Bune is a demon who is a Great Duke in hell with dominion over thirty legions of lesser demons. The legions of lesser demons under his command are referred to as “Bunis”. He is able to grant the wishes of the conjuror in a true manner. Among the gifts which he can grant are the wisdom, wealth, and eloquence.
He is a day demon who is mentioned as the 26th within the Ars Goetia. He is able to move the bodies of dead people from tombs and burial sites where his legions of lesser demons subsequently replace it. He is is described as being especially eloquent and possibly having set the standards for ancient Egyptian culture.
Bune is mentioned within the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Lesser Key of Solomon, and several other grimories and rightfully so. This powerful demon is able to grant wishes without exhibiting any overt malevolence upon the conjuror. It is however worth noting that his infernal army is especially evil.
As previously stated, some reports posits that Bune set the standards for the ancient Egyptian culture which was somewhat advanced for its time. His origins are thus possibly found in ancient Egyptian mythology. It is therefore plausible that his position as a popular pagan god within Judeo-Christian reckoning caused him to become demonized as were the rest of the Fallen Angels.
Rank: Great Duke
Zodiac: 5 – 9 degrees of Leo
Metal: Gold
Tarot: 5 of Rods / 9 of Wands
Plant: Orange
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Color: Orange / Green
Incense: Sandalwood
Bune has an admittedly frightening appearance with the body of a dragon and multiple heads. Some accounts posit that his heads are those of a human, a griffin, and a dog whereas others state that two of his heads are those of a dragon while the third is human. Still, some depictions portray him as having three dragon heads. However, one of his heads is said to speak in a deep appealing voice that is comely.
There are also accounts that posit that Bune appears as a strongly built man with glowing eyes. He is said not to wear any coverings when in humanoid form. In this form, he does not speak save for signs only. Nevertheless, his roles remain the same as marshaling the demons that roam around tombs, cemeteries, and other places of the dead.

The “Demonic Enns” of Bune
Welhc melan avage Bune Tasa
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Bune
Veni, veni, o commitis Bune
Attributes of Bune
- This demon can grant wisdom, wealth, and flair in speech. He can also be summoned by necromancers due to his association with death.
- He can be summoned to impart insight to people looking for employment, promotions, business expansions, et cetera.
- He is one of the three demons who were placed in charge of the dead together with Biffrons and Murmur – the latter dealt with souls. For this reason, he is also referred to as the demon of necromancy or the demon of burial.
- The infernal army of 30 legions under his command is described as being overly evil and potent while their numbers are almost infinite.
The sigil of Bune

Similar demons to Bune
- Sorath
- Mammon
- Biffrons
- Seere
- Belphegor
- Belial
- Clauneck
When to summon Bune
Bune can be invoked for necromancy, granting wisdom, eloquence, sophistication, and riches. It is preferable that a medium be used to conjure him due to his association with the dead. Such a person would typically have an already existent relationship with the demon by virtue of delving within its realm.
Items Required:
- Sandalwood for incense
- Blood
- Orange / Green / Black candles
- The demon’s sigil
- Items of gold
- Food
- Red wine / Rum
- A black mirror may be needed in cases of necromancy
Ritual Time: This demon is strongest between July 28th and August 1st.
- As with other demons, one must protect themselves sufficiently by entering a protection circle and invoking the energies of the elements.
- For this demon, it is also thought that working repeatedly causes the conjuror to become greedy as he is associated with food and drink as well.
- The demon must be accorded the necessary respects even if there is no immediate threat of malevolence as this increases the likelihood of desirable outcomes.
- It is necessary that the conjuror engages in meditation or breathing exercises in order to balance chakras.
- The demon’s sigil should be prominently displayed at the center of the altar and the lit candle placed at its center.
- The demon likes offerings of food and alcohol as well as sandalwood incense.
- When offering these during the first conjuration, one should chant the following prayer:
“I invoke and move thee, O thou, Spirit Bune, and being exalted in the power of the Most High, I say unto thee, Obey! in the name Beralensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachia, and Apologiae Sedes: and of the mighty ones who govern, spirits, Liachidae and ministers of the House of Death: and by the Chief Prince of the seat of the Apologia in the Ninth Legion, I do invoke thee and by conjuring thee, and being exalted above ye, in the power of the Most High, I say unto thee, Obey! in the name of he who spake and it was, to whom all creatures and things obey. Moreover I, whom God made in the likeness of God, who is the creator according to his living breath, stir thee up in the name which is the voice of wonder of the Might God, El, strong and unspeakable, O thou Spirit Bune.”
- Chanting the demon’s enn three times will cause him to appear in the smoke of the offerings. For necromancy purposes, a black mirror may be used for his manifestation.
- The demon must be similarly dismissed with the respect accorded to other otherworldly entities conjured up.