There are energies we cannot see in the physical plain but that have the ability to connect with humans and speak to us using telepathy, especially if we have a perforated aura and/or our spiritual protection has been broken down.

These energies are largely fully conscious in that they can think for themselves and they can make decisions. They are very clever and know their way around the human psyche. To underestimate their potential would be a grave mistake.

Some are what we would call from the light and have positive intent towards humanity working in the higher astral plane and others have a negative intent and therefore we refer to them as from shadow working from the lower astral plane.

There are many different levels and types of demons, and they can present in their demonic hierarchy.

Signs of spiritual possession

….. odd smells that are nasty, animals move away and dogs may snarl.

These entities or demons can cause many problems to some people, including very negative thoughts, suicidal tendencies, sleep problems, odd pains, and emotions unexplainable by the medical profession.

Most of the clients I see intuitively know there is something not right inside their body, many can actually feel things moving around inside a certain part of their body, a wriggling sensation or sharp movement is a common complaint.

Pain is another indication something is not right if the client has no reason for the pain to be felt, random pain is the same spot normally followed by an energy drain is common.

Our intuition is our best friend in these cases as it rings a warning bell loud and clear through to our subconscious that something is not right depending upon how sensitive we are and how attuned to our own body. Western society teaches us to disconnect from our intuition and use our logic in its place so for many people they struggle with these conditions for many years before they seek help from someone other than a conventional doctor.

Other ways we can be affected by these entities are from telepathy, this is the case for Schizophrenia, the offending negative energy links into our human energy by attaching cords of energy to us known as cording, normally at the chakra points and most commonly the lower chakra’s, sacral and solar plexus. When they have these links to our energy in place they have managed to successfully breach our inbuilt psychic protection and are then able to start talking to the human victim employing telepathy.

The human starts to hear voices in the head that initially claim to be positive but very quickly become very abusive and negative. Once this has been achieved the controlling entity will start to take over the personality of the human host and behavior will become unpredictable verging upon abusive.

The negative entity will happily work slowly to gain full control of the human victim encouraging drug use and many negative behaviors, and will always ultimately encourage the human host towards suicide in my experience with clients I have discussed their experiences with.

Working with the demons (spells, rituals, and pacts)

Many people find their life conditions change for the worst if they do not honour spiritual promises made to the demons, and while we warn people that they should not dable if they are not serious, daemonic possession is common

  • Most people have small ones that are relatively easy to remove.
  • These are the entities that all religions make reference towards.
  • If you make a daemonic pact this is the type of entity you have connected with to perform this ritual.


If you need to remove this type of entity – Removal of Unwanted Entity & Stop Spiritual Attack

After the above service, you will need monthly Aura Cleansing for at least 3 Months.

*We take this type of removal work extremely seriously, and will provide you personal advice at the time of removal.