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Budsturga, the androgynous spirit


Budsturga is another obscure spirit within the realm of demonology. Not much is known regarding this demon as a result of most acknowledged grimories entirely leaving her out. Nevertheless, this demon remains a powerful entity who can be summoned for the benefit of the conjuror. This demon can be especially useful for individuation as she can easily dissolve the ego – this is also indicative of an entity that is dangerous to mental health.

Budsturga is described as being trapped in a vortex between acausal and causal spaces. The demon is related to the Order of the Nine Angels 13th path. This demon is traditionally a Dark God with more female aspects than male hence the prevalent use of the pronoun “her”. She manifests as a blue ethereal entity that is basically energy that takes upon a humanoid silhouette. Any manifestation of this demon is thoroughly disorienting and this makes her a tricky proposition for beginners.

The demon’s dual nature is thought to be implicit of her two abilities – Budsturga essentially represents hidden wisdom while simultaneously posing a threat to the sanity of an individual. Her other abilities include astral projection and aiding the conjuror to break their bad habits. It is however important to note that dealing with this demon in any capacity is highly risky as her dual nature is thought to be an allegory for both sides of the coin – benevolence and malevolence in equal measure.


As previously stated, not much is known regarding this demon. It is the tradition of Hebdomadry which posits Budsturga as traditionally a Dark God. How she came to be trapped in a vortex between acausal and causal spaces is however unknown. The relation to the Order of the Nine Angels’ 13th path is similarly impossible to discern conclusively. The demon is also associated with the 13th pathway on the Tree of Wyrd.

There are no mentions of this demon within ancient Middle Eastern or ancient Graeco-Roman mythology. It is however plausible that Budsturga could have been an ancient pagan god who was demonized with the advent of Christianity and the emergence of monotheism as the dominant religious model around the world.


Rank: N/A

Element: Fire / Water

Color: Dark blue / Black

Number: 45, 54, 96, 68, 42, 79, 64, 87


This demon manifests as a dark blue energy with the distinctive humanoid shape of a woman. She is described as being nuclear blue in an almost sickly hue. The demon has no face however and this further contributes to the mystery surrounding her.

Artist’s impression of Budsturga

The “Demonic Enns” of Budsturga

Veni, veni, o comitis Budsturga

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Budsturga

The sigil of Budsturga

Similar demons to Budsturga

  • Azanigin
  • Shugara
  • Davcina
  • Aosoth
  • Nemisu

Attributes of Budsturga

  • This demon has the effect of heightening magical presences wherever she has been invoked. She essentially raises the spiritual polarity of an area where magical entities have previously been summoned. In fact, banishing rituals have to be performed after summoning her to prevent manifestations from occurring.
  • The dual nature of this demon is implicit of having both of each opposing attribute. It is essentially akin to having two sides of a coin and it makes this demon especially dangerous. This is because she is both an indicator of hidden wisdom and a threat to the sanity of anyone who falls prey to her malevolence.
  • This demon is equally capable of destroying as well as rebuilding. For example, she can be summoned to aid the conjuror in astral projection while also being capable of breaking astral barriers and auric defenses.
  • Working with this demon in any capacity bears an inherent risk due to her duality. Nevertheless, experienced conjurors can leverage her abilities for their benefit and the advancement of magic.

When to summon Budsturga

This demon can be summoned for a wide variety of scenarios as a result of her multiple and varied abilities. For example, she can be summoned to impart hidden wisdom, assist in astral projection and breaking astral barriers and auric defenses. Budsturga can also assist in individuation and the dissolution of the ego so as to break bad habits. It is once again necessary to acknowledge the risks which are associated with working under the auspices of this demon.

Items Required:

  • Scrying mirror
  • Incense
  • Black / Dark blue candles

Ritual Time: It is preferable to summon this demon at night although there is no specified time for summoning.


  • This demon has a dual nature – she is equally capable of building as well as destroying. This is further evident by her manifestation being representative of hidden wisdom while also harboring the threat of insanity. It is therefore necessary to take great care so as to avoid malevolence while increasing the likelihood of benevolence.
  • The conjuror should protect themselves from otherworldly energies by envisioning a protection circle and entering. This is especially true for this demon seeing as she is associated with a considerable risk factor.


  • The conjuror should prepare by engaging in power meditation and balancing the chakras.
  • The altar is laid out with the black / dark blue candle being placed at the center and lit.
  • The following prayer is recited once the altar is set up and the offerings are given out:
    “Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do,the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire Budsturga to manifest before me that she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his / her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in YourName, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father
  • The demon’s enns are then chanted as she manifests in the scrying mirror. Wishes can then be told to the demon albeit respectfully.
  • The demon is similarly dismissed respectfully before the candles are snuffed out.


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