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Caim: The 53rd Ars Goetia Spirit


Caim is a High President of Hell who rules over 30 legions of demons. He is one of the fallen angels who was once of the Order of Angels. It is said that this demon is the wisest occupant in Hell. With his skills, he can outwit the most powerful logician. Caim is the 53rd Spirit mentioned in the Ars Goetia.


Other Names:  Camio, Caym

Direction: East

Dates: Dec 12-16; Sept 2-12

Element: Air; Fire

Gematria: 71; 81; 731

Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Sagittarius

Tarot Card: 10 of Rods, 9 of Pentacles

D/N: Nocturnal

Planet: Sun, Mercury

Metal: Gold, Mercury

Color: Green, Orange

Plant: Centaurea

Incense: Storax

Demonic Enn: Tasa on ca Caim renich


Demon Caim appears as a blackbird called a thrush but when commanded by the exorcist, he changes into a man holding a sharp sword in his hand. He speaks to the summoner while standing on burning ashes or coals.

This demon is well built and his wings are covered with gold bands. He loves jewelry and wears lots of them. He is often covered with gold dust and a powerful aura. Also, he flies with great speed.


  • He teaches the witch how to communicate with animals.
  • Caim is an expert in hydromancy and he teaches the summoner to understand the movement of waves and noise of waters.
  • Caim is a demon that can foresee the future so he giveth true answers on things to come.
  • He rules over pyromancy and blesses the witch with excellent intuition.
  • He teaches his followers the art of astral projection.
  • He guides the witch on how to assume the forms of beasts and how to fly in dreams.
  • Being a demon that loves arguing, he guides the witch on how to become a diplomat and a good debater. This is useful in handling legal matters.

Working with Caim:

Caim is an excellent witchcraft spirit, bound to the earth. He is one spirit that can’t be neglected because of his great knowledge of the earth and things found in it.

This demon can be invoked for any sort of divination rituals and he is bound to provide true answers. His summoning ritual should be done preferably at night and during his most active planetary season. You can set up your altar using his attributed substances as mentioned above.

His sigil is also a very important item for this ritual as this demon is known to appear where ever his seal is drawn. Call out to him while reciting his demonic enn, alongside any other chant of your choice. When he appears, you can discuss your request with him and also listen to what he has to tell you. Would you like to learn the effective steps in summoning a demon? If yes, click here.

A summoner would most likely experience increased visitations and appearance of birds few days after working with Camio.

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  • https://vkjehannum. wordpress. com/2017/05/29/caim-goetia-53/]
  • http://www.angelfire.  com /empire/serpentis666/DEMONV.html
  • http://occult-  world.  com/demons/caym-camio
  • https://www. deliriumsrealm. com/camio/
  • http://www.  occultopedia. com/c/caim.htm
  • https://  demonsanddemonolatry.  com/demon-of-the-night-president-camio-night-demon/

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