Chenor appears within a hierarchy of forty-five demons who are also referred to as the “Standard Set” within certain accounts. More specifically, Chenor’s sigil appears as the twenty-fourth within this hierarchy. It’s important to note that the standard set hierarchy is a fusion of multiple styles of demons, and some authors describe him as one of the amulet angels, a guardian of the West.
To help you with your research, we will share the popular image of the original standard set at the end of this article.
He is a rather obscure demon of whom not much is known except that when he is summoned, he is invisible and the conjuror only experiences an energetic presence. He is said to initially begin by mocking the medium and this is where mental fortitude is most required.
Chenor is described as the “Demon of Manifest Desires” or the “Granter of Wishes” within most texts. He can also grant fortune, fame, and success as per the medium’s request. He can also be called forth for more lustful purposes. The demon is capable of seeing the true desires of any human and can therefore either grant a wish expressly or deny it outright. The demon’s true nature is malevolent as he is described as being selfish. One must therefore be prepared to face the repercussions of getting their exact wishes or desires.
Rank: 24th demon within the Standard Set
Serves Under: He is one of 12 servitors of Macariel, chief duke and commander of 400 servitors of his own.
Color: Black
Element: Air
Other Names: Chenor, Chemor, Claniel
Not much is known regarding Chenor as his sigil appears within the lowest left corner of the Standard Set. This is consistent with there being no credible knowledge regarding the origins of the sigils depicted within this hierarchy.
There are no correlations between this demon and old Graeco-Roman mythologies or ancient Middle Eastern textual accounts.
Like the other demons however, it is plausible that he was an older pagan god who was demonized with the spread of Christianity across the Middle Ages.
Since not much is known regarding this demon, it is advisable that only the most experienced of conjurors attempt to summon him – this is all the more noteworthy considering that the demon’s true nature is that of selfishness thus implying malevolence. It is therefore advisable to show him the most respect in order to minimize the likelihood of malevolence, punitive or otherwise. In so doing, it is also possible to increase the chance of a desirable outcome when dealing with Chenor.
As previously stated, this demon manifests as an invisible but energetic presence which can be felt by the conjuror. One of the telling signs of his manifestation is that he begins by mocking the conjuror whereupon the conjurur must tighten their mental resolve.
Other sources say he appears as a dragon “with a virgin’s head”. (1)
Sigil of Chenor
The only known symbol associated with this demon is his sigil which appears as the twenty-fourth within the “Standard Set” on the lower left corner.
There are no other mentions of Chenor within major grimoires.

The Demonic Enn of Chenor
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Chenor
Veni, veni, o comitis Chenor
Attributes of Chenor
- Chenor is a very obscure demon and has thus been linked to demons within other orders such as Naberius – the twenty-fourth Goetia demon – although they are evidently dissimilar.
- The similarity between his sigil and that of Buer – the tenth Goetia demon – although these are also entirely different entities. The sigils are both based on an “L” shape which is dissected by lines at various points.
- He has also been likened to Chamor who is a member of the six servitor dukes of the wandering air prince Menadiel. Chamor appears during the fifth hour of the day and is followed by his partner Baruch within the next hour. He is therefore unlikely to be the same entity.
- Chenor is decidedly selfish and capable of seeing through the human essence. By seeing one’s true desires and motives, he is able to grant wishes in a deceitful manner if one chooses to withhold relevant information from him during rituals.
Summoning Chenor
This demon is capable of granting one’s wishes is any capacity they desire. Manifest desires such as lust, success, fame, and fortune are his specialties. But remember, it is said He knows the true and selfish intentions of humans and will grant a wish in exchange for something of equivalent value.
Ritual Time: There are no specified time periods given for this demon and it is unknown whether he is nocturnal, diurnal, or both.
Items Required
- Black candle
- Consecrated rope
- The sigil of the demon
- As with every other demon, it is necessary to accord this demon its respect. This not only prevents / reduces malevolent intent but also increases the likelihood of desired outcomes.
- Care should also be taken by the conjuror to protect themselves from otherworldly energies. This is done through mentally envisioning a protection circle and entering it.
- Over-reliance on this demon’s energy is not advisable as it has been posited to cause one to age faster.
- One should meditate in preparation for performing this invocation ritual in addition to balancing the chakras. Alternatively, one may use breathing exercises.
- The conjuror should find a silent place within the house safe from disturbances – presumably spacey to emphasize the element of air.
- The rope (presumably consecrated) should be laid in the shape of the demon’s sigil conspicuously atop the altar.
- The black candle(s) should be placed at all the points of the sigil where circles appear.
- Upon lighting the candles, the conjuror should begin chanting the demon’s invocations slowly in a humming fashion.
- The demon manifests as an energetic presence filling the elements and begins by mocking the conjuror although he can be compelled.
- The conjuror should state their wishes in a calculated manner although it is necessary to tell the demon the absolute truth because he is able to see through the human essence.
- The demon should be allowed to depart and set to work after hearing the desires of the medium whereupon he can set to work.
The Standard Set

Similar demons to Chenor
- Image source: