We understand it can be expensive or outside of your budget to use professional services to clear yourself of entities. We provide these resources to try and help you as best as possible, take care of this issue yourself.

If you feel you have a negative entity or spirit problems with yourself or somebody else try the steps below.

You will need to do these actions daily as it will take a while for your/their etheric vibration to increase.

  Drink plenty of water, water will help to detoxify your body helping to increase your vibration. In addition, the herbal remedy ivy can be added as this is a highly protective herb to the human body and can be obtained easily.
 Incense sticks will also help to detach a corded spirit/entity, as they contain powerful herbs.
  Sit in meditation and ask your spirit guides to help, if you have never meditated then join a local meditation circle or group, these are plentiful if you look in your local papers and crystal shops and will help you for sure.
  Use affirmations on a regular basis, there are many that can be helpful
  Use visualizations invoking protective symbols and images on a daily basis, again see below.

  If you taking part in recreational drug or alcohol abuse stop, this is a negative addiction and will encourage negative energies. Drug use will make it very difficult to detach negative energies.


  • Purchase some natural sea salt, sprinkle around all doorways in your property and around your bed not forgetting the front and back door, this stops all types of negative energies from crossing into your home. Fine sea salt is best as you can’t see evidence of it on the carpet.
  • Remember to replace the salt after the house has been cleaned (at least on a weekly basis.)
  • Fill a bathtub with water and add one medium handful of sea salt (Available at health food stores, department stores, etc.). Take a normal bath, making sure that you dunk your head fully at least once. This will help to remove entity contaminants from your aura and other energetic fields.

See The Top 3 Reasons to take Spiritual Baths for Protection


Crystals are also very useful, black onyx and black tourmaline are renowned to help with negative energy. Carry them around in your pocket or in a handbag or use them as an amulet and wear it around your neck. Again your intent is the most important thing, if your intent is such that the crystals you have help provide you with protection then they will.

Protective Amulets & TalismansThe Official BWC Talisman

Wearing protective amulets has been used since the middle ages as a method of spiritual protection and many new age shops sell amulets, the pentagram is a common choice. Potential amulets include gems, especially engraved gems with protective symbols.


Crystal Grid Around Bed

Using crystals create a grid around your bed as shown in the diagram. This will raise the vibration and create a safe space within which you can sleep without interference from negative energies.

1. Purchase 4x either rose quartz, or amethyst crystals.

2. Run cold water over them and leave them outside in the sun and rain etc for 3 days this will clear them and charge them up.

3. Take them upstairs and hold them in your right hand together, say out loud the following:-

“ I invoke my guides using my freewill to charge these crystals with love and light of the divine essence to protect this space, thank you”

4. Now place one at each corner underneath the bed with the point facing inwards to the middle of the bed, this will focus the energy.


Spirit Attachment at Home

If you feel you have entity or spirit problems in your house try the techniques below:-

House Protection

  • Purchase some natural sea salt, sprinkle around all doorways in your property and around your bed not forgetting the front and back door, these stop entities from crossing into your home.
  • Sprinkle natural sea salt around all the beds in your house whilst asking for psychic protection in your mind or outspoken, again this provides psychic protection whilst you sleep.
  • Fill a small bowl with sea salt and leave this in the middle of your home for a few days, it will absorb any negative energy, then after a few days pour it down the drain, do this on a regular basis.


Purchase some sage, otherwise known as smudge and light it, hold a small bowl underneath and walk around your home allowing the smoke to clear any pockets of negative energy, using a feather is helpful to dissipate the smoke into all the nooks and crannies.

Tip – Make up a room spray using sea salt, water, Frankincense, Myrrh and Sage mix in a bottle and spray around your rooms, great for space clearing.


Purchase some tingshaws and walk around your home clinking them together, the vibration and sound will help to clear pockets of negative energy.


Crystals are also very useful in the home to raise vibration and help provide protection, in general black ones are good for protection and also Selenite has a very high vibration and is used to help cleanse all other crystals so a piece of selenite in your home is a great addition.

“I am protected in all that I do this day and every other.”
“I affirm that any negative energy corded to me disconnect now.”
“I use my free will to request removal of any energy or energies not working for my highest good and do it now.”


  Visualize yourself surrounded by purple light, and climb into a protective ball of bright white light.
(Do this every morning and night before going to sleep, this will provide a degree of protection).
  Visualize yourself standing in a purple fire, and see any dark areas of negative energy catch fire and be burnt away leaving you stood in a bright purple flame, knowing you are protected and secure.

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