundings.
Most people can relate to an experience of walking into a room or building and feeling uncomfortable for no apparent reason, but their senses have picked up a threat and their bodies are put into a state of alert, this is the famous “fight or flight” scenario that we have inherited from our ancestors. The idea here is that since your aura expands into your environment before your physical body you can feel and sense things, the same concept as when you’re out in the shopping centre or superstore and you walk past someone but feel uncomfortable, the hairs may stand up on your neck and you feel uneasy, this is a defence mechanism that your physical body is employing for you to warn you of danger.
Depending upon your makeup and personality you may feel easier in a light, positive environment or if you are the other way inclined you may feel happier in a dark, threatening environment. Most people will feel unsure and uneasy walking through a dangerous part of a city at night and this is probably because we know it’s a negative place and our senses can pick up on the negative energy that we are exposed too.
Houses are the same, areas that are not used and crammed full of old things start to harbor stale and maybe negative energy, as time passes this energy gets thicker and as the universal law states “like attracts like” grows and gets bigger.
Feng Shui works with this principle of negative and stale energy, creating a harmonious feeling in your home or business mean removing obstructions so energy can flow without restriction and does not get caught up in corners and behind objects, planets, and living things can be incorporated to increase the flow of positive energy.
Many large companies employ Feung Shui consultants to design their offices and attract prosperous positive energy, Orange the mobile phone company became famous for their use of Feng Shui, foo dogs at the front of their buildings to ward off negative energy and coins under the doormats to their buildings to attract prosperity. If the concept of working with energy both positive and negative was just superstition would big corporate companies engage in these types of esoteric practice?
Business/Office Energy Cleansing